Chapter wise MCQ Questions for class 7 Science 

Class 7 Science Questions

Worksheets for class 7 Science are prepared by CBSE teachers of HT and consist of MCQ-based questions. Science worksheets consist of chapter-wise MCQ-based questions with detailed solutions as per the CBSE syllabus. All the chapters of class 7 Science are uploaded in printable worksheets and easily downloaded forms. Science is a subject of practice and understanding the concept to have a good foundation of conceptual clarity on science do read the chapter from NCERT and solve all the questions asked in the exercise you can take help from HT NCERT solutions for class 7 science. After this one can solve the questions from Worksheet for class 7 Science and check out the explanation of each question. 


Chapter-wise Worksheet for class 7 Science 

Find the questions from Worksheet for class 7 Science

Questions based on Chapter- 1 Nutrition in plants

1. Which of the following requires nitrogen for its synthesis?

(i) Carbohydrates

(ii) Proteins            

(iii) Fats

(iv) Vitamins

Explanation: Proteins are nitrogenous substances that require nitrogen for their synthesis.


2. Which of the following is a parasitic plant?

(i) Cuscuta  

(ii) Algae

(iii) Pitcher plant

(iv) Lichen

Explanation: Cuscuta does not have chlorophyll. It climbs a host plant and takes up its valuable nutrients. Thus it acts as a parasite feeding on a host plant.


3. Which of the following does not help in providing nitrogen to the soil?

(i) Peas

(ii) gram

(iii) beans

(iv) wheat              

Explanation: Nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium lives in the roots of the legumes like pulses, beans, peas etc. Wheat is not a legume.


Questions based on Chapter- 2 NUTRITION IN ANIMALS


1. In Amoeba, food particles are ingested in-

(a)    Nucleus.

(b)    Food vacuole.

(c)    Pseudopodium.

(d)    Cell membrane.

Ans:  (b)

Explanation:  Amoeba is a unicellular micro-organism that engulfs the food particles with the help of finger-like projections called pseudopodia. These engulfed particles are then ingested in the food vacuole where they are digested and absorbed. The undigested food is expelled out by the vacuole.


2. Why do human beings can’t eat grass?

(a)    They eat fruits and vegetables.

(b)    They are omnivorous.

(c)    They can’t digest cellulose.

(d)    Grass contains certain poisonous substances.

Ans:  Human beings lack cellulose-digesting enzymes, which are required for breaking the complex cellulose molecules. Since grass is rich in cellulose, hence, human beings are unable to digest cellulose.


Questions based on Chapter- 3 FIBRE TO FABRIC


1. Sorter’s disease is associated with-

(a)    Cotton industry.

(b)    Wool industry.

(c)    Silk industry.

(d)    None of the above.

Ans:  (b)

Explanation:  Sorter’s disease is associated with the wool industry in which the workers of the industry get infected by a bacterium, anthrax. It is a fatal blood disease.


2. Types of silk are-

(a)    Angora and mooga.

(b)    Tassar and kosa.

(c)    Angora and tassar.

(d)    Kosa and angora.

Ans:  (b)

Explanation:  Tassar, manga and kosa are the types of silk while angora is a type of wool.

Questions based on Chapter- 4 HEAT

1. Can we measure the temperature of 45C from a clinical thermometer?

(a)    No.

(b)    Yes.

(c)    Sometimes.

(d)    From some clinical thermometers.

Ans:  (a)

Explanation:  We cannot measure the temperature of 45C from a clinical thermometer because a clinical thermometer has readings from 35C to 42C only.


2. What will happen to a clinical thermometer if we keep it in the Sun or near a flame?

(a)    It will measure the temperature.

(b)    It will break.

(c)    It will melt.

(d)    Nothing will happen.

Ans:  (b)

Explanation:  Since a clinical thermometer cannot measure high temperatures, hence, on keeping it in the Sun or near a flame, will break. It will not melt as the temperature of sunlight or around a flame is not so high, that it can melt the glass. 

3. Heat of the Sun reaches us by-

(a)    Reflection.

(b)    Condensation.

(c)    Radiation.

(d)    Sunlight.

Ans:  (c)

Explanation:  The heat of the Sun reaches us by a process called radiation. It is the process in which the transfer of heat does not require a medium to travel. Since there is no air in most of the space between the earth and the Sun, hence, heat from the Sun can easily pass through the vacuum to reach the earth’s surface.


Questions based on Chapter- 5 ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS


1. The substances used to test the acidity and basicity of substances are called-

(a)    Indicators.

(b)    Testers.

(c)    Analyzers.

(d)    All of them.

Ans:  (a)

Explanation:  Indicators are the substances used to test the acidity and basicity of substances. Example: litmus, turmeric, etc.


2. Citrus fruits contain-

(a)    Ascorbic acid.

(b)    Oxalic acid.

(c)    Citric acid.

(d)    Both (a) and (c).

Ans: (d)

Explanation:  Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, amla, etc. contain citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).


3. Which acid is present in our stomach?

(a)    Hydrochloric acid (HCl).

(b)    Sulphuric acid (H2SO4).

(c)    Nitric acid (HNO3).

(d)    None of the above.

Ans:  (a)

Explanation:  Hydrochloric acid is present in our stomach, which is responsible for causing acidity.


4. Lactic acid is found in-

(a)    Milk.

(b)    Curd.

(c)    Vinegar.

(d)    Tamarind.

Ans:  (b)

Explanation:  Lacto means milk but, since milk does not contain any acid, hence, lactic acid is present in curd. Vinegar contains acetic acid and tamarind contains tartaric acid.


5. All sour substances are acidic.

(a)    Yes.

(b)    No, they are basic.

(c)    No, they are neutral.

(d)    Sometimes, they may be acidic and sometimes basic.

Ans:  (a)

Explanation:  All sour substances like citrus fruits, vinegar, etc. contain acid, due to which, they are acidic. Bases like baking soda have a bitter taste.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes, all the Worksheets for class 7 Science are prepared as per the CBSE syllabus of CBSE class 7 Science and cover all the chapters given in the NCERT textbooks.

Yes, all the Worksheets for class 7 Science are prepared with a detailed explanation of the MCQs asked in the sheet.