CBSE Class 12 History Syllabus

ClassClass 12
ChapterCBSE Class 12 History Syllabus
Chapter NameChapter 1 Relations and Functions

CBSE Class 12 History Syllabus

The CBSE Class 12 History syllabus offers a detailed exploration of historical events and processes, focusing on ancient, medieval, and modern periods. The syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of historical developments, socio-economic changes, and their impact on contemporary society.

**Unit 1: Early Societies

  • Chapter 1: Bricks, Beads, and Bones

    • Early societies: The Harappan Civilization
    • Social, economic, and technological aspects
    • Artifacts and their significance
  • Chapter 2: Kings, Farmers, and Towns

    • The early Vedic period
    • Rise of states and empires: Mauryan and post-Mauryan
    • Economic and social changes

**Unit 2: Empires and States

  • Chapter 3: An Empire Across Three Continents

    • The Mauryan Empire: Administration, economy, and culture
    • Spread of Buddhism and its impact
  • Chapter 4: The Mughal Empire

    • Rise and establishment of the Mughal Empire
    • Akbar’s policies and administration
    • Decline and fall of the Mughal Empire
  • Chapter 5: Colonialism and the Countryside

    • Impact of British colonialism on rural India
    • Changes in agrarian relations and economy
    • Peasant revolts and uprisings

**Unit 3: Nation and State

  • Chapter 6: The First War of Independence (1857-58)

    • Causes and consequences of the revolt
    • Key events and leaders
    • Impact on British policies
  • Chapter 7: Nationalism in India

    • Freedom struggle: Key events and movements
    • Role of prominent leaders and organizations
    • The path to independence
  • Chapter 8: The Making of the Indian Constitution

    • Formation and evolution of the Constitution
    • Key features and principles
    • Role of the Constituent Assembly

**Unit 4: World History

  • Chapter 9: The World Between the Wars

    • Major global events: The Great Depression, rise of fascism
    • Impact of World War I and II on global politics
  • Chapter 10: The Cold War Era

    • Origins and development of the Cold War
    • Major conflicts and treaties
    • End of the Cold War and its impact
  • Chapter 11: Post-Colonial World

    • Decolonization and the emergence of new nations
    • Major political and social changes
    • Globalization and its effects

Assessment and Exam Pattern

  • Theory Exam: The theory exam generally includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions based on the above topics.
  • Practical Exam: Some schools may include project work or presentations related to historical events and interpretations.


The CBSE Class 12 History syllabus provides an in-depth analysis of historical events and processes, helping students understand the complexities of historical developments and their impact on the modern world. Mastery of these topics prepares students for advanced studies in history, political science, and related disciplines.