Chapter 4-Working of Institutions

ClassClass 9
ChapterChapter 4-Working of Institutions
Chapter NameChapter 4 Working of Institutions
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Political Science(Civics) Chapter 4-Working of Institutions

This page consists of in-depth NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Political Science(Civics) Chapter 4-Working of Institutions. You can download all solutions to all the questions asked in The NCERT textbook of Chapter 4-Working of Institutions. HT experts prepared detailed NCERT Solutions for class 9 Social science as per the CBSE recommendation. 

Introduction to Chapter 4-Working of Institutions

This chapter is about the working of political institutions in a democracy. Institutions in a democracy refer to the legislature, executive and judiciary and the members who are part of it. They help in the smooth implementation of the rules and laws and carry out the public welfare. We try to understand this by looking at how major decisions are taken and implemented in our country. We also look at how disputes regarding these decisions are resolved. In this process, we come across three institutions that play a key role in major decisions – legislature, executive and judiciary. We also learn why we need a Parliament and what are the two houses of Parliament. The chapter explains in detail the difference between the powers of the two houses and also defines the roles and responsibilities of the important executives.

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