NEET Syllabus 2025

NEET Syllabus 2025 PDF by NTA, Download Subject wise New Syllabus

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has officially released the revised NEET Syllabus 2025. The new syllabus includes both additions and omissions compared to previous years. NEET 2025 aspirants should take note of these changes to adjust their study plans accordingly. The updated NEET syllabus 2025 aims to keep the content relevant and comprehensive, ensuring it meets the evolving academic and professional standards in medical education. For detailed information and updates, candidates can visit the official NTA website or refer to this article

NEET Syllabus 2025

Overview of NEET Syllabus 2025

Here’s a concise overview of the NEET Syllabus 2025, officially released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The NEET syllabus 2025 PDF is available for download from the NTA’s official website and covers major subjects—Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

Parameter Details
Official Release 2024
Authority National Testing Agency (NTA)
Syllabus Availability Available on NTA’s official website
Document Format PDF
Key Sections Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Changes from the Previous Year Yes (Specified in the revised sections)
Accessibility NEET 2025 syllabus PDF by NTA is Available
Applicability Mandatory for NEET 2025 aspirants

The revised NEET syllabus 2025 includes new topics and the removal of some previous ones. This update ensures that aspirants are well-prepared for the NEET 2025 exam. Candidates should review the NEET revised syllabus 2025 thoroughly to align their preparation with the latest academic requirements.

Download NEET 2025 Syllabus PDF

To download the NEET 2025 syllabus PDF, visit the official NTA website. The NEET syllabus 2025 PDF includes detailed information about each subject, ensuring students can prepare effectively.

NEET 2025 Syllabus in Hindi

नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (NTA) ने NEET 2025 का Syllabus आधिकारिक वेबसाइट, पर घोषित किया है। NEET 2025 की तैयारी कर रहे उम्मीदवारों को इस पाठ्यक्रम को देखना चाहिए जिससे कि वे updated NEET Syllabus से परिचित हो सकें और उच्च स्कोर करने की संभावना बढ़ सके।

NEET Syllabus 2025 – Subject-Wise Breakdown

The NEET Syllabus 2025 provides a comprehensive breakdown of the three main sections of the NEET UG Exam.

The NEET 2025 Biology Syllabus focuses on the complexities of living organisms, offering an in-depth look at various biological concepts. Students can find the detailed NEET Syllabus 2025 for Biology in the NEET syllabus 2025 PDF.

The NEET 2025 Physics Syllabus includes critical topics like mechanics and thermodynamics, which are essential for understanding the physical principles related to medicine. You can download the NEET 2025 Syllabus in Hindi or English and get the NEET Syllabus 2025 for Physics for a detailed study.

The NEET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus covers organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry, highlighting important chemical reactions and bonding. The NEET Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry is also available in the NEET revised syllabus 2025 PDF.

To ensure a thorough understanding and to succeed in the NEET UG 2025 exam, students should fully engage with all aspects of the NEET Syllabus 2025. You can easily download NEET 2025 Syllabus PDF for complete details on each subject.

NEET Syllabus 2025 – Subjects Wise Breakdown
Biology  Physics Chemistry
Diversity of Living Organisms Change Physics And Measurement Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structural Organization in Plants & Animals Change Kinematics Structure of Atom
Cell Structure and Function No Change Laws Of Motion Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Plant Physiology Work, Energy, and Power Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Human Physiology Rotational Motion States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Reproduction Gravitation Thermodynamics
Genetics & Evolution Properties of Solids and Liquids Equilibrium
Biology and Human Welfare Thermodynamics Redox Reactions
Biotechnology and its Applications Kinetic Theory of Gases Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Ecology and Environment Oscillation and Waves P-Block Elements
Electrostatics d- and f-Block Elements
Current Electricity Coordination Compounds
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Electromagnetic Waves Hydrocarbons
Optics Organic Compounds Containing Halogens
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
Atoms and Nuclei Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Electronic Devices Biomolecules
Experimental Skills Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

NEET Syllabus 2025 for Biology

The NEET Syllabus 2025 for Biology includes fundamental topics such as genetics, ecology, and human physiology. It ensures a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of living organisms. Aspirants should focus on detailed study plans to cover diverse topics, from cellular biology to environmental interactions, to excel in this segment of the NEET 2025 exam.

NEET Syllabus 2025 Classwise for Biology

Unit Name Unit Topics
Class 11
Unit 1 – Diversity of Living Organisms What is living?; Biodiversity; Need for classification; Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature; Five kingdom classifications: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Lichens, Viruses, Viroids; Classification of plants: Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms; Classification of animals: Non-chordate up to phyla level and chordate up to classes level.
Unit 2 – Structural Organization in Plants & Animals Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants; Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy, and functions of different systems of an insect (brief account).
Unit 3 – Cell Structure and Function Cell theory; Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles; Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis.
Unit 4 – Plant Physiology Photosynthesis; Respiration; Plant growth and development.
Unit 5 – Human Physiology Breathing and Respiration; Body fluids and circulation; Excretory products and their elimination; Locomotion and Movement; Neural control and coordination; Chemical coordination and regulation.
Class 12
Unit 6 – Reproduction Sexual reproduction in flowering plants; Human Reproduction; Reproductive health.
Unit 7 – Genetics & Evolution Heredity and variation; Molecular basis of Inheritance; Evolution.
Unit 8 – Biology and Human Welfare Health and Disease; Microbes in human welfare.
Unit 9 – Biotechnology and its Applications Principles and process of Biotechnology; Application of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture.
Unit 10 – Ecology and Environment Organisms and environment; Ecosystem; Biodiversity and its conservation.

NEET Syllabus 2025 for Physics

The NEET Syllabus 2025 for Physics emphasizes principles and applications relevant to medical sciences, including mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Candidates should strengthen their conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills to tackle the analytical nature of physics questions effectively.

NEET Syllabus 2025 Classwise for Physics

Unit Name Unit Topics
Class 11
Unit 1: Physics And Measurement Units of measurements; System of Units; SI Units; Dimensional analysis.
Unit 2: Kinematics Motion in a straight line; Motion in a plane; Projectile Motion; Uniform Circular Motion.
Unit 3: Laws Of Motion Newton’s laws; Inertia; Momentum; Friction; Dynamics of uniform circular motion.
Unit 4: Work, Energy, and Power Work; Kinetic and potential energies; Power; Conservation of mechanical energy.
Unit 5: Rotational Motion Center of mass; Rotational motion; Moment of inertia; Torque; Angular momentum.
Unit 6: Gravitation Universal law of gravitation; Kepler’s laws; Gravitational potential energy; Satellite motion.
Unit 7: Properties of Solids and Liquids Elastic behavior; Stress-strain relationship; Fluid dynamics; Surface tension; Heat transfer.
Unit 8: Thermodynamics Zeroth law; First law; Second law; Isothermal and adiabatic processes.
Unit 9: Kinetic Theory of Gases Equation of state; Kinetic theory; RMS speed of gas molecules.
Unit 10: Oscillation and Waves Simple harmonic motion; Wave motion; Sound waves; Standing waves.
Class 12
Unit 11: Electrostatics Electric charges; Coulomb’s law; Electric field; Gauss’s law; Electric potential.
Unit 12: Current Electricity Ohm’s law; Electrical resistance; Kirchhoff’s laws; Wheatstone bridge.
Unit 13: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Biot-Savart law; Ampere’s law; Force on a moving charge; Torque on a current loop.
Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Faraday’s law; Lenz’s Law; AC circuits; Transformers.
Unit 15: Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic spectrum; Applications of EM waves.
Unit 16: Optics Reflection; Refraction; Interference; Diffraction; Polarization.
Unit 17: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Photoelectric effect; de Broglie relation.
Unit 18: Atoms and Nuclei Rutherford’s model; Bohr model; Nuclear fission and fusion.
Unit 19: Electronic Devices Semiconductors; Diodes; Logic gates.
Unit 20: Experimental Skills Vernier calipers; Screw gauge; Simple pendulum; Metre scale; Young’s modulus; Surface tension; Viscosity; Speed of sound; Specific heat capacity; Resistivity; Resistance; Focal length; Angle of deviation; Refractive index; Characteristics of diodes.

NEET Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry

The NEET Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry is divided into organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. It covers chemical bonding, reaction mechanisms, and the properties of elements and compounds. A strategic approach to mastering theoretical concepts and practical applications is crucial for high scores.

NEET 2025 Syllabus for Physical Chemistry

The NEET 2025 Syllabus for Physical Chemistry includes fundamental concepts such as thermodynamics, kinetics, and equilibrium. Students should focus on mastering numeric calculations and understanding the physical basis of chemical reactions.

Unit Name Unit Topics
Class 11
Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Matter; Dalton’s atomic theory; Mole concept; Chemical reactions; Stoichiometry.
Unit 2: Structure of Atom Discovery of subatomic particles; Bohr’s model; Quantum numbers; Electronic configuration.
Unit 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Periodic table; Periodic trends.
Class 12
Unit 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Ionic and covalent bonds; VSEPR theory; Hybridization; Molecular orbital theory.
Unit 5: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Gas laws; Ideal gas equation; Liquid state properties.
Unit 6: Thermodynamics First law; Second law; Enthalpy; Entropy; Gibbs energy.
Unit 7: Equilibrium Dynamic nature; Le Chatelier’s principle; Ionic equilibrium; Buffer solutions.
Unit 8: Redox Reactions Oxidation and reduction; Redox reactions; Balancing equations.

NEET 2025 Syllabus for Inorganic Chemistry

The NEET 2025 Syllabus for Inorganic Chemistry includes periodic properties, coordination compounds, and essential metal and non-metal elements.

Unit Name Unit Topics
Class 11
Unit 9: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Periodic table; Periodic trends.
Class 12
Unit 10: P-Block Elements Groups 13 to 18 elements; Physical and chemical properties.
Unit 11: d- and f-Block Elements Transition elements; Lanthanoids and actinoids.
Unit 12: Coordination Compounds Werner’s theory; Ligands; Nomenclature; Isomerism; Applications.

NEET 2025 Syllabus for Organic Chemistry

The NEET 2025 Syllabus for Organic Chemistry covers hydrocarbons, biomolecules, and important organic reactions such as nucleophilic substitution and elimination.

Unit Name Unit Topics
Class 11
Unit 13: Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds Purification methods; Qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Unit 14: Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry Tetra-valency of carbon; Hybridization; Nomenclature; Types of reactions.
Unit 15: Hydrocarbons Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes; Aromatic hydrocarbons.
Class 12
Unit 16: Organic Compounds Containing Halogens Haloalkanes; Haloarenes.
Unit 17: Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen Alcohols; Phenols; Ethers; Aldehydes; Ketones; Carboxylic acids.
Unit 18: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Amines; Diazonium salts.
Unit 19: Biomolecules Carbohydrates; Proteins; Vitamins; Nucleic acids.
Unit 20: Principles Related to Practical Chemistry Detection of elements; Preparation of compounds; Qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Chapters Removed from the NEET 2024 Syllabus

The NTA has updated the NEET syllabus for 2024, removing certain chapters from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Below is a detailed list of these changes.

Removed Chapters in NEET Physics Syllabus

Class 11 Physics:

  1. Unit I: Physical-world and Measurement
    • Scope and excitement of Physics, nature of physical laws, and the relationship between Physics, technology, and society.
    • Measurement basics: Length, mass, and time measurements; accuracy and precision of measuring instruments.
  2. Unit II: Kinematics
    • Basic concepts of differentiation and integration for motion description.
    • Scalars and vectors, position and displacement vectors, general vectors and notation, vector operations.
  3. Unit III: Laws of Motion
    • Lubrication (Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces chapter).
  4. Unit V: Rotational Motion
    • Momentum conservation and center of mass motion.
  5. Unit VI: Gravitation
    • Geostationary satellites.
  6. Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter
    • Shear, Poisson’s ratio, elastic energy, Reynold’s number, and anomalous expansion.
    • Specific heat capacity, calorimetry, state changes, Black Body Radiation, Wein’s displacement law, Greenhouse effect.
    • Newton’s law of cooling and Stefan’s law.
  7. Unit VIII: Thermodynamics
    • Heat engines and refrigerators.
  8. Unit X: Oscillations and Waves
    • Free, forced, and damped oscillations (qualitative), resonance, Doppler effect.

Class 12 Physics:

  1. Unit I: Electrostatics
    • Van de Graaff generator.
  2. Unit II: Current Electricity
    • Electric charge flow in conductors, carbon resistors, color code for resistors, Potentiometer applications.
  3. Unit III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
    • Magnetic field concepts, Oersted’s experiment, magnetic dipole moment, Earth’s magnetic field, electromagnetic factors, permanent magnets.
  4. Unit IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
    • LC oscillations (qualitative treatment).
  5. Unit VI: Optics
    • Reflection and refraction of plane waves, light scattering, optical instruments, human eye, microscopes, and telescopes.
  6. Unit VII: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
    • Davisson-Germer experiment (experimental details omitted, conclusion explained).
  7. Unit VIII: Atoms and Nuclei
    • Isotopes, isobars, isotones, and properties of radioactive particles.
  8. Unit IX: Electronic Devices
    • Energy bands in solids, conductors, insulators, junction transistor, transistor action, transistor as an amplifier and oscillator.

Removed Chapters in NEET Chemistry Syllabus

Class 11 Chemistry:

  1. Unit I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
    • General introduction, scope of chemistry.
  2. Unit II: Structure of Atom
    • Atomic number, isotopes, isobars, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light.
  3. Unit V: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
    • Intermolecular interactions, bonding, gas laws, ideal gas behavior, deviation from ideal behavior, liquefaction of gases, critical temperature, liquid state properties.
  4. Unit IX: Hydrogen
    • Occurrence, isotopes, preparation, properties, and uses of hydrogen, hydrides, properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Unit X: s-Block Elements
    • Group I and II elements, preparation and properties of sodium compounds, biological importance of sodium, potassium, Mg, and Ca.
  6. Unit XI: Some p-Block Elements
    • Important silicon compounds and uses.
  7. Unit XIII: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
    • Cyanides and isocyanides.
  8. Unit XIV: Environmental Chemistry
    • Air, water, and soil pollution, atmospheric reactions, smogs, acid rain, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, pollution control, green chemistry.

Class 12 Chemistry:

  1. Unit I: Solid State
    • Classification of solids, unit cells, packing in solids, density calculation, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties, band theory.
  2. Unit V: Surface Chemistry
    • Adsorption, catalysis, colloidal state, Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, emulsions.
  3. Unit XV: Polymers
    • Natural and synthetic polymers, methods of polymerization, important polymers, biodegradable polymers.
  4. Unit XVI: Chemistry in Everyday Life
    • Chemicals in medicines, food, preservatives, cleansing agents.

Removed Chapters in NEET Biology Syllabus

Class 11 Biology:

  1. Unit I: Diversity in Living World
    • Concept of species, taxonomical hierarchy, tools for taxonomy study, angiosperms classification.
  2. Unit II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
    • Animal tissues, morphology, anatomy, and functions of systems in an insect.
  3. Unit IV: Plant Physiology
    • Transport in plants, plant-water relations, translocation of nutrients, mineral nutrition, plant growth and development.
  4. Unit V: Human Physiology
    • Digestion and absorption, digestive system, neural control and coordination, sense organs.

Class 12 Biology:

  1. Unit I: Reproduction
    • Modes of reproduction, asexual and sexual reproduction, vegetative propagation in plants.
  2. Unit III: Biology and Human Welfare
    • Food production improvement, apiculture, animal husbandry.
  3. Unit V: Ecology and Environment
    • Organisms and environment, nutrient cycling, ecological services, environmental issues.

Addition of New Chapters in NEET 2024 Syllabus

Alongside the removed content, new chapters have been added to the NEET 2024 syllabus. Class 11 Physics:

  1. Unit II: Kinematics
    • Resolution of vectors.
  2. Unit VI: Gravitation
    • Motion and energy of satellites.
  3. Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter
    • Fluid pressure, Pascal's law.
  4. Unit IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
    • RMS speed of gas molecules, degrees of freedom, Avogadro's number.

Class 12 Physics:

  1. Unit III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
    • Effect of temperature on magnetic properties.
  2. Unit VII: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
    • Dual nature of radiation.
  3. Unit XX: Experimental Skills
    • Familiarity with basic experimental observations and activities.

Class 11 Chemistry:

  1. Unit II: Structure of Atom
    • Bohr model of hydrogen atom.
  2. Unit IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
    • Kossel-Lewis approach, ionic and covalent bonds, Fajan's rule.
  3. Unit: Chemical Thermodynamics
    • Fundamentals, laws of thermodynamics, enthalpy, Gibbs energy change.

Class 12 Chemistry:

  1. Unit VII: Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
    • Electrolytic and metallic conduction, electrochemical cells.
  2. Unit IV: Chemical Kinetics
    • Pressure, collision theory of reactions.
  3. Unit VIII: d and f Block Elements
    • Transition elements.
  4. Unit XIII: Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
    • Purification techniques, qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  5. Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons
    • Isomerism, nomenclature, preparation, properties, and reactions.
  6. Unit: Organic Compounds Containing Halogen
    • Preparation, properties, environmental effects of chloroform, iodoform.
  7. Unit: Principles Related to Practical Chemistry
    • Detection of elements, preparation of compounds, titrimetric exercises, qualitative salt analysis.

Class 11 Biology:

  1. Unit II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
    • Family (malvaceae, Cruciferae, leguminoceae, compositae, graminae).
  2. Unit VII: Genetics and Evolution
    • Molecular basis of inheritance, protein biosynthesis.
  3. Unit VIII: Biology and Human Welfare
    • Pathogens, diseases, tobacco abuse.
  4. Unit X: Ecology and Environment
    • Biodiversity and conservation.

How to Access and Utilize the NEET Syllabus 2025?

To access the NEET syllabus 2025, visit the official National Testing Agency (NTA) website. Here, you can download the NEET syllabus 2025 PDF. Additionally, NEET 2025 aspirants can find the entire syllabus on this page and download it in PDF format. After obtaining the NEET syllabus 2025 PDF, review it thoroughly to understand the exam's scope. Aspiring candidates should integrate the syllabus into their study plans, aligning their preparation materials and practice questions with the outlined topics. Effectively utilizing the NEET syllabus 2025 involves breaking down each subject into manageable segments, scheduling regular review sessions, and focusing on areas highlighted as changes or recent additions.

Tips to Cover NEET Syllabus 2025

Covering the NEET syllabus 2025 with full understanding requires a structured approach and consistent effort. Here are some tips to effectively cover the syllabus:

  1. Create a Study Plan: Organize a study schedule that systematically covers all topics, allotting more time to subjects or areas where you feel less confident.
  2. Use High-Quality Study Materials: Invest in high-quality study materials, including textbooks recommended by NEET toppers and educators. Use a variety of resources such as video lectures and interactive apps for a well-rounded preparation.
  3. Practice Regularly: Regular practice with NEET-style questions and past exam papers is essential. This helps familiarize yourself with the exam format and identify areas needing further study.
  4. Focus on Weak Areas: Pay extra attention to topics added or emphasized in the new syllabus. Strengthen any weak areas identified during practice sessions.
  5. Revise Frequently: Regularly review learned concepts to aid retention and reduce the need for last-minute cramming.
  6. Join a Study Group: Collaborating with other aspirants can help understand difficult concepts and stay motivated.

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Frequently Asked Questions on NEET Syllabus 2025

No, the NEET syllabus 2025 will remain unchanged. The National Testing Agency (NTA) revised the syllabus at the end of 2023, which was followed for the 2024 exam and will continue for the 2025 exam.

The difficulty level of NEET 2025 is unpredictable as it depends on factors such as the exam pattern, question format, and individual preparation. However, thorough preparation using the NEET revised syllabus 2025 can help manage the difficulty.

To effectively cover the NEET syllabus 2025, start by understanding the updated syllabus provided by NTA. Create a structured study plan, allocating sufficient time for each subject and topic. 

The NEET exam consists of three main subjects: Biology (a combination of Botany and Zoology), Chemistry, and Physics. According to the NEET 2023 exam pattern, 200 multiple-choice, objective-type questions covered these subjects. The NEET 2025 syllabus in Hindi and English is expected to follow a similar pattern.

The NEET 2025 exam will have a total score of 720. Each correct answer will earn 4 marks, while each incorrect answer will deduct 1 mark. This marking scheme will apply to all subjects, including the NEET 2025 Physics Syllabus, NEET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus, and NEET 2025 Biology Syllabus.

The NEET syllabus 2025 includes topics and chapters from three subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Students can download the NEET 2025 syllabus PDF for detailed information on each subject.

Yes, the NEET syllabus 2025 has a total of 97 chapters across all three subjects. The NEET syllabus 2025 for Biology, Physics, and Chemistry covers these chapters comprehensively.

No, the NEET syllabus for 2025 is similar to that of the 2024 NEET exam. You can download the NEET 2025 syllabus PDF to review the unchanged topics and chapters.