ICSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus

ClassClass 8
ChapterICSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus
Chapter NameChapter 1 Rational Numbers

The ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) Class 8 Hindi syllabus is structured to enhance students' proficiency in the Hindi language, including reading, writing, comprehension, and appreciation of Hindi literature. The syllabus covers various aspects, such as grammar, composition, comprehension, and literature, ensuring a well-rounded language education. Below is a detailed overview of the latest ICSE Class 8 Hindi syllabus:

1. Hindi Language (हिंदी भाषा)

This section focuses on developing students' language skills, including grammar, composition, and comprehension.

1.1. Grammar (व्याकरण)

  • वर्ण विचार (Varna Vichar): Understanding the classification of Hindi alphabets (स्वर, व्यंजन, अनुस्वार, विसर्ग).
  • संधि (Sandhi): Types of Sandhi (स्वर संधि, व्यंजन संधि, विसर्ग संधि) and their rules with examples.
  • समास (Samas): Types of Samas (द्वंद्व, तत्पुरुष, बहुव्रीहि, कर्मधारय, अव्ययीभाव) with examples.
  • उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Upasarg aur Pratyay): Understanding prefixes and suffixes and their role in word formation.
  • सर्वनाम (Sarvanam): Types of pronouns (पुरुषवाचक, निस्चयवाचक, अनिश्चयवाचक, प्रश्नवाचक, सम्बन्धवाचक).
  • क्रिया (Kriya): Types of verbs (सकर्मक, अकर्मक, यौगिक, सहायक), tense (काल) and their correct usage.
  • विशेषण (Visheshan): Types of adjectives (गुणवाचक, संख्यावाचक, परिमाणवाचक, सम्बन्धवाचक, अनिशचयवाचक).
  • अव्यय (Avyay): Understanding indeclinables and their usage.
  • वाक्य भेद (Vakya Bhed): Types of sentences (सरल, संयुक्त, मिश्र), their formation, and transformation.
  • अलंकार (Alankar): Understanding poetic devices (श्लेष, अनुप्रास, यमक, रूपक) and their identification in literature.

1.2. Composition (रचना)

  • निबंध लेखन (Nibandh Lekhan): Writing essays on various topics, including descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative.
  • पत्र लेखन (Patra Lekhan):
    • Formal letters (औपचारिक पत्र): Writing official letters such as applications, letters to the editor, complaint letters.
    • Informal letters (अनौपचारिक पत्र): Writing personal letters to friends, family members, etc.
  • संवाद लेखन (Samvad Lekhan): Writing dialogues on given topics or situations.
  • चित्र वर्णन (Chitra Varnan): Describing pictures, scenes, or events based on visual prompts.
  • सूचना लेखन (Soochna Lekhan): Writing notices for school events, lost and found, announcements, etc.
  • अनुच्छेद लेखन (Anuchhed Lekhan): Writing paragraphs on given topics, focusing on coherence and clarity.

1.3. Comprehension (अपठित गद्यांश)

  • गद्यांश पर आधारित प्रश्न (Gadyansh par Aadharit Prashn): Reading unseen passages and answering questions related to comprehension, vocabulary, and interpretation.
  • सार लेखन (Sar Lekhan): Summarizing the main points of a given passage.

2. Hindi Literature (हिंदी साहित्य)

This section aims to develop students' appreciation of Hindi literature through the study of prose, poetry, and drama.

2.1. Prose (गद्य)

  • कहानियाँ (Kahaniyan): Reading and understanding short stories from the prescribed textbook.
  • निबंध और लेख (Nibandh aur Lekh): Understanding essays and articles, analyzing the main ideas and themes.
  • संस्मरण और आत्मकथा (Sansmaran aur Aatmkatha): Reading and analyzing memoirs and autobiographies.

2.2. Poetry (काव्य)

  • कविताएँ (Kavitayen):
    • Reading and appreciating poems from the prescribed textbook.
    • Understanding poetic devices (अलंकार), themes, tone, and mood.
    • Analyzing the messages conveyed through poetry and the poet's intent.

2.3. Drama (नाटक)

  • नाट्यांश (Natyaansh):
    • Reading and understanding one-act plays or excerpts from longer plays.
    • Analyzing characters, dialogues, plot, and themes.
    • Understanding the dramatic elements and the playwright's techniques.

3. Listening and Speaking Skills (श्रवण और वाचन कौशल)

This section focuses on enhancing students' oral communication skills through various activities.

3.1. Listening (श्रवण कौशल)

  • श्रवण समझ (Shravan Samajh):
    • Listening to audio clips, passages, or conversations and answering related questions.
  • श्रवण कौशल पर आधारित प्रश्न (Shravan Kaushal par Aadharit Prashn): Taking notes and summarizing spoken content.

3.2. Speaking (वाचन कौशल)

  • वक्तव्य और चर्चा (Vaktavya aur Charcha):
    • Participating in debates, discussions, and oral presentations on given topics.
  • कविता वाचन (Kavita Vachan):
    • Reciting poems with correct intonation, expression, and pronunciation.
  • भाषण और प्रस्तुति (Bhashan aur Prastuti):
    • Preparing and delivering speeches or presentations.