Find a worksheet on prepositions for class 7 English grammar, before solving questions on the Preposition sheet do solve the NCERT exercise with the help of NCERT solutions for class 7 English. Check out NCERT Solutions prepared by HT experts.
Write the option you consider the most appropriate:
Q1. He introduced me
a) with his friend
b) to his friend
c) of his friend
d) by his friend
Ans. b
The verb introduced is always followed by preposition to
Q2 The apple was divided
a) between two friends.
b)among two friends.
c) with two friends.
d) of two friends.
Ans. a
When we talk about two people we always use the preposition ‘between’.
Q3. I was always good
a)at Geography when I was at school.
b)in Geography when I was at school.
c)of Geography when I was at school.
d)from Geography when I was at school.
Ans .a
The adjective ‘good’ when it mentions about some specialization is always followed by preposition ‘at’.
Q4. My uncle specializes
a) in History
b) at History
c) of History
d) from History
Ans. a
The verb specializes is always followed by preposition ‘in.’
Q5. We like going
a) to the cinema on Friday
b) for the cinema on Friday
c) at the cinema to Friday
d)of the cinema on Friday
Ans. a
We use the preposition ‘to’ in order to express movement toward a place.
Q6. Meghna broke
a) into tears during the film.
b)to tears during the film.
c) in tears during the film.
d) through tears during the film.
Ans. a
The expression ‘break into’ is an idiomatic expression.
Q7. He's been working
a) since three hours
b) from three hours
c)for three hours
d) to three hours
Ans. c
The preposition ‘since’ is used with specific time.
Q8. He is leaving
a) on Friday at night
b) in Friday at night
c) to Friday at night
d) at Friday at night
Ans. a
We use the preposition ‘on’ to denote an event or indicate a specific day or date.
Q9. The computer printer is
a)in the table next to the printer.
b)at the table next to the printer.
c) over the table next to the printer.
d) to the table next to the printer.
The preposition ‘on’ is used to indicate surface. It can be used to denote either a closed or an open surface.
Q10. I did not see the letter box even though
a) I was standing next to it.
b)I was standing on it
c)I was standing at it
d)I was standing under it
Ans. d
The preposition next to it here denotes ‘very near.’
Q11. Rita and Mani stood
a) under the tree waiting for the rain to stop.
b) near the tree waiting for the rain to stop.
c) in the tree waiting for the rain to stop.
d) over the tree waiting for the rain to stop.
Ans. a
The preposition ‘under’ here refers to taking shelter
Q11. Everybody was already sitting
a)on the table waiting for dinner to be served.
b)near the table waiting for dinner to be served.
c)next to the table waiting for dinner to be served.
d) at the table waiting for dinner to be served.
Ans. d
We use ‘at’ to denote an event at a precise time.
Q12. My keys were
a) on the desk, but I couldn't see them because they were under a magazine.
b)at the desk, but I couldn't see them because they were under a magazine.
c)in the desk, but I couldn't see them because they were under a magazine.
d) beside the desk, but I couldn't see them because they were under a magazine.
The preposition ‘on’ is used to indicate surface. It can be used to denote either a closed or an open surface.
Q13. When I went to buy the concert tickets
a)there was nobody at the ticket sales window.
b)there was nobody on the ticket sales window.
c)there was nobody from the ticket sales window.
d)there was nobody to the ticket sales window.
The preposition ‘at’ refers to locational preposition.
Q14. We walked
a) across the river looking for a way to get along it, but there was no bridge.
b) along the river looking for a way to get across it, but there was no bridge.
c) near the river looking for a way to get across it, but there was no bridge.
d) from the river looking for a way to get across it, but there was no bridge.
Ans b
The preposition ‘along’ is used to mean from end to or towards the other end of something.
Q15. The train passed
a) across 103 tunnels on the way to Shimla.
b) at 103 tunnels on the way to Shimla.
c)through 103 tunnels on the way to Shimla.
d)between 103 tunnels on the way to Shimla.
Ans. c
The preposition ‘through’ is used to mean from an end to or towards the other end of something.
Q16. They strolled
a)at the beach watching the sunset.
b)along the beach watching the sunset.
c) on the beach watching the sunset.
d)across the beach watching the sunset.
Ans. b
The preposition ‘along’ is used to mean from end to or towards the other end of something.
Q17. His dog manages
a) to jump under the fence.
b)to jump along the fence.
c)to jump at the fence.
d) to jump over the fence.
Ans. d
The preposition ‘over’ is used to mean from an end to or towards the other end of something.
Q18. The plane flew
a)over Delhi
b)over Delhi
c)across Delhi
d)at Delhi
Ans. a
The preposition ‘over’ is used to mean from end to or towards the other end of something.
Q19. While Sunil was talking to the bank manager the woman
a) behind him in line kept disturbing him.
b)near him in line kept disturbing him.
c) in front of him in line kept disturbing him.
d) after him in line kept disturbing him.
Ans. a
The preposition ‘behind’ means at or towards the back of somebody/ something( often hidden) by it or them.
Q20. I could not see him as he was hiding
a) behind the couch.
b) near the couch.
c) over the couch.
d) From the couch.
Ans. a
The preposition ‘behind’ means at or towards the back of somebody/ something (often hidden) by it or them.
Q21. He held his passport
a) behind his hand.
b)in his hand.
c)at his hand.
d)in front of his hand.
Ans b
The preposition ‘in’ is used here to specify a body part.
