NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter-wise solutions PDFs

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics is prepared by the experts of covering all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook. Physics is a conceptually based subject, and its application part requires more effort and time. For medical and non-medical students, class 11th physics is a foundation for their careers. And when you are aiming for higher entrance exams like NEET, JEE, and any other university exams, 11th physics plays a vital role. Find subject-wise NCERT Solutions for class 11 prepared by HT experts. 

We have curated NCERT solutions for 11th-standard physics to make it easier for students. As rigorous as physics subject is, our solutions will help students solve problems and formulas systematically. Our experts have laid the groundwork for the answers that would simplify, identify, and solve the student’s queries more effortlessly.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter-wise List CBSE Syllabus 2022-23

  • Chapter 1: Physical World
  • Chapter 2: Units and Measurements
  • Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line
  • Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane
  • Chapter 5: Laws of Motion
  • Chapter 6: Work, Energy, and Power
  • Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  • Chapter 8: Gravitation
  • Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
  • Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
  • Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter
  • Chapter 12: Thermodynamics
  • Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory
  • Chapter 14: Oscillations
  • Chapter 15: Waves

An overview of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics

"Physics is a philosophy of nature. It is a study of matter, motion, energy, and force. Here you will learn about"

  • Gravitational force, nuclear force, electromagnetic force, etc., and fundamental laws of physics.
  • Methods of plotting x-t motion graphs and finding values based on them is an essential topic. Average speed and velocity will also be covered.
  • The Work-Energy Theorem and different theories concerning rotational movements and movements of the system of particles.
  • Thermodynamics deals with concepts of heat and temperature. It is a macroscopic science that deals with bulk systems.
  • Kinetic theory of gases- assumptions and the concept of pressure is an essential topic from an exam perspective.
  • Oscillations will assist you with studying insights about fluctuations and oscillatory movements.
  • The waves chapter contains a comprehensive study on types of waves, tension on strings, and dependence on the speed of sound in air. It will cover transverse and longitudinal waves, wavelength, and angular wavenumber.
  • The universal law of gravity.

Our NCERT solutions provide in-depth chapter-wise answers, and with regular practice, students will be able to approach the question in the right way.

Importance of NCERT solutions for class 11 physics

Our NCERT SOLUTIONS is a backbone of physics students as it provides extensive study material in an accessible format for the students that will help them achieve good scores in school and prepare them for their future competitive exams. These NCERT solutions are aligned with the CBSE syllabus and guidelines to help students clear all their queries by providing solved questions, detailed chapter-wise topics, summaries, practice papers, etc. It will allow students to inspect their preparation level and clear doubts.

Chapter-wise Brief introduction of NCERT solutions for Class 11 Physics

Class 11 Physics consists of fundamental chapters which required lots of effort and problem-solving skills to excel. Class 11 Physics need to continue learning and practising the questions, students must follow the NCERT textbook and solve all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook exercise with the help of NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics. The chapters in class 11 Physics are.

CHAPTER 1 Physical World

(The Physics in surroundings)


The word physical means anything in our surroundings which is visible to our eyes. However, in the broad sense, it consists of everything from microscopic particles (Electron, proton, subatomic particles, quarks, glutens, etc.) to macroscopic bodies (Planet satellites, galaxies, etc.) of the universe.

More to it, the “physical world” consists of everything that exists in the universe that can be perceived, Measured, and represented.

In this chapter, we will learn about the relationship between science and technology, conservation laws, unification principles, etc.

Chapter 2: Units & Dimensions

(The reference standards & their powers)


Measurement means the comparison of a physical quantity with its reference standards.

Anything in the physical world which can be measured, perceived, and represented is known as a physical quantity. And the reference standards for measurement of a physical quantity are known as units. There are mainly two types of physical quantities that are fundamental or base quantities, and derived physical quantities. All derived quantities can be represented in terms of base physical quantities. The powers or exponents to the base physical quantities in the Dimensional Formula of a derived physical quantity are known as dimensions.

