CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus

The CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of biological processes and systems. It encompasses various aspects of plant and animal biology, genetics, ecology, and biotechnology. This syllabus is crucial for students pursuing careers in medicine, life sciences, and related fields.

Unit 1: Reproduction

  • Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms

    • Asexual and sexual reproduction
    • Modes of reproduction: Binary fission, budding, fragmentation, and vegetative reproduction
    • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants and animals
  • Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

    • Structure and functions of flowers, pollination, fertilization
    • Development of seed and fruit, seed dispersal
  • Chapter 3: Human Reproduction

    • Male and female reproductive systems, gametogenesis
    • Menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and childbirth
    • Reproductive health and contraception
  • Chapter 4: Reproductive Health

    • Family planning, safe sex practices
    • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive technologies

Unit 2: Genetics and Evolution

  • Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

    • Mendelian genetics: Laws of inheritance, gene linkage, and recombination
    • Chromosomal basis of inheritance, sex determination
  • Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

    • Structure and functions of DNA and RNA
    • Central dogma of molecular biology: DNA replication, transcription, translation
    • Genetic code, mutations, gene regulation
  • Chapter 7: Evolution

    • Theories of evolution: Darwinism, Lamarckism
    • Evidence of evolution: Fossil records, comparative anatomy, embryology
    • Modern evolutionary synthesis, speciation

Unit 3: Biology and Human Welfare

  • Chapter 8: Human Health and Disease

    • Common diseases: Bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan infections
    • Immunity, vaccines, and drugs
    • Lifestyle diseases: Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases
  • Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

    • Plant breeding, hybridization, tissue culture
    • Animal husbandry, aquaculture
    • Organic farming and sustainable agriculture

Unit 4: Biotechnology and Its Applications

  • Chapter 10: Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

    • Techniques: Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology
    • Tools: Restriction enzymes, plasmids, vectors
  • Chapter 11: Biotechnology and Its Applications

    • Applications in medicine: Production of insulin, vaccines
    • Agricultural applications: Genetically modified crops
    • Environmental applications: Bioremediation

Unit 5: Ecology and Environment

  • Chapter 12: Organisms and Populations

    • Population ecology: Population growth, regulation, and interactions
    • Community ecology: Ecological succession, habitat, and niche
  • Chapter 13: Ecosystem

    • Structure and functions of ecosystems
    • Energy flow, nutrient cycles, ecological pyramids
    • Biomes and environmental conservation
  • Chapter 14: Biodiversity and Conservation

    • Definition and importance of biodiversity
    • Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation
    • Conservation strategies: In-situ and ex-situ conservation

Practical Syllabus

The practical component of the CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus includes laboratory exercises that complement theoretical learning. Key experiments include:

  • Microscopy: Study of plant and animal tissues using microscopes
  • Plant and Animal Physiology: Experiments on osmosis, photosynthesis, respiration
  • Genetics: Study of genetic crosses and inheritance patterns
  • Ecology: Collection and study of ecological data, population studies

Assessment and Exam Pattern

  • Theory Exam: The theory exam is of 70 marks, divided into multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
  • Practical Exam: The practical exam is of 30 marks, which includes lab work, viva voce, and project work.


The CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus offers a comprehensive study of life processes and their interactions with the environment. By thoroughly understanding these topics and regularly practicing experiments, students can excel in their board exams and prepare for further studies in the biological sciences.

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Class 12 Biology Syllabus


Class 12 Biology Syllabus

The Class 12 Biology syllabus covers essential topics that are foundational for understanding complex biological systems and processes. It prepares students for higher education in biological sciences, medical fields, and related disciplines.

Unit 1: Reproduction

  • Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms

    • Asexual and sexual reproduction
    • Modes of reproduction: Binary fission, budding, fragmentation, vegetative reproduction
    • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants and animals
  • Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

    • Structure of flowers: Stamen, pistil, sepals, petals
    • Pollination: Types and mechanisms
    • Fertilization: Processes and development of seeds and fruits
    • Seed dispersal and germination
  • Chapter 3: Human Reproduction

    • Male and female reproductive systems
    • Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis and oogenesis
    • Menstrual cycle: Phases and hormonal control
    • Pregnancy: Development stages, childbirth
    • Reproductive health: Contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Chapter 4: Reproductive Health

    • Family planning methods
    • Safe sex practices
    • Reproductive technologies: IVF, IUI

Unit 2: Genetics and Evolution

  • Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

    • Mendelian genetics: Laws of inheritance, gene linkage, and recombination
    • Chromosomal basis of inheritance
    • Sex determination and sex-linked traits
  • Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

    • DNA structure and function: Double helix model, replication
    • RNA types and functions: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
    • Genetic code: Characteristics, mutations
    • Central dogma of molecular biology: Transcription and translation
  • Chapter 7: Evolution

    • Theories of evolution: Darwinism, Lamarckism
    • Evidence for evolution: Fossils, comparative anatomy, embryology
    • Modern evolutionary synthesis and speciation

Unit 3: Biology and Human Welfare

  • Chapter 8: Human Health and Disease

    • Diseases: Bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan infections
    • Immunity: Innate and adaptive immunity, vaccines
    • Lifestyle diseases: Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases
  • Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

    • Agricultural practices: Plant breeding, hybridization, tissue culture
    • Animal husbandry: Breeding, management
    • Aquaculture: Principles and practices
    • Organic farming and sustainable agriculture

Unit 4: Biotechnology and Its Applications

  • Chapter 10: Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

    • Techniques: Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology
    • Tools: Restriction enzymes, plasmids, vectors
  • Chapter 11: Biotechnology and Its Applications

    • Medical applications: Production of insulin, vaccines
    • Agricultural applications: Genetically modified crops
    • Environmental applications: Bioremediation

Unit 5: Ecology and Environment

  • Chapter 12: Organisms and Populations

    • Population ecology: Population growth models, regulation
    • Community ecology: Ecological interactions, succession
  • Chapter 13: Ecosystem

    • Structure and functions: Producers, consumers, decomposers
    • Energy flow and nutrient cycles: Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus cycles
    • Ecological pyramids and biomes
  • Chapter 14: Biodiversity and Conservation

    • Definition and importance of biodiversity
    • Threats to biodiversity: Habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation
    • Conservation strategies: Protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, gene banks

Practical Syllabus

The practical component includes a range of experiments and activities to reinforce theoretical concepts. Key practical work includes:

  • Microscopy: Study of plant and animal tissues using microscopes
  • Plant Physiology: Experiments on photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration
  • Animal Physiology: Study of reflex actions, heart rate, and respiration
  • Genetics: Mendelian crosses and inheritance patterns
  • Ecology: Field studies, population dynamics, and environmental impact assessments

Assessment and Exam Pattern

  • Theory Exam: The theory exam typically includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions, and is usually worth 70 marks.
  • Practical Exam: The practical exam assesses laboratory work, viva voce, and project reports, and is usually worth 30 marks.


The Class 12 Biology syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of biological sciences and is essential for students aiming to pursue higher education in medicine, biotechnology, and related fields. Mastery of this syllabus will prepare students for board exams and future scientific studies.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus