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ChapterQuestions Grammar-Tense
Chapter NameTenses Questions

Questions & Answers based on Class 7 English Grammar-Tense

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English-MCQ on Tenses

Write the option you consider the most appropriate.

Q1. Reema has just

a) left the room.

b) leaving the room.

c) will leave the room.

d) been left the room.

Ans. a

Any action completed in the immediate past with the use of ‘ just’ is the Present Perfect Tense.

Q2. I have never

a) being to Singapore.

b) go to Singapore.

c) been to Singapore.

d) going to Singapore.

Ans. c

Present Perfect Tense is used to express past actions whose time is not given and not definite.

Q3. She has been

a) water the plants for two hours.

b) watering the plants for two hours.

c) is watering the plants for two hours.

d) watered the plants for two hours.

Ans. b

Any action that began at some time in the past and is still continuing is the Present Perfect Continuous Tense form.

Q4. Priya has

a) cutting her finger with the knife.

b) cut her finger with the knife.

c) been cut her finger with the knife.

d) being cut her finger with the knife.

Ans. b

Present Perfect Tense is used to describe past events when we think more of their effect in the present than of the action itself. In this sentence we use (has or have + past participle).

Q5. That pipe

a) has been leaking for two hours

b)was leaked for two hours.

c) will be leak for two hours.

d)is leaking for two hours.

Ans. a

Any action that began at some time in the past and is still continuing is the Present Perfect Continuous Tense form.

Q6. The headmaster

a) will meeting the students in the afternoon.

b) is meet the students in the afternoon.

c) was meet the students in the afternoon.

d) will be meeting the students in the afternoon.

Ans. b

Future continuous tense is used to express a definite arrangement in the near future.

Q7. Rohit is always

a) waste his time in gossips.

b) wasted his time in gossips.

c) wasting his time in gossips.

d) will waste his time in gossips.

Ans. c

The sentence denotes that the action is still continuing so we shall use present continuous tense.

Q8. The prisoners

a) have escaped from the jail.

b) has escaped from the jail.

c) have being escaped from the jail.

d) have escape from the jail.

Ans. a

Present Perfect Tense is used to express past actions or events, the results of which still persist.

Q9. She is shivering because

a) she is been dancing in the rain for an hour.

b) she have been dancing in the rain for an hour.

c) she has been dancing in the rain for an hour.

d) she was been dancing in the rain for an hour.

Ans. c

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time.

Q10. Have you

a) be learning Spanish for a long time?

b) being learning Spanish for a long time?

c) be learn Spanish for a long time?

d) been learning Spanish for a long time?

Ans. d

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time.

Q11. She was always

a) coming at odd hours.

b) come at odd hours.

c) Came at odd hours.

d) been coming at odd hours.

Ans. a

Past Continuous Tense is used to express an often repeated past action.

Q12. While I was doing my homework, my

a) brother was been playing outside.

b) brother was play outside.

c) brother was playing outside.

d) brother is playing outside.

Ans. c

Past Continuous Tense is used to express two or more actions in progress at the same time.

Q13. I had locked all the rooms

a) before I leave the house.

b) before I leaving the house.

c) before I am left the house.

d) before I left the house.

Ans. d

Past Perfect Tense is used to express an action in the past which was completed before another action, also in the past.

Q14. I wish

a) I had listened to my father’s advice.

b) I listen to my father’s advice.

c) I had been listened to my father’s advice.

d) I have listened to my father’s advice.

Ans. a

Past Perfect Tense is used to express unfulfilled desires of the past.

Q15. The Prime Minister

a) is to visiting South Africa next month.

b) will be visiting South Africa next month.

c) is to visit South Africa next month.

d) is to visited South Africa next month.

Ans. c

Future Continuous Tense is used to express an action which will occur in the normal course.

Q16. We

a) will know our exam results in May.

b) will be know our exam results in May.

c) will knew our exam results in May.

d) was know our exam results in May.

Ans. a

Simple Future Tense is used to talk about things which expresses the future action.

