This page consists of MCQ-based questions with detailed solutions for Chapter 4 Heat of class 7 science prepared by HT experts. Check out all the worksheets for class 7 science. Do solve NCERT textbook with the help of NCERT solutions for class 7 science.
1. To measure the temperature of boiling water, we can use which type of thermometer
(a) alcohol thermometer.
(b) clinical thermometer using the Celsius scale.
(c) laboratory thermometer.
(d) clinical thermometer using Fahrenheit scale.
Answer & Solutions: (c )To measure the temperature of boiling water, we can use a laboratory thermometer. The range of laboratory thermometers is -10oC to 110oC. The temperature of boiling water is 100oC.
2. Which of the following is correct regarding “Sea breeze takes place”
(a) inside our houses.
(b) in plains.
(c) during nighttime.
(d) during daytime.
Answer & Solution: (D) In coastal areas, during the daytime, the land gets heated faster than water. The air over land becomes hotter and rises up. The cooler air from the sea rushes in towards the land to take its place. The warm air from land moves towards the sea to form a complete cycle.
3. Principle employed in the use of ventilators in houses is that of
(a) convection.
(b) conduction.
(c) radiation.
(d) insulation.
Answer & Solution: (A) Inside the house the air is warm, moist, rich in carbon dioxide etc. that gets replaced by fresh air by convection provided proper ventilation is there in the house.
4. To record the maximum and minimum temperature of the day, we use an
(a) clinical thermometer using the Celsius scale.
(b) laboratory thermometer.
(c) clinical thermometer using Fahrenheit scale.
(d) six`s thermometer.
Answer & Solution- (d) Six`s thermometer is a maximum-minimum thermometer, which records the maximum temperature during the day and minimum temperature during the night.