Free PDF Download of Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Textbooks Solutions
How to Score Good Marks on The CBSE Board with the Help of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry
To score good marks in chemistry one must understand that chemistry needs a different approach to build concepts and score marks. NCERT textbook is sufficient for the CBSE board exams, and it consists of all the relevant information, so it must be taken as the primary textbook for your preparation.
CBSE class 12th chemistry consists of three parts Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry and has almost equal weightage in the final exam in terms of questions asked on the board. To score good marks in the final exam you need to have a very good comment in all three parts of chemistry. For organic, you need to have good concepts in the chapters taught in class 11 like hydrocarbons. To score good marks in chemistry you need to have very good in organic reaction mechanisms and understand how the reaction takes place. Try to note down all important reagents and reactions with the required mechanism for the final revision.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry (Chapter-wise PDF)
- Chapter 1: The Solid State
- Chapter 2: Solutions
- Chapter 3: Electrochemistry
- Chapter 4: Chemical Kinetics
- Chapter 5: Surface Chemistry
- Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
- Chapter 7: The p-Block Elements
- Chapter 8: The d & f Block Elements
- Chapter 9: Coordination Compounds
- Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
- Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
- Chapter 13: Amines
- Chapter 14: Biomolecules
- Chapter 15: Polymers
- Chapter 16: Chemistry in Everyday Life
Tips to Score Good Marks in Physical Chemistry in Class 12
To score good marks in physical chemistry you need to revise a few chapters of class 11 physical chemistry like mole concepts and equilibrium, these two chapters are used in class 12 physical chemistry. Class 12 physical chemistry consists of five chapters so start with solid-state and try to understand all the types of structure given in the NCERT textbook solve a few numerical and take the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry prepared by the experts. The second chapter is the liquid state it is easy and numerical based solve all the questions try to understand the formulas and their use, find the vants Hoff factor which is very important and solves all the questions given in the NCERT textbook exercise. Electrochemistry and chemical kinetic is a difficult chapter and need more time to solve all the questions. It consists of lots of concepts and their application so try to understand these chapters in school or from your tutors and ask your doubts. These chapters are important for competitive exams also.
How to Use NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry in Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic chemistry is the subject of lots of information and it required good concepts of the periodic table chapter of class 11 chemistry so before start preparing for class 12 inorganic chemistry make sure you have revised the class 11 periodic table. Class 12 inorganic chemistry consists of block elements that need additional practice because it consists of lots of information which is volatile also and needs good notes to retain those. Makes sure you are making good notes for this section and try to solve MCQ-based questions. Coordination chemistry is a conceptual chapter, and it needs concepts to understand two to three questions every year are directly asked to form this chapter. Do the following suggestions for quick revision and reading?
- Write down your inorganic notes and mentioned all the important points given in the NCERT textbook.
- Write down all the reagents and their use, make sure you note down all important reagents and their applications on your notes.
- List down all the important tests given in the NCERT textbook for effective revision.
- P-block elements consist of lots of concepts, and they must be done properly because their weightage is very high in the final exam.
Chapter-wise Brief Intro of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1: The Solid State
Solid-state is a very interesting chapter of class 12 physical chemistry it consists of details about the solids and their structure. You are going to learn about the types of brave lattices and type of voids, and how to write the formulas and their structures. Numerical are very simple and consist of questions based on density and packing fractions. It’s a conceptual-based chapter and needs an understanding of the crystals.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2: Solutions
This is the second chapter of class 12 chemistry and consists of two parts in the first part you will learn about what is vapours pressure and the results law and how to calculate the vapours pressure of solutions and two liquids when mixed and in the second part, you will learn about the colligative properties and application of vants Hoff factor in numerical. NCERT textbook consists of numerals from all concepts to solve these questions given in the exercise.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 3: Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry is one of the largest chapters of class 12 chemistry and it consists of three parts electrolysis, electrolytic cell and conductance. Students will learn about how cells work and how we convert chemical reactions to electric energy. For CBSE class 12 chemistry this chapter is very important. Do revise all the formulas used and written in the NCERT textbook before solving the questions given in the exercise. Solve the NCERT exercise of electrochemistry with the help of NCERT solutions for class 12 chemistry.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4: Chemical Kinetics
Chemical kinetics needs the basics of maths so before going to prepare this chapter make sure you must revise properly integration and other chapter of maths. You are going to learn 1st order rection and its application, rate, and rate constant is being taught in this chapter with the application of graphs. Lots of numerical and formulas will be there make sure you have prepared good notes for this chapter and gone through the entire theory given in the NCERT textbook.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 5: Surface Chemistry
Surface chemistry is the branch of chemistry, that deals with the study of phenomena occurring at the surface separating the two bulk phases. These two bulk phases can be pure compounds or solutions.
