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Q1. Bradman was a great cricketer. The underlined
word is:
a) Adjective.
b) Noun.
c) Adverb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘cricketer’ is a common noun. A common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.
Q2. Patna is located on the banks of river Ganga. The
underlined word is:
Ans: d)
The word ‘on’ is a preposition as it shows how the proper noun Patna stands in relation to river Ganga.
Q3. Ram eats very fast. The underlined word is:
Ans: c)
The word ‘very’ is an adverb as it adds something to the meaning of the adverb fast.
Q4. She is a silly girl. The underlined word is:
a) Adjective.
b) Noun.
c) Adverb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘silly’ is an adjective as it adds something to the meaning of the word girl which is a common noun.
Q5. She is thin but looks good. The underlined word
a) Pronoun.
b) Conjunction.
c) Adverb.
d) Interjection.
Ans: a)
‘She’ is a personal pronoun denoting the person spoken of.
Q6. Hrithik is very handsome. The underlined word
a) Adjective.
b) Adverb.
c) Verb.
d) Noun.
Ans: c)
The word ‘is’ is a verb as it expresses a state.
Q7. I am fond of reading. The underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adverb.
c) Preposition.
d) Pronoun.
The word ‘I’ is a personal pronoun denoting the person spoken of.
Q8. Goodness gracious! She is crazy. The underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Interjection.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘goodness gracious’ here is an interjection as it expresses a sudden feeling.
Q9. Hurry up or you will miss the bus. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Interjection.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: a)
The underlined word ‘or’ is a conjunction as it joins two sentences.
Q10. Zoo officials named the new elephant Raja. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Interjection.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘elephant’ is a common noun. A common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing or animal of the same class or kind.
Q11. Mr. Ashok Kumar has one car. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adjective.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘one’ is a numeral adjective showing how many things are meant.
Q12. This class is full of girls. The underlined word
a) Conjunction.
b) Adjective.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘class’ is a collective noun. A collective noun is the name of a number of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole.
Q13. I met my family after one year. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adjective.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘family’ is a collective noun.
Q14. Laughter is good for health. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adjective.
c) Preposition.
d) Noun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘laughter’ is an abstract noun as it is the name of a quality considered apart from the object to which it belongs.
Q15. She hurt herself. The underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Verb.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘herself’ is a reflexive pronoun. The action done by the subject falls upon the subject.
Q16. She usually comes late. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Verb.
c) Adverb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
The word ‘usually’ is an adverb of frequency showing how often and it adds something to the meaning of the verb comes.
Q17. The British ruled over a vast empire. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘over’ is a preposition used with the noun British to show how the British stand in relation to the vast empire.
Q18. We had bread and butter for breakfast. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘and’ is a conjunction as it joins two words.
Q19. We are hopeful. The underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Are’ is a verb as it denotes a state(to be).
Q20. He was awake the whole night. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adjective.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘whole’ is an Adjective of Quantity showing how much of a thing is meant.
Q21. Deepika is extremely beautiful. The underlined
word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adverb.
c) Verb.
d) Noun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘extremely’ is an adverb of degree showing how much or to what extent Deepika is beautiful.
Q22. I had a disturbed sleep last night. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adverb.
c) Verb.
d) Noun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘sleep’ is an abstract noun as it is the name of a state considered apart from the object to which it belongs.
Q23. ‘3 Idiots' is directed by Raj Kumar Hirani. The
underlined word is:
a) Conjunction.
b) Adverb.
c) Verb.
d) Noun.
Ans: b)
‘By’ is a preposition used with the proper noun 3 Idiots to show how it stands in relation to the proper noun Raj Kumar Hirani.
Q24. Can someone take me to the auto stand? The
underlined word is:
a) Noun.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: d)
‘Someone’ is an indefinite pronoun as it does not refer to any particular person.
Q25. He was seriously injured. The underlined word
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘seriously’ is an Adverb of Degree showing how much or to what extent the person referred to was injured.
Q26. A large crowd gathered outside Salman Khan's
house. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
The word ‘crowd’ is a collective noun.
Q27. Each of the candidates was selected. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: d)
‘Each’ is a distributive pronoun as it refers to one person at a time.
Q28. Several meetings were organised to resolve the
issue. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Adjective.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
The word ‘several’ is an indefinite numeral adjective which does not denote an exact number.
Q29. I am an MBA. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Verb.
Ans: d)
‘Am’ is a verb as it denotes what the state of(to be).
Q30. I waited till she finished eating. The underlined
word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
‘Till’ is a preposition used with the pronoun ‘I’ to show how the subject stands in relation to the pronoun she.
Q31. Hurray! the exams are finally over. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Interjection.
Ans: d)
The word ‘Hurrah’ is an interjection as it expresses some sudden feeling.
Q32. He has played amazingly well. The underlined
word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘amazingly’ is an adverb as it adds something to the meaning of the adverb well.
Q33. We are waiting for the next cricket world cup.
The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
The word ‘waiting’ is a verb as it denotes an action.
Q34. Rajasthan is the largest state in India. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Rajasthan’ is a proper noun as it is the name of a place.
Q35. This dress is hers. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb
b) Preposition
c) Noun
d) Pronoun
Ans: d)
‘Hers’ is a possessive pronoun.
Q36. This is disgusting. The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: d)
The word ‘this’ is a demonstrative pronoun which points out the object to which it refers.
Q37. This film has been directed by Farhan Akhtar.
The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Adjective.
c) Verb.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
Here ‘this’ is used with the noun film pointing out which film is meant; hence, it is a demonstrative adjective.
Q38. She started crying before the guests. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
‘Before’ is a preposition showing how the pronoun she stands in relation to the guests.
Q39. He kept batting though he was injured. The
underlined word is:
a) Verb.
b) Conjunction.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
‘Though’ is a conjunction as it joins two sentences.
Q40. She started crying before the guests. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
‘Before’ is a preposition showing how the pronoun she stands in relation to the guests.
Q41. He finished the work within five hours. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: b)
‘Within’ is a preposition showing how the noun work stands in relation to five hours.
Q42. The cow bellowed loudly. The underlined word
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘loudly’ is an adverb adding something to the meaning of the verb bellowed.
Q43. Mosquitoes were present everywhere. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
The word ‘everywhere’ is an adverb of place adding something to the adjective present.
Q44. I almost missed the bus. The underlined word
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: a)
‘Almost’ is an adverb of degree showing to what extent.
Q45. We will go even if the weather is bad. The
underlined word is:
a) Noun.
b) Preposition.
c) Conjunction.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Even if’ is a compound conjunction which joins two sentences.
Q46. The mob set the truck on fire. The underlined
word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Mob’ is a collective noun.
Q47. I have little experience in editing. The
underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Adjective.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Little’ is an adjective of quantity showing how much of a thing is meant.
Q48. Manohar grew up in poverty. The underlined
word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
‘Poverty’ is an abstract noun as it denotes a state that stands apart from the object to which it belongs.
Q49. Oh God! Save us from this cold weather. The
underlined words are:
a) Adverb.
b) Conjunction.
c) Noun.
d) Interjection.
Ans: d)
‘Oh God’ is an interjection as it expresses some sudden feeling.
Q50. Slavery was common during the British rule.
The underlined word is:
a) Adverb.
b) Preposition.
c) Noun.
d) Pronoun.
Ans: c)
The word ‘slavery’ is an abstract noun denoting a state considered apart from the object to which it belongs.