In this chapter, we will learn about seven fundamental quantities and their units, supplementary quantities and their units, derived quantities and their units, dimensions of physical quantities and their applications, errors in measurements, significant figures, and working of measuring instruments like as Vernier calipers, Screw gauge, etc.

This is a very important chapter of physics which consists of almost all basic concepts of the competitive level physics syllabus.

Chapter 3: Motion In A Straight Line

(The change in position along a straight line)


The word “motion” means movement. Motion is the change in position of a particle with time concerning a fixed reference point or origin. The motion of bodies in the physical world can be divided into two categories, kinematics and kinetics or dynamics.

Kinematics deals with the study of motion without considering its cause, i.e. external unbalanced force. Whereas kinetics or dynamics deals with the study of motion with consideration of its cause.

In this chapter we will learn about the motion of the bodies along a straight line, that is along a horizontal or vertical line.

After completion of the chapter, learners will be able to understand the basic concepts of motion which include distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration; Types of motion- Uniform and non-uniform motion, relative velocity in one dimension, motion under gravity, kinematical equations, and uniformly accelerated motion.

Motion in a straight line can be observed in the following events: Motion of vehicles in their particular lane on a state road, Motion of metro train on straight rails, Motion of elevator or lift in a building in a shopping mall, Motion of athletes in 100-meter raise on straight track, Motion of cyclist along a straight path, Motion of steamer or boat in the straight river, and Motion of aeroplane in a straight line of sight, etc.

Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane

(Two-dimensional motion)


We usually see motion in a plane in our day-to-day life. The motion of a toy car in a circular loop. The motion of a person on a curvilinear track. The motion of a girl with an umbrella in heavy rain, the Motion of a footballer on the ground, the Motion of a biker in the well of death, etc. Motion in a plane may be a combination of two motions along straight lines.

In this chapter, we will learn about the vectors & it’s operations, motion in a plane with constant acceleration, projectile motion, Relative velocity in two dimensions, and uniform circular motion, etc.

Chapter 5: Laws of Motion

(Laws of motion with its cause)


Every Motion in the universe follows a certain set of rules, whether it is translatory motion, rotatory motion, vibratory /oscillatory motion etc.

All kind of motions is governed by some basic laws of nature. where there is motion, there is a resultant force or unbalanced external force. Which is the cause of motion.

After completion of this chapter, learners will be able to understand about Fundamental forces of nature, famous Newton’s three laws of motion, linear momentum, linear impulse, Motion of connected bodies, or constant motion, Translational equilibrium of forces, free body diagram, Friction, Circular motion, banking of roads and calculation of maximum safety speed, etc.

Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power

(Three main scalars of motion)


In the previous chapter, we have learned about motion and its causing which is a resultant force or unbalanced external force. When a body is applied by a force some displacement May or may not takes place. If there is some displacement At the point of application of force, then a physical quantity named work can be defined.

Work is a measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force. Whereas energy possessed by a body is the strength or vitality required for sustained physical Activities. If there is some work, there is a Transfer of energy at some rate. So, the time rate of transfer of energy or Work done is defined as power. In general, the ability or capacity of a body to do some work is known as the power of the body.

All three physical quantities are scalars, are closely related to each other, and are scalar quantities.

In this chapter, we will learn about the concept related to work, energy and power, work done due to variable forces, work-energy theorem, conservation of mechanical energy, elastic and inelastic head-on collision, coefficient of restitution, the motion of a body in a vertical circle, Etc.

Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion


In previous chapters, we have learned about translatory motion by considering a particle In motion. However, in the real world bodies are made up of several particles.

To understand the motion of an Actual body, the Body is supposed to be extended and rigid. A body that is made up of several particles of individual masses is known as the extended body. Whereas, A rigid body is a body that retains its shape and size on the application of any force of any magnitude. This separation between any two particles within the rigid body age is supposed to be unchanged in the application of force, because of the presence of a strong intramolecular force of attraction between the particles.

In translatory motion, All particles of the body possess equal velocity, and equal acceleration and cover equal displacement in equal time intervals. While in Rotary motion all particles perform circular motion about a fixed axis of rotation which may be real or imaginary, with constant angular velocity and angular acceleration, Except one particle which lies on the axis of rotation itself.

To apply kinematic equations of motion for an extended body In motion, we need to define a position within or outside the body Where the total mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated. This is known as the central mass of the body. Alike the centre of mass of the body, A centre of gravity needs to be defined for huge bodies. A Position where the total weight of the body is supposed to be acted, Is known as the centre of gravity.

After completion of this chapter, the learners will be able to understand the concept of Angular displacement, angular velocity, Angular acceleration, a moment of Inertia, a moment of inertia of common bodies, the radius of gyration, torque, Angular momentum And its conservation, Centre of mass, Rotational kinetic energy and power in rotational motion, Rolling motion, etc.

Chapter 8: Gravitation

(The Attraction Due to Mass)


The word “Gravitation” means the attraction between bodies due to their masses. The force of attraction between bodies due to their masses is known as gravitational force. This force is responsible for the motion of all terrestrial bodies in the universe. Although it is the weakest force in nature, it becomes significant In the case of very large bodies. The earth and all other planets revolve around the sun because of the gravitational force of attraction.

After completing this chapter, the learners will be able to understand the concept of Kepler’s law of planetary motion, Newton’s Law of gravitation, Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude, depth and latitude. Gravitational potential and field, Gravitational potential energy, the motion of satellites, escape velocity, Orbital velocity, etc.

Learners will find almost similar concepts in electrostatics.

Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids

(The Properties of Solids Under Mechanical Load)


The term “Mechanical properties” means the characteristics of the material that describe the behaviour under the action of external load or mechanical load. Everything present in the physical or non-physical world is known as material.

The mechanical properties define the behaviour of materials under the action of external forces, which are called loads. These are a measure of strength and lasting characteristics of the material, that is of good importance in the design of tools, machines and structures. These are also useful for helping to specify and identify materials. The mechanical properties of metals are determined by the range of usefulness of the metal and establish the service that is expected.

The common mechanical properties are as follows: Elasticity, strength, plasticity, ductility, hardness, impact resistance, stiffness, brittleness, malleability, toughness, resonance creep, fatigue limit, machinability, elongation, strain energy, modulus of toughness, etc.

In this chapter, We will learn about stress and its types strain and its types, Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus of elasticity, bulk and rigidity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and Work done in stretching a wire, the stress-strain curve for a metal wire, etc.

Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids


All substances in the physical or non-physical world which begin to flow On application of external force are known as fluids. Fluids are of two types, elastic fluids (gases) and non-elastic fluids (liquids). The study of the mechanical properties of fluids is known as fluid mechanics. Which is classified into 2 parts, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics or fluid dynamics.

Some common mechanical properties of fluids are density, pressure, buoyant force, viscosity, surface tension specific volume temperature specific gravity specific weight etc. These properties are yesterday to understand the suitability of the fluids for different purposes.

In this chapter we will discuss the properties of fluids at rest, Pressure and density, Pascal’s law and its applications, buoyant force and Archimedes principle, variation of pressure with height, equation of continuity, fluid flow, Reynolds number, Bernoulli’s principle and its applications, surface tension, surface energy, capillarity etc.

Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter

(The Properties of Matter with Temperature Variation)


Anything in the universe that occupies space and has mass is known as matter. The matter has some properties by which every matter is different from the other, and each of them can be identified. This property includes physical, chemical, mechanical, thermal and dimensional properties.

We have learned that physical properties tell us the conductivity, density, combustibility etc. Chemical properties tell us the chemical composition, acidity or alkalinity, Corrosive properties, etc. Mechanical properties tell us the physical attributes of the matter like strength, elasticity, elasticity, ductility etc. Dimensional properties give information about the size and shape of the matter.

Thermal properties of matter Are the properties that decide the nature of the matter in the presence of heat or due to which a matter exhibits heat conductivity. Different materials act differently under the influence of heat or heat variation by thermal properties.

In this chapter, we learn about heat capacity, thermometry thermal expansion thermal conductivity thermal stress, calorimetry, heat transfer, Newton’s law of cooling, etc.