Adsorption: The phenomenon of attracting and retaining the molecules of the substance on the surface of a liquid or a solid resulting in a higher concentration of molecules on the surface is called adsorption. The substance thus adsorbed on the surface is called the adsorbate and the substance on which it is adsorbed is called adsorbent. The reverse process, i.e. removal of the adsorbed substance from the surface is called desorption (which can be brought about by heating or reducing the pressure). The adsorption of gases on the surface of metals is called occlusion.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
The whole process of obtaining a pure metal from one of its ores is known as metallurgy. To extract the metal from ores, several physical and chemical methods are used. The method used depends upon the nature of the ore, the properties of the metal, and the local conditions. Thus, it is not possible to have a universal method for the extraction of all the metals from their ores. However, the metallurgy of a metal involves three main operations:
- Concentration or Dressing
- Reduction
- Purification or Refining
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 7: The p-Block Elements
The chapters covered in these sections are
- Elements of group 13 are called the Boron family (5B, 13Al, 31Ga, 49In, 81Tl, 113Uut).
- Elements of group 14 are called the Carbon family (8C, 14Si, 32Ge, 50Sn, 82Pb, 115Uup).
- Elements of group 15 are called the Nitrogen family (7N, 15P, 33As, 51Sb, 83Bi).
- Elements of group 16 are called Chalcogens (8O, 16S, 34Se, 52Te, 84Po).
- Elements of group 17 are called Halogens (9F, 17Cl, 35Br, 53I, 85At).
- Elements of group 18 are called Noble gases (2He, 10Ne, 18Ar, 36Kr, 54Xe, 86Rn).
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 8: The d & f Block Elements
In the periodic table, the block elements are placed between block and block elements. These are called transition elements because they show a gradual gradation in periodic properties. The transition elements are mainly those elements that either in the atomic or ionic state contain partially filled subshells. It must be noted that the elements of group 12 (Zn, Cd, and Hg) have filled subshells in atomic as well as ionic form, so they do not truly represent transition elements. Moreover, they also do not exhibit general properties of transition elements like variable oxidation states, coloured compounds, formation of complex compounds etc. However, they are studied with transition elements just to maintain the status of the periodic table. Further, it must be noted that the elements of group 3 (Sc, Y, La and Ac) differ in their properties from those of other transition elements (they are uniformly trivalent, diamagnetic and colourless).
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 9: Coordination Compounds
Transition metal ions have a great tendency to form complexes with other molecules or ions (which can donate a pair of electrons to form a coordinate bond) called ligands. This property of formation of complexes is due to vacant d-orbitals (which can accept electron pair) and high nuclear charge with small size which facilitates the acceptance of electrons from the ligands. The complexes of transition elements of small size are more stable as compared to those of large size elements in a particular series with the same oxidation state. If the oxidation state is different for the same metal, then the complex with a greater oxidation state of central metal will be more stable.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chapter 10: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
This chapter is the first chapter of organic chemistry in class 12 chemistry and you are going to cover several important reaction mechanisms in this chapter like SN reaction and its use.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
If it is asked you to pick up ten aliphatic compounds and with them to be stranded on a desert island, you choose only alcohols. Why – because you could make nearly every other kind of aliphatic compound from them and a host of others. On your desert island, you would use your alcohols not only as raw material but also as a solvent in which the reactions are carried out and the products are recrystallized. Not only this if you are tired after a day-long experiment get refreshed with (isopropyl) alcohol rub and perhaps relax over a cool (ethyl) alcoholic drink.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Aldehydes and ketones are the compounds containing a carbonyl group, >C=O, in which a carbon atom is linked to an oxygen atom by a double bond. They have the same general formula CnH2nO. The general structure of aldehydes and that of ketones is where R and R¢ may be the same or different. Formaldehyde represents the simplest aldehyde in which the carbonyl group is attached to two hydrogen atoms, i.e., Formaldehyde is exceptional in that the carbonyl group carries two hydrogen atoms and no alkyl substituents. It is, therefore, not surprising that it displays characteristic properties.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 13: Amines
