The CBSE Class 8 Science syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of basic scientific principles and concepts. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
1. Crop Production and Management
- Types of crops (food crops, cash crops)
- Agricultural practices (tilling, sowing, irrigation, manuring, harvesting, threshing, winnowing)
- Soil (types, properties, conservation)
- Organic farming and pest control
2. Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
- Types of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae)
- Role of microorganisms in various processes (decomposition, nitrogen fixation, fermentation)
- Diseases caused by microorganisms and their prevention
- Applications of microorganisms in industries (e.g., antibiotic production, fermentation)
3. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- Types of fibres (natural and synthetic)
- Properties and uses of synthetic fibres (nylon, polyester, acrylic)
- Plastic (types, properties, advantages, and disadvantages)
- Plastic pollution and its impact on the environment
4. Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
- Properties of metals and non-metals (physical and chemical properties)
- Differences between metals and non-metals
- Reactions of metals and non-metals with acids and bases
- Uses of metals and non-metals
5. Combustion and Flame
- Combustion (types: rapid, slow, spontaneous, and explosion)
- Conditions for combustion
- Flame (types: luminous and non-luminous)
- Structure of a flame and its parts
- Fuel efficiency and fire safety
6. Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Biodiversity and its importance
- Threats to biodiversity (deforestation, habitat destruction, pollution)
- Conservation efforts (protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks)
- Endangered species and their conservation
7. Cell Structure and Functions
- Cell (basic unit of life)
- Types of cells (plant cells and animal cells)
- Cell organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, etc.)
- Functions of different cell organelles
8. Reproduction in Animals
- Modes of reproduction (asexual and sexual)
- Reproductive systems in animals (types: external and internal fertilization)
- Development of embryos and young ones in animals
9. Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Adolescence (physical, emotional, and psychological changes)
- Puberty (secondary sexual characteristics)
- Menstruation and hygiene
- Health and nutritional needs during adolescence
10. Force and Pressure
- Concept of force (types: contact and non-contact)
- Effects of force (change in motion, shape)
- Pressure (concept, calculation, applications in daily life)
- Atmospheric pressure and its effects
11. Friction
- Concept of friction
- Types of friction (static, sliding, rolling, fluid)
- Factors affecting friction
- Applications and reduction of friction
12. Sound
- Production and propagation of sound
- Characteristics of sound (pitch, loudness, quality)
- Speed of sound in different media
- Application and control of sound
13. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Electric current (concept and units)
- Chemical effects of current (electrolysis)
- Applications (electroplating, refining of metals)
14. Some Natural Phenomena
- Earthquakes (causes, effects, safety measures)
- Volcanic eruptions (causes, effects, types)
- Lightning and thunder (causes, effects, safety measures)
15. Light
- Nature of light
- Reflection (laws, mirrors, and their types)
- Refraction (lenses, and their types)
- Dispersion and rainbows
16. Stars and the Solar System
- Stars (types, constellations)
- Planets and their characteristics
- The solar system (Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets)
- Space exploration
17. Pollution of Air and Water
- Air pollution (causes, effects, and control measures)
- Water pollution (causes, effects, and control measures)
- Conservation of natural resources and sustainable practices
This syllabus aims to provide students with a strong understanding of fundamental scientific principles and their applications in everyday life.