CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for Social Science

The CBSE Class 6 Social Science syllabus is designed to help students understand the world around them through the study of history, geography, and civics. Here’s a detailed overview of the syllabus:

**1. History

  • What, Where, How and When?

    • Understanding the concept of history
    • Exploring the significance of historical sources
    • Early societies and their achievements
  • On the Trail of the Earliest People

    • Early human societies
    • The concept of hunting and gathering
    • Archaeological sources and early settlements
  • Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

    • Early kingdoms and republics in ancient India
    • Understanding early governance and administration
    • The concept of rulers and their role
  • New Questions and Ideas

    • Historical developments in different periods
    • Contributions of ancient thinkers and philosophers
    • Changes in societies over time

**2. Geography

  • The Earth in the Solar System

    • The solar system and its components
    • The position and movement of Earth
    • Introduction to planets and other celestial bodies
  • Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

    • Understanding latitude and longitude
    • The concept of the equator, poles, and hemispheres
    • Locating places using coordinates
  • Major Domains of the Earth

    • Continents and Oceans
    • Understanding the major landforms: mountains, plains, plateaus, deserts, and coastal regions
    • The importance of different landforms
  • Our Country – India

    • Geographic features of India
    • The states and Union territories of India
    • Major rivers, mountains, and climate zones

**3. Civics

  • Understanding Diversity

    • Concept of diversity in cultures, religions, and languages
    • The significance of respecting diversity
    • Examples of cultural diversity in India
  • Government

    • The concept of governance and its importance
    • Introduction to different levels of government: local, state, and national
    • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of various government institutions
  • Local Self-Government

    • The concept of local governance and its significance
    • Functions of local self-government bodies like Panchayats and Municipalities
    • Participation of citizens in local governance

**4. Social and Political Life

  • What is Government?

    • The role and importance of government in society
    • Different forms of government: democracy, monarchy, etc.
    • Understanding the concept of public services
  • Why Do We Need a Government?

    • Functions and purposes of government
    • The importance of laws and regulations
    • How government impacts daily life

**5. Project Work

  • Research and Presentation
    • Engaging in research projects related to history, geography, or civics
    • Presenting findings through reports or presentations
    • Encouraging creativity and critical thinking

**6. Integrated Activities

  • Group Discussions and Debates

    • Participating in discussions and debates on social issues
    • Enhancing understanding through interactive activities
  • Field Visits and Observations

    • Learning through visits to historical sites, government institutions, or natural landmarks
    • Observing and understanding real-world applications of social science concepts