Amines play a vital role in medicinal chemistry. As our body is having a lot of amino acids, these amines help in the regulation of our body. It is also believed that vitamins were named keeping vital amines in mind (though many vitamins don't have nitrogen at all). Similarly, to produce several synthetic dyes, and pigments amines are used. Therefore, the amines are very important in our everyday life. Let us see how this is.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 14: Biomolecules
Carbohydrates (hydrates of carbon) are naturally occurring organic compounds having the general formula Cx(H2O)y, which are constantly produced and assimilated in nature and take part in many important biochemical reactions. However, several compounds having general formulas such as that of carbohydrates have been synthesized. There are many compounds, which are carbohydrates by chemical behaviour but do not conform to the general formula. For example, 2-deoxyribose, C5H10O4 is a carbohydrate by chemical reaction but does not conform to the general formula. All the carbohydrates are optically active. So, carbohydrates are now defined as the polyhydroxy carbonyl compounds, which give polyhydroxy carbonyl compounds on hydrolysis. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones that have an OH bonded to each of the carbon other than the C=O group.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 15: Polymers
Polymers are compounds of very high molecular masses formed by the combination of a large number of simple molecules. The simple molecules which combine to give polymers are called monomers. The process by which the simple molecule (i.e. monomers) are converted into polymers is called polymerization.
Example: Polyethylene. All polymers are macromolecules, but all macromolecules are not polymers because polymers consist of repeating units of monomer e.g., chlorophyll is a macromolecule but not a polymer.
Chapter 16: Chemistry in Everyday Life
Learn the fundaments to chemistry which you use in daily life, it is again an important chapter of class 12 chemistry.
CBSE Marking Scheme 2022-23
Class 12 is an important year of a student's academic life based on the marks in class 12 several universities take admission. To score good marks in CBSE class 12 one must understand the pattern of the exam and the weightage of the topic and then start preparing from the NCERT textbook.
The term I CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus Course Structure 2022-23
Unit No. | Name of Unit | Marks |
1 | Solid State | 10 |
2 | Solutions | |
3 | p-Block Elements | 10 |
4 | Haloalkanes and Haloarenes | 15 |
5 | Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers | |
6 | Biomolecules | |
Total | 35 |
Term II CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus Course Structure 2022-23
Unit No. | Name of Unit | Marks |
1 | Electrochemistry | 13 |
2 | Chemical Kinetics | |
3 | Surface Chemistry | |
4 | d-and f-Block Elements | 9 |
5 | Coordination Compounds | |
6 |
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids |
13 |
6 | Amines | |
Total | 35 |
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Academic Resources 2023-24
Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Solutions | Questions | MCQs |
Frequently Asked Questions
The exercise of the NCERT textbook consists of questions from the entire parts of the chapters. When you are going to solve the exercise you must know the theory part of the chapter. Solving exercise questions are one of the best ways to revise the entire syllabus of class 12 chemistry. It is highly recommended that one must solve all the questions by your own concepts and NCERT solutions for class 12 chemistry must be used for reference only.
The advantages of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry are –
- All the questions asked in the textbook are solved with the required details.
- Physical chemistry numerical are solved with proper explanation and step-by-step elaboration of all concepts used in the question.
- Organic chemistry questions are explained by the use of the proper mechanism.
- Printable PDFs are available which are uploaded chapter-wise and free download option.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry is one of the most important academic resources for CBSE class 12 students. In the NCERT textbook, there are lots of chapters in which students face problems while solving the questions specifically in the physical chemistry numerical. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry consists of step by step explanation of all the numerical asked in the NCERT exercise.
There are 16 chapters in the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry. The weightage of the chapter wise is mentioned on the above page. Still from a fundaments point of important view chapters are p-block, coordination compounds, aldehyde and ketones, and electrochemistry. Chemistry is an interlinked subject and the application of one chapter is seen in others so it is highly recommended that one must have very clear concepts chapter by chapter.