The CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus covers a broad range of topics that introduce students to various aspects of biology. Here’s a detailed overview of the key topics:
1. Diversity in Living World
- The Living World: Characteristics of living organisms, diversity of life forms, and taxonomy.
- Biological Classification: Five kingdoms of life, classification systems, and hierarchical classification.
- Plant Kingdom: Algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms.
- Animal Kingdom: Non-chordates (invertebrates) and chordates (vertebrates), their classification and characteristics.
2. Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
- Plant Anatomy: Tissues (meristematic and permanent), plant organs (roots, stems, leaves), and their functions.
- Animal Tissues: Types of tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous), and their functions.
- Morphology of Flowering Plants: Root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed.
3. Cell Structure and Function
- Cell Theory: Basic concepts, types of cells, and cell organization.
- Cell Structure: Plasma membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), and their functions.
- Cell Division: Mitosis and meiosis, their stages, and significance.
4. Plant Physiology
- Nutrition: Modes of nutrition (autotrophic and heterotrophic), photosynthesis (light and dark reactions), and factors affecting photosynthesis.
- Respiration: Types of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic), glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain.
- Transportation in Plants: Transport of water, nutrients, and food, structure and function of xylem and phloem.
- Excretion: Excretory products and processes, plant adaptations for excretion.
5. Human Physiology
- Digestion and Absorption: Structure and function of digestive organs, digestive processes, and nutrient absorption.
- Breathing and Exchange of Gases: Respiratory system, mechanics of breathing, and gas exchange.
- Body Fluids and Circulation: Blood, lymph, heart, blood vessels, and circulation pathways.
- Excretory Products and their Elimination: Structure and function of the excretory system, and process of urine formation.
- Locomotion and Movement: Types of movement, muscular system, and bone structure.
- Neural Control and Coordination: Nervous system, neuron structure, and nerve impulse transmission.
- Chemical Coordination and Integration: Endocrine system, hormones, and their functions.
6. Reproduction
- Asexual Reproduction: Types of asexual reproduction in plants and animals.
- Sexual Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems, human reproductive processes, and gametogenesis.
- Reproductive Health: Concepts of reproductive health, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
7. Genetics and Evolution
- Heredity and Variation: Principles of inheritance, Mendelian genetics, genetic disorders.
- Molecular Basis of Inheritance: DNA structure and replication, gene expression, and mutations.
- Evolution: Theories of evolution, evidence for evolution, and evolutionary processes.
8. Biology and Human Welfare
- Health and Disease: Principles of health, diseases (causes, prevention, and treatment), and vaccines.
- Improvement in Food Production: Techniques in agriculture, biotechnology, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
9. Biotechnology and Its Applications
- Biotechnology: Basic principles, tools, and techniques.
- Applications of Biotechnology: In medicine, agriculture, and industry.
10. Ecology and Environment
- Organisms and Populations: Ecosystem structure, ecological interactions, and population dynamics.
- Ecosystem: Energy flow, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem functioning.
- Biodiversity and Conservation: Importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, and conservation efforts.
This syllabus provides a thorough grounding in various biological principles and processes, preparing students for further studies in biological sciences. For a detailed syllabus and exam pattern, you can refer to the CBSE official website or consult your school’s curriculum guide.