Q17. At that time

a) he had writing a novel for two months.

b) he had been writing a novel for two months.

c) he has being writing a novel for two months.

d) he had writing a novel for two months.

Ans. b

The Past Perfect Continuous tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time.

Q18. When

a) do the coffee house reopen?

b) is the coffee house reopen?

c) does the coffee house reopen?

d) was the coffee house reopen?

Ans. c

Simple Present Tense is used to express a future event that is a part of a fixed timetable or fixed programme.

Q19. I suppose

a) it will raining when we start.

b) it will be rain when we start.

c) it was raining when we start.

d) it will be raining when we start.

Ans. d

Future Continuous Tense is used to talk about actions which will be in progress at a time in the future.

Q20. Babar

a) defeated Rana Sanga at Kanwaha.

b) defeat Rana Sanga at Kanwaha.

c) defeating Rana Sanga at Kanwaha.

d) was defeat Rana Sanga at Kanwaha.

Ans. a

Simple Past Tense is used to indicate an action completed in the past.

Q21. They

a) will learning to swim.

b) is learning to swim.

c) are learning to swim.

d) is being learn to swim.

Ans. c

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense is used for a currently occurring action (which may not necessarily be happening at the moment of speaking).

Q22. The boys

a) is playing cricket.

b) are playing cricket.

c) will playing cricket.

d) was playing cricket.

Ans. b

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense is used for an action taking place at the moment of speaking.

Q23. Sheeba

a) is having her lunch when you called up.

b) having her lunch when you called up.

c) has her lunch when you called up.

d) was having her lunch when you called up.

Ans. d

The past continuous tense is used to denote an action going on at some time in the past. The time of the action may or may not be indicated.

Q24. Next Sunday

a) we will be in Kerala enjoying our holiday.

b) we will in Kerala enjoying our holiday.

c) we are in Kerala enjoying our holiday.

d) we will been in Kerala enjoying our holiday.

Ans. a

Future Continuous Tense is used to talk about actions which will be in progress at a time in the future.

Q25. He has

a) decide to buy a car.

b) decides to buy a car.

c) decided to buy a car.

d) deciding to buy a car.

Ans. c

The Present Perfect is formed by using the auxiliary verb have/has and the -ed form of the regular verb.

Q26. I had

a) celebrated this kind of Holi only five years back.

b) celebrate this kind of Holi only five years back.

c) celebrating this kind of Holi only five years back.

d) been celebrate this kind of Holi only five years back.

Ans. a

Past Perfect Tense describes an action completed before a certain moment in the past.

Q27. You shall

a) finished your practice by then.

b) have finished your practice by then.

c) has finished your practice by then.

d) have being finished your practice by then.

Ans. b

The Future Perfect Tense is used to talk about actions that will be completed by a certain future time.

Q28. I have been

a) fly a kite since morning.

b) flew a kite since morning.

c) flys a kite since morning.

d) flying a kite since morning.

Ans. d

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is often used (with for or since) to describe how long something has been happening until now.

Q29. Sunil wished

a) he has obeyed his elders.

b) he have obeyed his elders.

c) he had obeyed his elders.

d) he will obeyed his elders.

Ans. c

Past Perfect Tense is used to express unfulfilled desires of the past.

Q30. The Chief Minister

a) is arrive here tonight.

b) is arriving here tonight.

c) will arriving here tonight.

d) is arrived here tonight.

Ans. b

Future Continuous Tense is used to express a definite arrangement in the near future.

Q31. Did you

a) have seen my watch anywhere?

b) seen my watch anywhere?

c) saw my watch anywhere?

d) see my watch anywhere?

Ans. d

The sentence is in Simple Past Tense. ‘Did’ is always used with the first form of the verb (Did + see).

Q32. Before you go to see him, he

a) have been left for England.

b) will have leaving for England.

c) will have left for England.

d) will have leave for England.

Ans. c

The Future Perfect Tense is used to express an action which is expected to be completed by a certain time in future.

