NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology – Chapter-wise PDF Download

Now that you have come across class 11, you must be wondering about getting accurate solutions for your NCERT textbooks. We are here with the best and most accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology.

If you love Biology and have sincerely appreciated Biology, then the NCERT Biology Solutions for Class 11 will make you grow your friendship with Biology even more than before. With our solutions provided on our website, you will undoubtedly be able to learn and easily grasp the ideas and concepts behind each topic given in the pdf. Find subject-wise NCERT Solutions for class 11 prepared by HT experts. 

Class 11 is a class that plays an essential role in getting the conceptual clarity of the topics which are to be studied in Class 12. For CBSE students, It is when the students choose their stream for their prospects. They have several doubts in their mind about which career to choose. Once they choose their path, they work hard to perform their best in their field. Sometimes they find it challenging to solve NCERT solutions, where CBSE NCERT Solutions Class 11 comes in, to help students get rid of this issue and start earning good marks in the Class 11 exams.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Textbooks Chapters – Free PDF Download

Considering everything, the 11th grade is a last-minute precursor representing the accurate picture of the last school year, the 12th grade. Each parent and teacher begin to pressure students on the board examinations of the twelfth grade. They want their kids to interact with Class 11, which can be incredibly important to students. It is where every student should start setting his or her test scores to do well in school, so the NCERT Solutions 11th grade is essential.

Chapter-wise Biology Class NCERT Solutions PDF Chapter List

  • Chapter 1 The Living World
  • Chapter 2 Biological Classification
  • Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom
  • Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom
  • Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Chapter 7 Structural Organisation in Animals
  • Chapter 8 Cell The Unit of Life
  • Chapter 9 Biomolecules
  • Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  • Chapter 11 Transport in Plants
  • Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition
  • Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Chapter 14 Respiration in Plants
  • Chapter 15 Plant Growth and Development
  • Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption
  • Chapter 17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  • Chapter 18 Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Chapter 19 Excretory Products and their Elimination
  • Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement
  • Chapter 21 Neural Control and Coordination
  • Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and integration

Benefits of NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology

It is a known fact that NCERT textbooks always help the students understand the concept deeply. The questions are designed so that students learn a lot from the concepts behind each question.

On our website, the NCERT Class 11 Biology solutions contain an in-depth analysis of each question to help students understand the core concepts of the questions and prepare them to deal with the same question in many ways. This approach makes the solution PDFs unique and essential.

Conceptual clarity gives a student confidence in their knowledge, which helps the students do well in their examinations.

We will help you to achieve the same with the expert-designed pdf materials.

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology Chapter Description and Details

Class 11 Biology consists of two parts one is zoology and the second is botany both parts are important for the CBSE board as well as competitive exams. Let us understand what are you going to learn from these chapters.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Biological Classification

Fundamentals of animal classification

Levels of body organization-Following are the different levels of organization in animals from simpler to complex states:

  1. Protoplasmic grade – In this grade, all life activities are confined within the boundaries of a single cell which is a structural and functional unit of life. e.g. Protozoa and other unicellular organism.
  2. Cellular grade – It is a loose association or aggregation of cells that are functionally differentiated, e.g. sponges.
  3. Tissue grade – An aggregation of cells which act in coordination. e.g. Cnidarians.
  4. Tissue-organ grade – When tissues aggregate to form a particular organ. First appeared in Platyhelminthes.
  5. Organ system grade – When organs work together to perform some common function such as digestion, respiration, circulation etc. e.g., most of the higher animals.

Body Plan

  1. Cell Aggregate Body plan – The body is made up of cells (Aggregate) and each cell act almost independently. e.g. Porifera (sponges)
  2. Blind Sac – The body resembles a sac and contains a single cavity with one opening that serves for ingestion and egestion e.g., Cnidaria (Hydra), Platyhelminthes (flatworms).
  3. Tube within a tube – The body is made up of two tubes, the outer body wall and the inner digestive tract. e.g. Annelida

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants

Flowering plants are multi-cellular organisms which grow by cell division. Their morphological features and traits are genetically determined. “Morphology is one of the most interesting branches of Biology and may almost be said to be its very soul”- Charles Darwin. Morphology plays a key role in the classification of plants. This unit includes the important morphological features, organization of body parts of the flowering plants, their internal structure and tissue system. In this unit, you will also learn how to describe a flowering plant, using examples from selected families, and how different organs of plants are modified to serve specific needs, including defense from their enemies. Some ideas about the economic importance of selected plant families can also be known.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants

The study of the internal structure of plant parts, called anatomy includes histology, that is, the organization and structure of tissues, which compose the second level of organization of the plant body. Anatomy is not only useful in knowing the structural peculiarities of different groups of plants but also indicates the structural adaptations of plants to external stresses. It is also useful for knowing homology and analogy and that has solved several taxonomic problems.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 8 Cell The Unit of Life

