Chapter Wise CBSE Worksheet for class 7 English

Class 7 English Grammar Worksheets

This page is prepared by the experts of HT and consists of a Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar. If you want a good foundation in a language subject like English, then you must have a very good foundation in English grammar. To help you our experts prepared Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar which consists of MCQ-based questions with detailed explanations and helps you to build the concept of grammar. Before solving the MCQ-based questions read the NCERT textbook and solve all the questions asked in the textbook with the help of NCERT Solutions for class 7 English

Syllabus of class 7 English Grammars

Grammar is an important part of class 7 English syllabus. The topics included under the English Grammar section of CBSE Class 7 are as follows:




Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative)

Modal Auxiliaries

Word order in sentence types

Reported speech

Linking Words

Adverbs (place and type)

Tense forms

Find Questions based on class 7 English Grammar

1. The view from here is breathtaking. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

 a) absolutely. 

 b) alas.

 c) ouch.

 d) what.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘absolutely’ is used as a strong way of saying 'yes'.

2. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth widely and …... The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) achoo. 

b) ah.

c) aha.

d) eh.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘achoo’ is used to represent the sound of a sneeze.

3. That must have hurt. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) alas.

b) er.

c) uh-oh.

d) ah.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘ah’ is used to express understanding.

4. You are hiding here. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) alas.

b) oops.

c) aha.

d) bravo.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘aha’ is used when one suddenly finds something.

5. Dhyanchand was a wizard. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) hello.

b) ah.

c) agreed.

d) hush.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘agreed’ is used as a strong way of saying 'yes'.

6. There is nothing in the refrigerator. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) hi.

b) hurrah.

c) hush.

d) alas.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘alas’ expresses a feeling of sadness.

7. You will take care of the guests. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) amen.

b) hurrah.

c) alright.

d) wow.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘alright’ is used for expressing approval of what has been said. 

8. May his soul rest in peace. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) amen.

b) hurrah.

c) alas.

d) hush.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘amen’ is said at the end of a prayer to express agreement with what has been said.

9. I look awful in this dress. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) amen.

b) wow.

c) shucks.

d) alas.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘shucks’ is an expression of disgust.

10. I had given up all hope when …… - my friend suddenly called me up. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) bingo.

b) absolutely.

c) agreed.

d) oops.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘bingo’ is an expression of surprise and, usually, pleasure.

MCQ Based Questions and Answer for Class 7 English Grammar Set-2

11. When I sneezed in the train, my co-passenger said,"……." The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) amen.

b) absolutely.

c) agreed.

d) bless you.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘bless you’ is something you say to a person who has just sneezed.

12. She came from behind and shouted ….. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) boo.

b) wow.

c) alas.

d) hello.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘boo’ is used to surprise and frighten someone who does not know you are near them.

13. You left the audience spellbound. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

 a) shucks.

 b) bravo.

 c) alas.

 d) bingo.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘bravo’ is used to express one’s pleasure when someone, especially a performer, has done something well.

14. "Pratyush is in Perth." "…?" The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) eh.

b) ah me.

c) for shame.

d) well done.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘eh’ is used to express surprise or confusion.

15. This place has just about everything. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) oops.

b) shucks.

c) goodness.

d) eh.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘eh’ is used as a way of getting someone to give some type of reaction to a statement that you have made.

16. What a long queue. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) ouch.

b) goodness.

c) wow.

d) hush.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘goodness’ is used to express any strong emotion, especially surprise.

17. This boy is so cheeky. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) oops.

b) goodness.

c) what.

d) agreed.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘goodness’ is used to express any strong emotion, especially surprise.

18. This is really disgusting. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) oops.

b) ouch.

c) gracious.

d) wow.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘gracious’ is used to emphasise what is being said.

19. She looks so emaciated. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) phew.

b) gosh.

c) boo.

d) oops.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘gosh’ is used to express strength of feeling.

20. The car has finally started. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) ha.

b) amen.

c) hi.

d) oops.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘ha’ is used to express a feeling of victory or satisfaction.

MCQ Based Questions and Answer for Class 7 English Grammar Set-3

21. Can I park my scooter here? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) cheers.

b) congratulations.

c) there.

d) hey.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘hey’ is used as a way of attracting someone's attention.

22. How has the day been so far? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) congratulations.

b) goodness.

c) gosh.

d) hi.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘hi’ is used as an informal greeting, usually to people who you know. 

23. Her name is ……… Moushumi. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) what.

b) hi.

c) hmm.

d) wow.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘hmm’ is something you say when you pause while talking.

24. I don’t know which one to choose. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) hmm.

b) boo.

c) hi.

d) hurrah.

