NCERT Solutions for Civics (Political Science)

NCERT Solutions for class 9 Social Science ( Political Science)

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science consists of a detailed explanation of all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook exercise of all five chapters. These solutions are prepared by experts in easy language to give you conceptual clarity of the subjects. Try to write the solutions to questions asked in the textbook by your own method just to check you can use as reference NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science uploaded by HT experts prepared NCERT Solutions all the questions asked in the NCERT exercise are solved as per the CBSE school Requirements do check NCERT Solutions for class 9

Chapter-wise introduction to NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science chapter-1 What is democracy? Why democracy?

In this chapter, we will learn and discuss what is a democracy, what are the different features of a democracy, the merits and demerits of democracy, and the broader meanings of democracy? Reading this chapter's primary aim is to clearly understand the bare minimum features of a democratic form of government. After going through this chapter, we should be able to distinguish a democratic form of government from a non-democratic government. Towards the end of this chapter, we step beyond this minimal objective and introduce a broader idea of democracy. 

Democracy is the most prevalent form of government today, and it is expanding to more countries. However, why is it so? What makes it better than other forms of government? 

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science chapter-2 Constitutional design

In this chapter, we ask some basic questions about the constitutional design of democracy. Why do we need a constitution? How are the constitutions drawn up? Who designs them, and in what way? What are the values that shape the constitutions in democratic states? Once a constitution is accepted, can we make changes later as required by the changing conditions? We begin this chapter by looking at what happened there and how the South Africans went about designing their constitution. Then we turn to how the Indian Constitution was made, its foundational values, and how it provides a good framework for the conduct of citizens’ lives and that of the government. 

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science chapter-3 Electoral politics

In this chapter, we will look at how these representatives are elected. We begin by understanding why elections are necessary and valuable in a democracy. Next, we try to understand how electoral competition among parties serves the people. We then go on to ask what makes an election democratic. The basic idea here is to distinguish democratic elections from non-democratic elections. The rest of the chapter tries to assess elections in India in the light of this yardstick. 

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science chapter-4 Working of institutions

This chapter is about the working of such institutions in a democracy. We try to understand this by looking at how major decisions are taken and implemented in our country. We also look at how disputes regarding these decisions are resolved. In this process, we come across three institutions that play a key role in major decisions – legislature, executive and judiciary. We also learn why we need a Parliament and what are the two houses of Parliament?

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Political Science chapter-5 Democratic rights

In this chapter, We begin by discussing some real-life cases to imagine what it means to live without rights. This leads to a discussion on what we mean by rights and why we need them. As in the previous chapters, the general discussion is followed by focusing on India. We discuss one by one the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution. Then we turn to how ordinary citizens can use these rights. Who will protect and enforce them? Finally, we look at how the scope of rights has been expanding. 

Class 9 Political science explanation on social division and social difference 

In the textbook of NCERT for class 9 political science, it is explained in a very easy way A social difference means the difference in a group of people due to their race, religion, language, or culture. It becomes a social division when some social differences are joined by another set of social differences. In other words, when two or more social differences join together, it turns into a social division. For example, the difference in the Blacks and Whites in America is due to their different race which is a social difference. It becomes a social division when, say, the income factor is also seen. The Blacks tend to be poor, and homeless and the Whites tend to be rich and educated. This creates a divide in the people, making them feel that they belong to different communities.

(a) Reasons for social difference:

(i) Birth-Birth is the most important factor which is responsible for social differences. A person in India is considered of a low caste because of his birth in a lower-class family. A black is discriminated against by white because of his colour which is once again controlled by birth.

(ii) Differences based on choice-Some of the differences are based on our choices. For example, some people are atheists. They don't believe in God or any religion. Differences also occur because of the choice of occupation. Differences occur among the people because of different professions and economic activities also.

(iii) Differences based on religion-Sometimes religion can be one of the causes of social differences. It is fairly common for people belonging to the same religion to feel that they do not belong to the same community because their caste or sect is very different.

(iv) Differences based on economic status-Economic status can also be responsible for social differences. Rich and poor people belonging to the same community or religion, or sect often do not keep close relations with each other as they feel that they are very different.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Chapter in the syllabus of class 9 Political Science are Chapter 1-What is Democracy? Why Is Democracy? Chapter 2-Constitutional Design, Chapter 3-Electoral Politics, Chapter 4-Working of Institutions, Chapter 5-Democratic Rights all these chapters of class 9 Political Science are elaborated as per the syllabus in the NCERT textbook. 

NCERT textbook for class 9 Political Science is a very well-designed textbook and it is sufficient to build a good foundation in Political Science for class 9.