Chapter 12: Thermodynamics

(The Macroscopic study of Heat, Work and Energy)


The word “thermodynamics” means the flow of heat. Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with heat, work, and Temperature, and their relation to energy, entropy, and the physical properties of matter and radiation. The laws of thermodynamics describe how the energy in a system changes and whether it’s the system can perform useful work on its surroundings.

Thermodynamics deals only with the large-scale response of a system which can be observed and major in experiments. Small-scale gas interactions are described by the kinetic theory of gases. The methods complement each other; some principles are more easily understood in terms of thermodynamics and some principles are more easily explained by kinetic theory.

In this chapter, we’ll study 3 laws of thermodynamics, Specific heat capacity, quasi-static thermodynamic processes, Carnot engine, heat pumps and refrigerators, etc.

Chapter 13: kinetic theory

(The theory of kinetics of gases)


The kinetic theory of gases is the study of the microscopic behaviour of molecules and the interactions which lead to macroscopic relationships Like the ideal gas law.

The kinetic theory of gases is based on a simplified molecular or particle description of a gas, from which many gross properties of the gas can be derived. The theory explains macroscopic properties of gases such as pressure, temperature, viscosity, thermal conductivity and volume By considering their molecular composition and motion. The theory assumes that gas pressure is due to the impacts on the wall of a container of molecules or atoms moving at different velocities.

In this chapter, we learn about the category of an ideal gas and gas laws, speeds of gas, pressure and kinetic energy, degree of freedom specific heat capacity at constant volume and constant pressure, mean free path, etc.

Chapter 14: Simple harmonic motion

(The Simplest Oscillatory Motion)


Simple harmonic motion is the simplest form of oscillatory motion that can be described in terms of harmonic (sine or cosine) functions.

In the physical world, the motion of the pendulum motion of the spring-mass system, and the motion of a plastic bottle dropped in water, are a few examples of oscillatory motion.

In previous chapters, we have learned translatory and Rotatory motions in detail. There is another type of motion in which a particle oscillates or vibrates about its equilibrium or mean position Under the influence of restoring force that always acts towards the equilibrium or means position.

In this chapter, we learn about oscillatory motion, the equation of SHM, Basic concept of simple harmonic motion that is displacement, velocity, phase, and acceleration; energy in SHM time. Frequency simple pendulum spring pendulum superposition of SHM, Damped and undamped oscillations, resonance, etc.

Chapter 15: Waves

(The Disturbances)

The word “waves” means deep propagating dynamic disturbances in a matter that carries energy or momentum from one position to another. These disturbances propagate from place to place in a regular and organized manner. These disturbances me or may not require a material medium for propagation.

Based on medium requirements for propagation, waves can be classified one that requires a material medium for propagation is known as mechanical waves and others that do not require a material medium are known as non- mechanical waves or electromagnetic waves. Sound waves, surface waves, and water waves Are examples of mechanical waves.

The propagation of away through a medium depends on the properties of the medium. Waves exhibit some commonly observed phenomena such as reflections, refraction, diffraction interference and polarization.

In this chapter, we will learn about the basics of mechanical waves progressive waves standing waves, Vibration of a string, Resonance, waves in Organ pipes, Beats, interference superposition of waves, musical sounds and Doppler effect, etc.

CBSE Class 11 Physics Academic Resources 2023-24

Frequently Asked Questions

Our NCERT solutions are well researched and compiled by our teachers. It is a one-stop answer to all the physics questions for class 11 that are needed to achieve good marks.

Yes, the syllabus is as per the CBSE class 11 physics course. Any changes regarding the course structure will constantly get updated.

These solutions teach the fundamentals of physics, and indeed, they will help you crack entrance exams. Just start to prepare and solve sample questions regularly.

The best way to use NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics is to start with the chapter theory given in the ncert textbook and read the chapter carefully while going through the textbook make sure you are preparing notes. Write down all important formulas and points given in the textbook and try to solve the solved example given in the textbook. Once you complete the chapter start the questions given in the textbook by yourself if you face any difficulty using NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics.