Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a challenging and comprehensive education that fosters critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and holistic learning. Here's an overview of the MYP curriculum:

1. Core Components:

  • Approaches to Learning (ATL): This component focuses on developing students' learning skills, including communication, research, self-management, social, and thinking skills. ATL is integrated across all subjects.
  • Approaches to Teaching: MYP encourages inquiry-based learning, connecting the curriculum to real-world issues, which helps students apply their knowledge practically.
  • Global Contexts: The curriculum emphasizes learning within global contexts, ensuring students understand the relevance of their studies on a global scale. The six contexts are: identities and relationships, orientation in space and time, personal and cultural expression, scientific and technical innovation, globalization and sustainability, and fairness and development.

2. Subject Groups:

The MYP curriculum is organized into eight subject groups, each designed to offer a balanced and broad education:

  • Language and Literature: Focuses on developing linguistic skills, literary analysis, and an appreciation of language as a tool for understanding and expression.
  • Language Acquisition: Encourages students to learn additional languages, enhancing their cultural awareness and communication skills.
  • Individuals and Societies: Covers subjects like history, geography, economics, and social sciences, helping students understand societal structures and human behavior.
  • Sciences: Involves studying biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental sciences, fostering scientific inquiry and critical thinking.
  • Mathematics: Develops numerical, abstract, and analytical thinking, preparing students for problem-solving in various contexts.
  • Arts: Encompasses visual arts, music, drama, and dance, promoting creativity and cultural understanding.
  • Physical and Health Education: Focuses on physical well-being, health awareness, and the importance of an active lifestyle.
  • Design: Teaches students how to approach problems with creativity, innovation, and practicality, integrating technology and design thinking.

3. Personal Project:

  • MYP Personal Project: A significant part of the MYP is the Personal Project, where students undertake a long-term project of their choice. It encourages independent learning, project management, and deep exploration of a topic of personal interest.

4. Assessment:

  • Internal Assessment: The MYP uses a criterion-related model for internal assessments, which are designed to assess students' understanding and skills rather than just content memorization. Assessments are varied, including written tasks, presentations, practical work, and projects.
  • eAssessment: In the final year of the MYP, students may also participate in external eAssessments, which include on-screen examinations and ePortfolios, providing an opportunity for standardized evaluation.

5. Interdisciplinary Learning:

  • Interdisciplinary Units: The MYP curriculum encourages interdisciplinary learning, where students integrate knowledge and skills from different subject groups to explore complex issues or themes.

6. Service as Action:

  • Community Service: An integral part of the MYP, students engage in service-learning activities that connect classroom learning with community involvement. This helps them develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to contribute positively to society.

7. Holistic Development:

  • The MYP focuses on the holistic development of students, encouraging them to be active learners, well-rounded individuals, and globally minded citizens.
Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum
Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum
Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum
Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum