CBSE Class 9 detailed syllabus for Science

CBSE Class 9 Science Syllabus (2025-26)

Unit 1: Matter - Its Nature and Behaviour

  1. Matter in Our Surroundings
    • Physical Nature of Matter
    • States of Matter
    • Characteristics of the Particles of Matter
    • Change of State (Melting, Boiling, Sublimation, etc.)
    • Evaporation and Factors Affecting Evaporation
  2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
    • Mixtures and Types (Homogeneous and Heterogeneous)
    • Solutions, Suspensions, and Colloids
    • Separation Techniques
    • Physical and Chemical Changes
    • Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
  3. Atoms and Molecules
    • Laws of Chemical Combination
    • Dalton’s Atomic Theory
    • Atoms and Molecules
    • Atomic and Molecular Masses
    • Mole Concept
    • Chemical Formulas and Equations
  4. Structure of the Atom
    • Thomson’s Model of Atom
    • Rutherford’s Model of Atom
    • Bohr’s Model of Atom
    • Neutrons and Isotopes
    • Electronic Configuration

Unit 2: Organization in the Living World

  1. The Fundamental Unit of Life
    • Discovery of the Cell
    • Cell Theory
    • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
    • Plant and Animal Cells
    • Cell Organelles (Structure and Functions)
  2. Tissues
    • Plant Tissues (Meristematic and Permanent)
    • Animal Tissues (Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, Nervous)
  3. Diversity in Living Organisms
    • Classification of Living Organisms
    • Hierarchy of Classification Groups
    • Five Kingdom Classification
    • Major Groups of Plantae and Animalia
    • Nomenclature

Unit 3: Motion, Force, and Work

  1. Motion
    • Distance and Displacement
    • Speed and Velocity
    • Acceleration
    • Graphical Representation of Motion
    • Equations of Motion by Graphical Method
    • Uniform Circular Motion
  2. Force and Laws of Motion
    • Force and its Effects
    • Newton’s Laws of Motion
    • Inertia and Mass
    • Momentum and Conservation of Momentum
    • Action and Reaction Forces
  3. Gravitation
    • Universal Law of Gravitation
    • Free Fall and Acceleration due to Gravity
    • Mass and Weight
    • Thrust and Pressure
    • Archimedes’ Principle
    • Relative Density
  4. Work and Energy
    • Work Done by a Force
    • Energy and Forms of Energy
    • Kinetic and Potential Energy
    • Law of Conservation of Energy
    • Power and Commercial Unit of Energy
  5. Sound
    • Nature of Sound and its Propagation in Various Media
    • Speed of Sound
    • Echo and Sonar
    • Structure of Human Ear

Unit 4: Our Environment

  1. Natural Resources
    • Air, Water, Soil as Resources
    • Role of Atmosphere in Climate Control
    • The Water Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Oxygen Cycle
    • Soil Formation
    • Fossil Fuels and Their Uses
  2. Improvement in Food Resources
    • Crop Production Management
    • Animal Husbandry
    • Irrigation and Manure
    • Pest Control
    • Storage of Grains
    • Breeding and Economic Importance of Cattle, Poultry, and Fishery

Unit 5: Food Production and Management

  1. Health and Disease
    • Introduction to Health
    • Diseases and Their Causes
    • Types of Diseases (Infectious and Non-Infectious)
    • Prevention and Control of Diseases
    • Principles of Treatment
    • Vaccination and Immunization

This syllabus covers all the key concepts and topics that students will need to study for the Class 9 Science examination. It is designed to provide a strong foundation in scientific principles and help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.