The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Cells within a single plant or animal vary widely in structure and function, they all represent units of living material and have important properties in common. Both plant and animal cells are essentially alike in terms of having the same type of organelles which functions in a very universal way and carry genes which pass the character of one generation to another generation.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 9 Biomolecules

The study of the living world shows that evolution has produced an immense diversity of forms. There are about four million different species of bacteria, protozoa, plants and animals that differ in their morphology, function and behaviors. The cell is the fundamental, structural, and functional unit of living organisms, just as the atom is the fundamental unit of matter. When living organisms are studied at the cellular and molecule levels there is a unique master plan of organization. Besides living things are composed of lifeless molecules cells are self-sufficient and autonomous but gradually become more dependent on another cell for their existence. The scope of cell and molecular biology is precisely that unifying organizational plan – in other words, the analysis of the cells and molecules constitute the building blocks of all forms of life.

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Life has an immense variety of forms that arose by the process of biological evolution but all living organisms share a master plan of structural and functional organization. The building blocks–cells and molecules bridge the diversity of the living world. Besides the cellular, chemical and molecular analogy, each type of cell organelle have the same function throughout the living world.. Cell and organelle have their internal environment distinct from the external environment. Biological membranes functions as boundaries between the external and internal environment of the cell. Organisms maintain homoeostasis at each level of the organization. Every cell requires energy for its working and maintenance of the organization. Energy is obtained by living cells from food molecules through aerobic and anaerobic respiration and liberated energy is trapped by ATP molecules, which are used for various cell functions. Thus life can exist and express itself only in the form of cells and so cell and molecular biology have become the basic pillars on which biological and medical sciences are based. Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

Biology Class 11 NCERT Solutions Chapter 18 Body Fluids and Circulation

Circulatory systems in various groups of animals can be classified as follows:

  1. Intracellular circulation: Occurs inside the individual cells where the distribution of substances is through cyclosis of cell cytoplasm. Example – Protozoans.
  2. Extracellular circulation: When the distribution of the substances occurs inside the body through extracellular or intracellular fluids. This is of the following types

a) Extra organismic circulation: When the water of the external environment circulates through the body. This is also called a water circulation system. Example – canal system in Porifera, water vascular system in Echinoderms and gastrovascular system in coelenterates.

b) Intra-organismic circulation: It involves the circulation of body fluids. It is of the following types:

  1. Parenchymal circulation: In Platyhelminthes, the fluid-filled spaces present in the mesodermal parenchyma tissue between the body wall and internal organs are used in the distribution of substances.
  2. Coelomic circulation: Coelomic fluid is concerned with the transport of substances. Example – pseudocoelomic fluid in the roundworms and haemolymph in Arthropods.
  3. Blood vascular system: It contains blood and a pumping structure (heart) for the circulation of materials inside the body. It is of the following types:
  1. Open circulatory system
  2. Closed circulatory system

What is the syllabus of NCERT class 11 Biology?

There are 22 chapters in NCERT class 12 Biology divided into different units. NCERT Solutions for Biology can help class 11 students solve these chapters. Expert educators prepare these solutions.

How much do I have to pay to get the NCERT solutions pdf online?

We are not charging anything from you for the PDFs. We are providing them free of cost so that genuine students can benefit from them.

We bring you the NCERT Class 11 Biology subject solutions free of cost.

You can start your preparation with these solutions and can get maximum marks in your examinations. If you have any doubt regarding our website, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Where will I get the NCERT Solution for Class 11 Biology complete PDF?

Here at, we have provided the complete NCERT Solution for Class 11 Biology in PDF form, including a Chapter-wise solution for class 11 and a worksheet for the students to exercise these questions. You can download these solutions in your language.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Academic Resources 2023-24

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely Not, Biology in class 11 consists of two parts one is zoology and the second is botany, and both parts almost consist of equal chapters. To excel in biology class 11 start with NCERT textbook chapter 1 and start making notes of all important points, do solve the questions asked in the NCERT textbook by yourself with the revision of your notes of the chapter. With the systematic preparation of the chapter biology of class 11 will be easy for you. 

There are several good books for class 11 Biology out of which all most all teachers and experts suggest NCERT textbooks for class 11 Biology. Apart from the NCERT textbook students can solve additional MCQ-based questions from MTG MCQ questions that will help them to revise faster. 

Class 11 Biology consists of 22 chapters in the NCERT textbook and of which a few chapters need more attention such as Chapter 2 Biological Classification, Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom, Chapter 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants, Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants Chapter 8 Cell The Unit of Life, Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Chapter 11 Transport in Plants, Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Chapter 18 Body Fluids and Circulation, Chapter 19 Excretory Products and their Elimination, Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement, Chapter 21 Neural Control and Coordination.

To get the best NCERT solutions for class 11 biology check out the NCERT page. It consists of chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 11 Biology all the questions asked in the NCERT exercise are solved with the required details given in the NCERT textbook exercise and the questions are solved by the expert's teachers which is rechecked by subject matter experts to ensure errorless and best solutions. You can download the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 11 Biology in just one click.