Q22. The kids were sitting on the floor
a) in front of the TV to watch their favourite serial.
b) near the TV to watch their favourite serial.
c) behind the TV to watch their favourite serial.
d) at the TV to watch their favourite serial.
Ans a
The preposition ‘in front of’ means a position that is further forward than somebody or something but not very far away.
Q23. You can buy tickets
a)at the ticket counter.
b)on the ticket counter.
c)from the ticket counter.
d)to the ticket counter.
Ans c
The preposition ‘at’ can be used to specify a place.
Q24. I will meet you
a) on Tuesday.
b)in Tuesday.
c)from Tuesday.
d)at Tuesday.
Ans a
We use the preposition ‘on’ to denote an event or indicate a specific day or date.
Q25. He lives
a) on the United State of America.
b) of the United State of America.
c) at the United State of America.
d)in the United State of America.
Ans. d
The preposition ‘in’ is used to indicate area or volume.
Q26. The train is due
a) at 12.15 p.m.
b)from 12.15 p.m.
c)of 12.15 p.m.
d) on 12.15 p.m.
Ans. a
We use ‘at’ to designate specific time.
Q27. He started
a) the job in 1971.
b)the job at 1971.
c)the job from 1971.
d)the job since 1971.
Ans. a
We use the preposition ‘in’ for non specific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
Q28. He will quit his job
a) in August.
b) at August.
c) from August.
d) of August.
Ans. a
We use the preposition ‘in’ for non specific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
Q29. She has lived here
a) for seven years.
b) from seven years.
c) since seven years.
d) of seven years.
Ans. a
We use the preposition ‘for’ when we measure time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years).
Q30. He has been working here
a)for 1970.
b) since 1970.
c)from 1970.
d)of 1970.
Ans. b
We use the preposition ‘since’ with a specific date or time.
Q31. He is capable
a) of doing this work
b) about doing this work
c) at doing this work
d) in doing this work
Ans. a
With adjective ‘capable’ we use the preposition ‘of’.
Q32. He apologised
a) at the principal.
b) ) from the principal.
c) ) of the principal.
d) ) to the principal.
Ans. d
We apologise to the person for something
Q33. He appealed to him
a) for mercy.
b)at mercy.
c) from mercy.
d) of mercy.
Ans. a
We appeal to someone for something
Q34. He prevented me
a) from doing this work.
b) at doing this work.
c) to do this work.
d) on doing this work.
Ans. a
The verb ‘prevent’ is always followed by the preposition ‘from’.
Q35. Her House is
a) in Rajnagar Road.
b) at Rajnagar Road.
c) on Rajnagar Road.
d)from Rajnagar Road.
Ans c
We use the preposition ‘on’ to designate names of streets, avenues etc.
Q36. He agreed
a) at my proposal.
b) to my proposal.
c) with my proposal.
d) on my proposal.
Ans. b
We use ‘agree to’ when we refer to a person.
Q37. He argued
a) at the matter.
b) for the matter.
c) about the matter.
d) on the matter.
Ans. c
We use the preposition ‘about’ when we refer to a matter.
Q38. He argued
a) with him.
b) at him.
c) about him.
d) over him.
Ans. a
Preposition ‘with’ is used when we argue with a person.
Q39. He is
a) preoccupied in his work.
b) preoccupied at his work.
c) preoccupied with his work.
d) preoccupied about his work.
Ans. c
The verb ‘preoccupied’ always follows the preposition ‘with’.
Q40. She left the keys
a)by the door.
b)at the door.
c)on the door.
d)in the door.
Ans. a
The preposition ‘by’ most often indicates a position reference.
Q41. He left for Spain
a)two years back.
b)two years ago.
c)two years beyond.
d)two years from.
Ans. b
The Preposition ‘ago’ refers to a certain time in the past.
Q42. Put a jacket
a) over your shirt.
b)in your shirt.
c)on your shirt.
d) at your shirt.
Ans. a
The preposition ‘over’ is used when it implies covered by something else.
Q43. He drove
a)by the tunnel.
b)through the tunnel.
c) over the tunnel.
d)at the tunnel.
Ans. b
The preposition ‘through’ is used to mean from end to or towards the other end of something.
Q44. He entered
a)to the house.
b)into the house.
c)at the house.
d) from the house.
Ans. b
The preposition ‘into’ here means to enter a room/building.
Q45. He plucked a flower
a)at a garden.
b)from a garden.
c) over a garden.
d) through a garden.
Ans. b
It is used in the sense of where from.
Q46. The cake was baked
a)by my mother.
b) from my mother.
c)with my mother.
d) to my mother.
Ans a
The preposition ‘by’ is used when it denotes ‘who made it?’
Q47. She was sorry
a)at the mistake.
b)for the mistake.
c)about the mistake.
d)of the mistake.
Ans. c
The preposition ‘about’ is used when you are sorry about something.
Q48. I am sorry
a)at being late.
b)for being late.
c)on being late.
d)from being late.
Ans. b
The preposition ‘for’ is used when you are sorry for doing something.
Q49. He is aware
a)at the problem.
b)with the problem.
c)from the problem.
d) of the problem.
Ans. d
The preposition ‘of’ is used with aware when it implies about being aware of something.
Q50. His interests are similar
a)to those of his brother.
b)with those of his brother.
c)at those of his brother.
d)from those of his brother.
Ans. a
It means similar to something
Q 51. I was really upset
a)at it.
b)on it.
c)about it.
d)from it.
Ans. c
When you are upset with something, you use the preposition ‘about’.