CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for Hindi

The CBSE Class 6 Hindi syllabus aims to develop students' proficiency in the Hindi language through a balanced approach to literature, language skills, and grammar. Here’s a detailed overview:

**1. Textbooks

  • Main Textbook: Includes a selection of stories, poems, and essays.
  • Supplementary Reader: Additional stories or essays to enhance reading comprehension and language skills.

**2. Prose (कहानी)

  • Stories: Narratives that include moral lessons, cultural insights, and various themes.
  • Comprehension: Understanding and interpreting the content of the stories.

**3. Poetry (कविता)

  • Poems: Various poems that introduce students to different styles of poetry and poetic expressions.
  • Analysis: Understanding the themes, rhythm, and emotions conveyed through poems.

**4. Grammar (व्याकरण)

  • Parts of Speech:
    • Nouns (संज्ञा)
    • Pronouns (सर्वनाम)
    • Verbs (क्रिया)
    • Adjectives (विशेषण)
    • Adverbs (क्रिया विशेषण)
  • Sentence Formation (वाक्य निर्माण): Constructing correct and meaningful sentences.
  • Tenses (काल): Understanding and using present, past, and future tenses.
  • Punctuation (विराम चिह्न): Correct use of punctuation marks like full stops, commas, question marks, and exclamation marks.
  • Gender (लिंग): Understanding masculine and feminine gender forms.
  • Number (वचन): Singular and plural forms.
  • Subject-Verb Agreement (विषय-क्रिया अनुशासन): Ensuring that subjects and verbs agree in number and person.
  • Direct and Indirect Speech (साक्षात्कार और अप्रत्यक्ष भाषण): Conversion between direct and indirect speech.

**5. Writing Skills (लेखन कौशल)

  • Paragraph Writing (अध्यक्षण लेखन): Writing coherent paragraphs on given topics.
  • Story Writing (कहानी लेखन): Creating stories with a clear structure.
  • Letter Writing (पत्र लेखन): Writing formal and informal letters.
  • Email Writing (ई-मेल लेखन): Composing emails for various purposes.
  • Diary Entry (डायरी लेखन): Writing personal reflections and daily activities.
  • Notice Writing (सूचना लेखन): Drafting notices for different scenarios.
  • Application Writing (आवेदन पत्र लेखन): Writing formal applications for various needs.

**6. Vocabulary (शब्दावली)

  • Synonyms and Antonyms (पर्यायवाची और विलोम शब्द): Identifying and using synonyms and antonyms.
  • Homophones and Homonyms (समान ध्वनि और समानार्थी शब्द): Understanding words that sound the same or have multiple meanings.
  • Idioms and Phrases (मुहावरे और वाक्यांश): Learning common idiomatic expressions and phrases.
  • Word Meanings (शब्दार्थ): Understanding and using new words in context.

**7. Reading Comprehension (पाठ समझना)

  • Passages: Reading and comprehending passages from textbooks and supplementary readers.
  • Questions and Answers: Answering questions based on the reading material.

**8. Oral Skills (मौखिक कौशल)

  • Conversations (संवाद): Engaging in conversations and discussions.
  • Oral Presentations (मौखिक प्रस्तुतियाँ): Presenting ideas clearly and confidently.

**9. Integrated Activities (संविधानात्मक गतिविधियाँ)

  • Project Work (प्रोजेक्ट कार्य): Engaging in language-based projects and presentations.
  • Group Activities (समूह गतिविधियाँ): Participating in and contributing to group discussions and activities.