ICSE Class 12 Syllabus for Biology

The ISC (Indian School Certificate) Class 12 Biology syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of biological concepts, including cell biology, genetics, physiology, and ecology. Here’s a detailed overview:

ISC Class 12 Biology Syllabus

1. Reproduction

  • Reproduction in Organisms:

    • Asexual and sexual reproduction.
    • Modes of reproduction in plants and animals.
    • Reproductive strategies.
  • Human Reproduction:

    • Male and female reproductive systems.
    • Menstrual cycle, fertilization, and pregnancy.
    • Parturition and lactation.
  • Reproductive Health:

    • Contraception methods and family planning.
    • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention.

2. Genetics and Evolution

  • Principles of Inheritance and Variation:

    • Mendelian genetics: Laws of inheritance, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
    • Inheritance patterns: Dominance, codominance, incomplete dominance, and multiple alleles.
    • Genetic disorders: Examples and their inheritance.
  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance:

    • DNA structure and replication.
    • RNA types and transcription.
    • Protein synthesis: Translation and genetic code.
  • Evolution:

    • Theories of evolution: Darwinian theory, Lamarckism, and modern evolutionary synthesis.
    • Evidence of evolution: Fossils, comparative anatomy, and molecular biology.

3. Human Physiology

  • Digestion and Absorption:

    • Human digestive system, enzymes, and processes of digestion and absorption.
  • Breathing and Respiration:

    • Respiratory system: Mechanism of breathing, exchange of gases, and respiratory disorders.
  • Body Fluids and Circulation:

    • Blood and its components, blood groups, and circulatory system.
    • Heart structure, cardiac cycle, and blood pressure.
  • Excretory Products and their Elimination:

    • Excretory system: Kidneys, urine formation, and homeostasis.
    • Disorders related to excretion.
  • Locomotion and Movement:

    • Musculoskeletal system: Types of muscles, bone structure, and movement.
  • Neural Control and Coordination:

    • Nervous system: Structure of neurons, nerve impulse transmission, and reflexes.
    • Brain structure and functions.
  • Endocrine System:

    • Hormones, endocrine glands, and their roles in regulating physiological processes.

4. Plant Physiology

  • Transport in Plants:

    • Water and mineral uptake, transpiration, and transport mechanisms.
  • Photosynthesis:

    • Photosynthetic process, light and dark reactions, and factors affecting photosynthesis.
  • Respiration in Plants:

    • Cellular respiration: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain.
  • Plant Growth and Development:

    • Growth regulators: Hormones and their roles.
    • Phases of plant growth and developmental processes.

5. Ecology and Environment

  • Organisms and Populations:

    • Population interactions: Predation, competition, mutualism, and parasitism.
    • Population dynamics and ecological pyramids.
  • Ecosystems:

    • Structure and function of ecosystems.
    • Energy flow, nutrient cycles, and ecological succession.
  • Biodiversity and Conservation:

    • Importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity.
    • Conservation strategies and sustainable practices.
  • Environmental Issues:

    • Pollution: Types, sources, and effects.
    • Climate change and its impact on ecosystems and human health.

Practical Work

  • Microscopy and Cell Biology:

    • Use of microscopes and staining techniques.
    • Study of cell structures and types.
  • Genetics and Evolution Experiments:

    • Mendelian genetics experiments and simulations.
    • Evolutionary studies and biodiversity surveys.
  • Physiological Experiments:

    • Dissection and study of physiological systems.
    • Experiments related to plant physiology and respiration.
  • Ecological Studies:

    • Fieldwork and surveys to study ecosystems and biodiversity.
    • Experiments on ecological interactions and environmental impact.

This syllabus provides a strong foundation in biology, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and preparing students for further studies in biological sciences and related fields.