Chapter wise NCERT solution for class 2 Maths

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths consists of detailed solutions to all the questions asked in the NCERT exercise by experts of Our experts solved all the questions as per the CBSE recommendation. These solutions are well explained and written in such a way that you can not only score good marks in exams but also understand the chapter very well. As per our home tutors, students must use NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths for reference only. Try to solve the problem by yourself despite solving the questions several times if you can’t solve the questions then only use NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths prepared by home tutors of Do follow Subject-wise NCERT Solutions for class 2 created by HT experts. 

Advantage of using NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths

To score good marks in the final exam or to develop Mathematical skills students need to solve the questions given in NCERT class 2 maths exercise. The advantage of using NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths prepared by experts is.

  1. All the questions of NCERT Class 2 Maths are solved chapter-wise by expert teachers having years of teaching experience. 
  2. Errorless solutions are prepared by experts and proofread by many teachers to ensure the right answer for all students. 
  3. The advantage of using NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths is to check your solutions and find out a mistake in your solution or to understand better ways to solve the questions. 
  4. All the solutions are explained in such a way that students can understand the chapter very well by using these solutions. 

Chapters in NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths

  • Chapter 1 What is Long, What is Round?
  • Chapter 2 Counting in Groups
  • Chapter 3 How Much Can You Carry?
  • Chapter 4 Counting in Tens
  • Chapter 5 Patterns
  • Chapter 6 Footprints
  • Chapter 7 Jugs and Mugs
  • Chapter 8 Tens and Ones
  • Chapter 9 My Funday
  • Chapter 10 Add our Points
  • Chapter 11 Lines and Lines
  • Chapter 12 Give and Take
  • Chapter 13 The Longest Step
  • Chapter 14 Birds Come, Birds Go
  • Chapter 15 How Many Ponytails?

Get detailed solutions for NCERT here!

As a parent, you must be worried about your child's studies. Must you be looking for accurate solutions for the NCERT Class 2 Mathematics?

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths all chapters of Math-Magic 2 are updated for the new study session. NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Mathematics can be difficult and tedious at times. When it comes to counting numbers, addition, multiplication, division 2nd class, and math activities, you want a helping hand, right? What if we make a mistake somewhere? Well, don't worry. You will never make a mistake because NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths is here to help you. Boost your preparation with NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths.

Here are some content features on our website: Simple solutions, simple explanations, frequently asked questions, and much more, all in one place, just for you.

We want you to download the pdf and check the content level provided by us. We have designed our PDFs with full awareness and expect almost no mistakes.

If you still find any difficulty, you can contact us easily. Feel free to share your doubts and queries with us!

Introduction about chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 What is Long, What is Round?

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 What is Long, What is Round consists of detailed solutions to all the questions asked in the NCERT exercise. This chapter consists of learning about length and round-shaped structures apart from this you will learn about the methods of determining the length and shapes of structures.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 2 Counting in Groups

This is one of the fundamental chapters of Maths in which students will learn about the simple similar objects that can be counted using various operations like addition and subtraction.

This is a basic chapter and can be explained by using easy figures given in the NCERT textbook. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 3 How Much Can You Carry?

This chapter gives children an idea about weight like what are the units of weight? why do you use different types of units and what is the relationship between different units? This chapter will give you a basic idea of what students need in daily life. Before the move to exercise one must make sure he had read the entire chapter with details.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 4 Counting in Tens

This chapter is liked by many students and this chapter will help students to learn the counting numbers which start from 10. Try to understand the Asics and do a lot of practice before moving on to solve the exercise of NCERT. All the questions asked in the exercise are explained by our home-tution experts with the use of proper images and explanations. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 5 Patterns

NCERT chapter for Class 2 Maths Chapter 5 Patterns help to build the basic reasoning ability of the child. This chapter didn’t need much explanation but needed the attention of the child. This chapter gives children to understand of the different patterns and is explained very beautifully in the NCERT textbook. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 6 Footprints

Very well explained in the NCERT textbook with solved examples and the use of proper images and diagrams. Still few students face problems while solving the exercise given in the NCERT textbook, if you can’t solve any problem given in the NCERT exercise you can use NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 6 Footprints prepared by home-tution experts. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 7 Jugs and Mugs

