Chapter-Wise Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Civics

Introduction Important Questions of Political Science class 9

Political science constitutes one of the most important and highest-scoring areas of social science. Every member seems to have an essential duty to adhere to the Constitution's regulations to enable our nation to run. The topics discussed in the class inform the students more about the functioning of the entire process as well as their rights as citizens. Thus, it discusses the rights of its citizens, which become essential to understand. It is one of the most interesting and rewarding aspects of social science. Politics generally contributes to current or international affairs. The NCERT textbook for political science class 9th helps students to understand how democracy is developed and works in India.

How to use the Important Questions on political science in class 9th?

In class 9th, Important questions are provided to the students for a better understanding of the chapters. The Important questions which are given include a short explanation of every chapter and the question series, which play an important role in the examination.

Students are strictly advised to follow Important Questions before the exam and try to solve the questions that are given at the end of each chapter. Don't try to copy answers from any other resource; read the chapter thoroughly and try to find answers by highlighting or marking the important points that help frame the proper answer.

Explain some benefits for students of using Important Questions on political science in class 9

Below are some benefits of using Important Questions. Follow them or prepare accordingly to score maximum marks in the examination.

1. All the concepts that are covered in the Important Questions are strictly based on the CBSE curriculum, so no unnecessary content is given.

2. The Important Questions are prepared in a very easy and simple language, which can be easily understood by every student. Don't skip on any of the ideas.

3. The Class 9 political science Important Questions gives more clarity to the students on every difficult topic and builds a strong basis for present and future studies.

4. Multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, long answer type questions, case-based questions, value-based questions, and the conclusion of each chapter with a short explanation are given in the Important Questions. Try to solve every question before the exam as revision work.

5. Important questions are used to understand the political aspects of our country concerning other countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely yes, the content of the Important Questions is very simple and to the point So students can mark the main points of the chapter and get help from them to make proper answers in exams.

Both these things are necessary for the preparation for exams. In the NCERT textbook, there is a lot of unnecessary information, which is not important from an examination point of view, but in the Important Questions, only the main points are given, which are always and generally asked in the examinations.

All the topics which are covered in the Important Questions of Class 9th Political Science are strictly based on the syllabus of the CBSE and some of these include democracy, the framing of the constitution, electoral politics, rights of citizens and others also.