CUET Humanities Practice Questions (Subject Wise)

Subjects and Patterns of CUET Humanity

Students who are preparing for CUET Humanity must understand the exam pattern and its preparation. If you want to take admitted to 100 plus universities then you must appear for the CUET entrance exam which is conducted by NTA. We have prepared detailed subject notes, MCQ questions and information related to CUET Humanity. 

CUET Humanity, Pattern of Exam

In CUET Humanity there are three sections. 

Section 1 is Dedicated to language

Section II relates to the Domain subjects that you want to choose for your UG admission 

Section III relates to the general aptitude section.

From the above section, you can take up to nine tests. There are a total of 03 (3) languages from Sections IA and IB, 05, Domain Subjects from Section II, and 03, and General Tests from Section I.

CUET Humanity Domain subjects Section II

Knowledge Tradition – Practices in India, Legal Studies, Mass Communication, Performing arts, Agriculture, Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Engineering Graphics, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Home Science, Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology, Sanskrit, Teaching Aptitude.

Section III – General Test.

CUET Humanity Domain subjects syllabus 

CUET History syllabus

The Story of the First Cities Harappan Archaeology    

New Architecture: Hampi

Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story    

Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i- Akbari

Social Histories using the Mahabharata    

The Mughal Court: Reconstructing Histories through Chronicles

A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa    

Religious Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition

Medieval society through Travellers' Accounts    

Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports

Representations of 1857    

Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes

Partition through Oral Sources    

Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports

The Making of the Constitution    -

CUET Political Science syllabus

Politics in India since Independence

The era of One-Party Dominance

Nation-Building and Its Problems

Politics of Planned Development

India’s External Relations

Challenge to and Restoration of Congress System

Crisis of the Constitutional Order

Regional Aspirations and Conflicts

Rise of New Social Movements

Democratic Upsurge and Coalition Politics

Recent Issues and Challenges

Contemporary World Politics

Cold War Era in World Politics

The disintegration of the 'Second World' and the Collapse of Bipolarity

US Dominance in World Politics

Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power

South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era

International Organisations in a Unipolar World

Security in Contemporary World

Environment and Natural Resources in Global Politics

Globalisation and Its Critics

CUET Geography Syllabus

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Human Geography: Nature and Scope


Human Activities

Transport, Communication and Trade

Human Settlements

India: People and Economy

Human Settlements

Resources and Development

Transport, Communication and International Trade

Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

CUET Psychology syllabus

Variations in Psychological Attributes

Self and Personality

Meeting Life Challenges

Psychological Disorders

Therapeutic Approaches

Attitude and Social Cognition

Social Influence and Group Processes

Psychology and Life

Developing Psychological Skills

CUET Books for Humanities 

NCERT Textbook (Class XII)

NCERT Exemplars class 12

Indian Economy: Performance and Policies-Uma, Kapila

Political Science-ND Arora

Political Ideologies-Andrew Heywood

Administrative Thinkers-Prasad & Prasad

AP European History-Test Prep Books


Frequently Asked Questions

To download the chapter-wise CUET Humanity’s MCQ questions check out the above page you will get the list of chapters from CUET Humanity to click on the link given in the chapter and download the free pdf in just one click. 

Yes, all experts and teachers recommend the NCERT textbook for the CBSE board to score good marks in CUET Humanity is prepared as per the CBSE Guidelines. 

The best way to use CUET Humanity’s MCQ questions is to read the theory part of the textbook and try to solve all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook by yourself with the help of HT CUET Humanity’s MCQ questions.