The importance of jugs and mugs in our day-to-day lives is very important and this chapter will help you to understand and build a basic understanding of the concepts. NCERT textbook is explained very well with the use of proper pictures and diagrams. This chapter help child to improve their logical thinking and analytical skills. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 8 Tens and Ones

This chapter is important for higher classes too so must be practised carefully. Students try to solve as many as questions they can to have a clear understanding of the chapter. Solve all questions with the help of NCERT solutions for class 2 Maths prepared and uploaded by the home-tution academic team. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 9 My Funday

Funday is the easiest chapter of class 2 Maths, students enjoy this chapter in class, theory given in the NCERT textbook is self-explanatory and need to prepare notes for this section. This chapter doesn’t need any use of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 9 My Funday. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 10 Add our Points

Chapter 10 of the NCERT textbook will teach you about the simple addition of points and help you to build a foundation for upcoming Maths, do read the explanation given in the NCERT textbook and solve the exercise questions after that.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 11 Lines and Lines

Different types of lines are covered in the NCERT chapter 11 of class 2 Maths. This chapter consists of the ists of methods of finding the types of lines and their construction. The explanation in the textbook is very good with solved example examples and images to help students better understand. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 12 Give and Take

NCERT chapter for Class 2 Maths Chapter 12 Giv Givesd Take consists of various arithmetic operations very well explained in the NCERT textbook. This chapter is important for the upcoming maths class and important for the class 2 exam too. Students must solve the exercise given in the textbook with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 12 Give and Take.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 13 The Longest Step

This chapter helps to establish the relationship between the distance of two objects also kids will learn how to determine the length using instruments using handspan. A few questions given in the exercise need deep thinking to help with such questions students can use the NCERT solutions prepared by our famous tutors.  

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 14 Birds Come, Birds Go

Very nicely NCERT explains the difficult concept of addition and substation through the use of proper examples and diagrams. Questions given in the exercise of this chapter also consist of matching the following which needs a little additional help and for that, you can use NCERT solutions for class 2 Maths prepared by the experts of 

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 15 How Many Ponytails?

This chapter helps kids to count the numbers of the object which is also useful in daily life. Read the theory given in the textbook and try to solve the questions given in the exercise while facing any problem in the question students can use NCERT solutions prepared by experts teachers. 

Benefits of NCERT solutions for Class 2 Maths

The NCERT solutions on our website focus on making it accessible to students to make it useful for both students and competing candidates. The NCERT book covers detailed Maths based on the syllabus of various boards. NCERT Grade 2 Mathematics textbooks are compatible with almost all Indian educational boards. 

The NCERT solutions are best designed by our experts to be easily understood by the students of class 2. These are given in easy language, and accuracy is also maintained to a greater extent.

Frequently Asked Questions

To download free pdf of chapter wise NCERT Solutions For Class 2 Maths just click on the chapter and then you will found download free pdf at home tution NCERT page. 

CBSE class 2 Maths syllabus consist of 15 chapters and all 15 chapters are in NCERT textbook these chapters are Maths Magic – 2 Chapter 1: What is Long, What is Round?, Chapter 2: Counting in Groups, Chapter 3: How Much Can You Carry?, Chapter 4: Counting in Tens, Chapter 5: Patterns, Chapter 6: Footprints, Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs, Chapter 8: Tens and Ones, Chapter 9: My Funday, Chapter 10: Add our Points, Chapter 11: Lines and Lines, Chapter 12: Give and Take, Chapter 13: The Longest Step, Chapter 14: Birds Come, Birds Go Chapter 15: How Many Ponytails?

Don’t use NCERT solutions for class 2 Maths for your home work help. To develop the analytical and numerical solving skill one must try to solve questions given the exercise by yourself, NCERT solutions for class 2 Maths is used only for reference purposes and take the help from NCERT solutions for class 2 Maths for those question which required additional help to solve. 

If you solve NCERT questions wholeheartedly and do not skip a single question, believe us, this is more than enough! Before solving the questions given in the textbook exercise make sure you have read the theory part of the chapter.

At, we have provided the complete NCERT Solution for Class 2 Maths in PDF form in both languages. You can download these solutions in your language.


There are 15 chapters in the syllabus of Class 2 in Maths NCERT. You can check out the solution to each chapter for free.