Indian National Astronomy Olympiad

Introduction to the Indian National Astronomy Olympiad

The Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO) is an annual competition for high school students in India who have a keen interest in astronomy and astrophysics. INAO serves as a platform to identify and nurture young talents in these fields and to select the Indian team that will represent the country at the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). Here are some key points about the Indian National Astronomy Olympiad:

Objective: The primary objective of INAO is to encourage and recognize students with a passion for astronomy and astrophysics. It aims to select and prepare the Indian team for participation in the international competition, IOAA.

Eligibility: INAO is typically open to Indian students who are in the 11th or 12th grade. Eligibility criteria may vary slightly from year to year, and students must meet age requirements.

Exam Format: The INAO competition usually consists of a theoretical examination. Theoretical exams include multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and more in-depth problems that assess participants' knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics concepts.

National Selection: INAO serves as the first stage in the selection process for forming the Indian team for IOAA. Top-performing students in INAO are selected to undergo further training and evaluation.

Training Camp: After the INAO exam, selected students are invited to participate in a rigorous training camp where they receive specialized coaching, guidance, and exposure to advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics.

International Representation: The students who perform exceptionally well at the training camp are chosen to represent India at the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). IOAA is an international competition involving students from around the world.

Benefits: Participation in INAO offers several benefits, including recognition for academic excellence in astronomy, the opportunity to interact with like-minded students and mentors, and the potential for further academic and career opportunities in astronomy and astrophysics.

Preparation: Preparing for INAO requires a deep understanding of astronomy and astrophysics concepts. Students often engage in self-study, receive guidance from mentors, and practice with past INAO questions to excel in the competition.

Promotion of Astronomy Education: INAO plays a vital role in promoting the study of astronomy and astrophysics among young students in India, fostering their interest in these fields.

Official Body: INAO is typically organized and administered by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) or other relevant educational authorities.

Participating in INAO and representing India at IOAA can be a prestigious achievement for students interested in astronomy and astrophysics. It provides them with a valuable platform to showcase their knowledge and skills and opens doors to further educational and career opportunities in the field of astronomy.

Syllabus of INAO

Syllabus for Physics

The syllabus for INAO physics is extensive and covers a wide range of complex topics ranging from electromagnetics to thermodynamics, so a thorough study plan is required to prepare for the exam.

Topics covered in physics are:

Capacitance, energy stored in a capacitor, parallel plate capacitors

Circular motion and kinematics of circular motion

Current electricity and its temperature dependence

Kirchoff’s current law and voltage law

Electromagnetic waves, electrostatic field, electric field, and electric potential

Measurement errors and maximum permissible error

Geometrical optics, Plane and Spherical Mirrors, Optical Instruments and Eye Defects

Kinematics, Thermodynamics, and Kinetic Theory of Gasses

Fluid Mechanics and Archimedes Principle

Heat Transfer, Steffen’s and Wien’s Law

Force and Newton’s laws of motion

Heating, magnetic, and chemical effects of electric current

Projectile Motion, relative motion in one and two-dimension

Surface Energy and surface tension

Units and dimensions of physical quantities

Syllabus for Maths

The mathematics syllabus for INAO is diverse, ranging from basic to advanced topics from 5th to 12th grade. The INAO exam contains various questions from the mathematics section that can consume the majority of your exam time.

Topics covered in mathematics are:

Number Theory and Complex Numbers

Lines, Triangles, Solid shapes and Conic Sections

Circles, Ellipse, Parabola and Hyperbola

Orthogonality, Parametric equations, Quadratic Equations

Integration and Differentiation

Permutations and Combinations

Straight Lines, Equation of Lines, Trigonometric Identities, Sine and Cosine Values

Nature of Roots, Sequences and Series

Statistics and Probability

Syllabus for Astronomy

The questions are almost general in nature, requiring only a basic understanding of astronomical phenomena and constellations. We recommend learning to identify constellations and stars by studying star charts. Make certain that candidates are familiar with latitudes, longitudes, and the positions of the planets in space.

Topics covered in astronomy are:



Escape velocity

Kepler’s law


Five Stages of Exam

The Astronomy Olympiad Programme is divided into five parts.

Stage 1: National Standard Examination in Astronomy (NSEA)

Stage 2: Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO)

Stage 3: Orientation cum Selection Camp in Astronomy (OCSC)

Stage 4: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IOAA

Stage 5: International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA)

Exam date of INAO 2024

Astronomy (INAO):    Saturday, February 03, 2024    09.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon

Frequently Asked Questions

INAO is an annual competition for high school students in India who have a strong interest in astronomy and astrophysics. It serves as the selection process for forming the Indian team that will represent the country at the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA).

Eligibility criteria typically include Indian students in the 11th or 12th grade who meet age requirements. Specific eligibility details may vary from year to year and are determined by the organizing body, often the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT).

The INAO exam typically consists of a theoretical examination that includes multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and in-depth problems related to astronomy and astrophysics concepts.

Registration for INAO is typically coordinated by schools and educational institutions. Students interested in participating should inquire with their schools and follow the registration guidelines provided by the organizing body (IAPT or relevant authorities).

Participation in INAO offers several advantages, including the opportunity to represent India at the international level through IOAA, recognition for excellence in astronomy, access to specialized training and mentorship, and the potential for further academic and career opportunities in astronomy and astrophysics.

Please note that specific details about INAO, including eligibility criteria, exam formats, and registration procedures, may vary from year to year. It is advisable to refer to the official website of the organizing body or contact them directly for the most up-to-date and detailed information regarding INAO.