Chapter wise worksheets for class 1 Maths

About Printable Worksheet For Class 1 Maths

Worksheet for class 1 Maths is one of the very useful content which helps not only to build a good foundation but also help kids to understand concepts very well. tutors are experienced teachers with a decade of teaching experience in class 1 Maths designed and develop the chapter wise worksheet for class 1 Maths which consist of questions with answer. Each worksheet consists of carefully selected questions of the chapter to ensure complete coverage of the chapters and as you move next questions on the worksheet you will find new things to learn. The difficulty level is well balanced, and our experts prepared a worksheet for Maths class 1 with the right selection of questions.   

Why students must use worksheets for class 1 Maths

Maths is a subject of practice. Class 1 Maths consists of basics and numbers, class 1 Maths consists of a few very interesting and fun-based chapters which students feel very excited about. The class 1 textbook consists of very limited questions and few students enjoy it a lot while solving questions puzzles and image-based questions is one kind of game for the students. For those students, our experts created Worksheet for class 1 Maths which is uploaded chapter-wise to ensure good learning outcomes. Solving more and more questions starting from class 1 in Maths will increase the problem-solving skill of the child which lead to an increase in interest in Maths for upcoming classes. Class 1 is the first step towards the academic journey, and this is the right time to involve children in solving puzzles solving questions and asking them to think about the questions. Because class 1 students are very small, they need help from parents and once parents are involved in solving the Worksheet for class 1 Maths the overall process become very interesting for the child. 

Features of Worksheet for class 1 Maths

Chapter-wise Worksheet for class 1 Maths is prepared by expert tutors of The feature of the Worksheet for class 1 Maths is 

  1. Worksheet for class 1 Maths is prepared and uploaded chapter-wise to ensure kids get the questions of the chapter which is going on in school.
  2. The worksheet for class 1 Maths is uploaded in pdf form and is with detailed solutions for better understanding. each question is explained in the step-by-step method for good understanding. 
  3. Each worksheet consists of questions from concepts used in the entire chapter. Few questions in the worksheet for class 1 Maths consist of the use of multiple concepts, all the questions are prepared as per the syllabus of class 1 not a single question added in the worksheet is formed outside the syllabus of class 1 Maths.
  4. Worksheet for class 1 Maths is prepared by experts’ teachers who are part of and have years of teaching experience. 
  5. Chapter-wise Worksheet for class 1 Maths is prepared with mixed types of questions like a few is MCQ based, image type, maths the following types. Generally, we have added questions that help students to build their foundation in the subject and create interest in the subject, still, if children face problems in solving these questions it is recommended that use personnel learning from a good home tutor. A home tutor will be enhanced the child’s learning ability and boost his confidence.

How to use Worksheet for class 1 Maths

The best strategy to use the Worksheet for class 1 Maths is to start the chapter which is going on in your school. Listen carefully to what the teacher teaches you and try to note down all important terms used during the class. Once the class is over, take the help of your parents or tutor to understand the textbook or if your school allows NCERT to read the chapter from the NCERT textbook. Once you are confident that you understood the entire chapter now it’s the right time to solve the exercise given in your textbook all the questions given in the exercise forms the chapter so it will be easier for students to solve this exercise. Just after the exercise downloads the pdf of the chapter form Worksheet for class 1 Maths uploaded by experts. It is recommended to take print out these worksheets and start solving the questions given in the Worksheet for class 1 Maths one by one. If you face a problem with any question, take the help from solutions given in the Worksheet for class 1 Maths. It is observed that different school recommend different textbook but the syllabus remain the same so it might possible that the name of chapters may differ a bit but the numerical and questions are the same. 

How to become experts in class 1 Maths

Mathematics is subject of practice, and practice came after the proper understanding of the chapters and their concepts. So, to become experts in Maths in the upcoming class as well as in class 1, this is the right time. Start the right approach in Math’s form class 1 itself. Teachers’ and parents’ roles are very important in early classes because from class 1 children start developing an interest in the subject. To start developing the interest in class 1 Maths it's the teacher’s responsibility how his creativity can enhance child learning what is the example you are taking in the class how you motivate to solve numerical more interesting is the key aspect of child learning in maths. Use of the right textbook is also important, the end of the example used in the textbook and questions are given in the exercise use of the right images in the questions and their explanations are the key points which need to be verified by the teacher before recommending the textbook. Parents need to motivate children to do more questions by encouraging them how this is interesting apart from the textbook exercise Worksheet for class 1 Maths can help a lot to build a solid foundation in a subject like maths. Mathematics can help the child to develop his analytical ability which is also important for other subjects. While solving the questions never help a child let him think about a question multiple time this will boost his fighting ability, if the parent solves the questions child develop an ability to ask to help every time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Home tuition experts prepared a chapter-wise worksheet for class 1 Maths available in printable pdf and easily downloadable form. Check out the chapters in which you want the worksheet. 

We have prepared a chapter-wise worksheet for class 1 Maths of which you can download the Number Worksheet for Class 1 Maths which is available in pdf form. 

You can download Subtraction worksheets for grade 1 pdf from home tution chapter wise worksheet for class 1 maths. 

All the worksheets we have uploaded for class 1 Maths are prepared as per the latest CBSE syllabus, at home you can get chapter-wise CBSE worksheets for class 1 maths.