Q33. Will you be

a) going to the market today?

b) go to the market today?

c) gone to the market today?

d) was going to the market today?

Ans. a

In the interrogative sentence, the future continuous tense expresses a polite question and not a request or invitation.

Q34. If he had left earlier, he

a) will have reached in time.

b) was have reached in time.

c) would have reached in time.

d) have been reached in time.

Ans. c

The Past Perfect Tense is used to express impossible conditions of the past.

Q35. She always

a) had carried a pink umbrella.

b) carried a pink umbrella.

c) carry a pink umbrella.

d) was carried a pink umbrella.

Ans. b

Simple Past tense is used to express a past habit.

Q36. How long

a) has you been watching TV?

b) have you being watching TV?

c) are you been watching TV?

d) have you been watching TV?

Ans. d

The Present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action which began sometime in the past and is still continuing.

Q37. I

a) will wrote a letter to you every week.

b) will writing a letter to you every week.

c) will write a letter to you every week.

d) will written a letter to you every week.

Ans. c

The Simple Future Tense expresses future. ‘Will’ with the first person expresses intention or promise or determination.

Q38. I don’t think it

a) will look nice on me.

b) will looking nice on me.

c) will be look nice on me.

d) was look nice on me.

Ans. a

Simple Future Tense is used to express the speaker’s opinion or assumption about future.

Q39. By next June he

a) will writing his third novel.

b) will wrote his third novel.

c) will have written his third novel.

d) will written his third novel.

Ans. c

The Future Perfect Tense is used to express an action which is expected to be completed by a certain time in future.

Q40. Rohan, what have you

a) done all these months?

b) did all these months?

c) doing all these months?

d) do all these months?

Ans. a

The Present Perfect Tense is used to express past actions or events, the results of which still persist.

Q41. I always

a) took tea without sugar.

b) taken tea without sugar.

c) take tea without sugar.

d) taking tea without sugar.

Ans. c

Simple Present Tense is used to express habitual action.

Q42. She is

a) go to London next month.

b) going to London next month.

c) gone to London next month.

d) will going to London next month.

Ans. b

The Present Continuous Tense is used to express a definite arrangement in the near future.

Q43. Have you

a) has your breakfast?

b) have your breakfast?

c) had been your breakfast?

d) had your breakfast?

Ans. d

The Present Perfect Tense is used to express past actions or events when the time is not given and not definite.

Q44. It has

a) be raining since 6 a.m.

b) been rain since 6 a.m.

c) been raining since 6 a.m.

d) being raining since 6 a.m.

Ans. c

The Present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action which began sometime in the past and is still continuing.

Q45. I

a) bought this coat in London.

b) buy this coat in London.

c) had buy this coat in London.

d) will bought this coat in London.

Ans. a

Simple Past Tense is used when the time is not given, but it is implied and definite.

Q46. Geeta was

a) play in the garden when her father came.

b) played in the garden when her father came.

c) had play in the garden when her father came.

d) playing in the garden when her father came.

Ans. d

The Past Continuous Tense is used to express an action that was in progress at some time in the past.

Q47. I have just

a) go through your script. It’s an excellent composition.

b) going through your script. It’s an excellent composition.

c) gone through your script. It’s an excellent composition.

d) went through your script. It’s an excellent composition.

Ans. c

The Present Perfect Tense is used to express a recently completed action (often with ‘just’).

Q48. I have

a) been standing here for hours.

b) being standing here for hours.

c) be standing here for hours.

d) was standing here for hours.

Ans. a

The Present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action which began sometime in the past and is still continuing.

Q49. Before taking breakfast, I

a) has already studied for two hours.

b) have been already studied for two hours.

c) had already studied for two hours.

d) will already studied for two hours.

Ans. c

The Past Perfect Tense is used to express the correct order for the earlier event.

Q50. He always

a) ask for a ride when father would come home from office.

b) asked for a ride when father would come home from office.

c) asking for a ride when father would come home from office.

d) was ask for a ride when father would come home from office.

Ans. b

Simple Past Tense is used for repeated events in the past.

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