Ans: a)The interjection ‘hmm’ is used when one is uncertain.

25. Isn’t this baby very cute? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) huh.

b) hmm.

c) oops.

d) ouch.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘huh’ is used when you want someone to agree with what you have said.

26. I won’t go to watch that film. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) nah.

b) hurrah.

c) hello.

d) oops.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘nah’ is a way of saying no.

27. I did not notice that you have shaved your moustache off. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) shh.

b) aw.

c) hush.

d) oops.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘oops’ is an expression of surprise.

28. The paint is still wet. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) oops.

b) ouch.

c) shh.

d) thanks.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘oops’ is an expression of feeling sorry about a mistake.

29. I have cut my finger. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) oops.

b) amen.

c) shucks.

d) gosh.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘oops’ is used in case of a slight accident.

30. My back is aching. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) ouch.

b) shh.

c) hmm.

d) hello.

Ans: a)The interjection ‘ouch’ is used to express sudden physical pain.

MCQ Based Questions and Answer for Class 7 English Grammar Set-4

31. It was too tiring. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) phew.

b) shh.

c) aha.

d) oops.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘phew’ is used when one is tired.

32. You will dirty my clothes. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) shoo.

b) ow.

c) aha.

d) huh.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘shoo’ is said to animals to make them go away.

33. I could have done much better. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) what.

b) who cares.

c) great.

d) shucks.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘shucks’ is an expression of disappointment.

34. The plane has finally taken off. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) there.

b) help.

c) ouch.

d) oops.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘there’ is used to express satisfaction.

35. This plan won’t work. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) aha.

b) what.

c) as you wish.

d) tut tut.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘tut tut’ is used to suggest disapproval.

36. The school is closed for the next 10 days. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) what.

b) alas.

c) er.

d) hmm.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘what’ expresses a sudden feeling of surprise.

37. This song is so melodious. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) hi.

b) wow.

c) ouch.

d) er.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘wow’ is used to show pleasure.

38. This top floor is burning. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) phew.

b) ouch.

c) goodbye.

d) hurrah.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘phew’ is used when it is quite hot.

39. What have you done? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) yo.

b) shucks.

c) hi.

d) er.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘shucks’ is used to express anger. 

40. Who has drawn this painting? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) aha.

b) oops.

c) hi.

d) wow.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘wow’ is used to show surprise. 

MCQ Based Questions and Answer for Class 7 English Grammar Set-5

41. The summer vacation has begun. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) hurrah.

b) ouch.

c) oops.

d) hello.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘hurrah’ is used to express excitement.

42. Are you listening to me? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) hello.

b) oops.

c) ouch.

d) hurrah.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘hello’ is used to attract someone’s attention.

43. Do you know what you are saying? The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) oops.

b) ouch.

c) hello.

d) hi.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘hello’ is said to someone who has just done something stupid, especially something that shows they are not noticing what is happening around them.

44. May I help you cross the road. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) please.

b) cheers.

c) shucks.

d) shoo.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘please’ is used when one accepts something politely or enthusiastically. 

45. You have been selected. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) aha.

b) hush.

c) alas.

d) congratulations.

Ans: d) The interjection ‘congratulations’ is something that you say when you want to congratulate someone.

46. We will soon meet again. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) goodbye.

b) ouch.

c) aha.

d) gracious.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘goodbye’ is used when someone leaves.

47. That is a terrible decision. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) hello.

b) what.

c) oh dear.

d) bravo.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘oh dear’ is used to express disappointment.

48. I have never seen such a huge campus. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) hmm.

b) my, oh, my.

c) eh.

d) er.

Ans: b) The interjection ‘my’ is used to express surprise or pleasure.

49. We have repaired your television. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is

a) thanks.

b) eh.

c) gracious.

d) please.

Ans: a) The interjection ‘thanks’ is something that you say to show that you are grateful for something.

50. The gate is locked. The interjection that can be used in this sentence is 

a) wow.

b) hush.

c) uh-oh.

d) ouch.

Ans: c) The interjection ‘uh-oh’ is used when a person realises that they have done something wrong or made a mistake.

Frequently Asked Questions

To download the chapter-wise Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar checks out the above page you will get the list of chapters from the class-7 subject-English Grammar click on the link given in the chapter and download the free pdf in just one click. 

Yes, all experts and teachers of class- 7 recommend the NCERT textbook for the CBSE board to score good marks in the school along with additional practice from Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar

The best way to use Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar is to read the theory part of the textbook and try to solve all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook by yourself and solve all MCQ questions asked in Worksheet for class 7 English Grammar