Questions on English Grammar-Determiners

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ChapterQuestions on English Grammar-Determiners
Chapter NameDeterminers Questions

Questions & Answers based on Class 7 English Grammar-Determiners

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MCQs of Determiners

Q. 1. The correct option is

a. Is there any news?

b. Is there some news?

c. Is there a news?

d. Is there an news?

Ans. a.

We use ‘any’ with countable or uncountable nouns both in the singular and plural numbers.

Q. 2. The correct option is

a. What is its use?

b. What is hers use?

c. What is ours use?

d. What is mine use?

Ans. a.

‘Its’ is a possessive pronoun. It is used before a singular and plural noun.

Q. 3. The correct option is

a. Please lend me some money.

b. Please lend me a money.

c. Please lend me an money.

d. Please lend me any money.

Ans. a.

‘Some’ is a singular demonstrative determiner. It points to something.

Q. 4. It is not an ox. It is

a. the cow.

b. a cow.

c. an cow.

d. one cow.

Ans. b.

‘A’ is used before countable ‘singular noun’. ‘A’ is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound.

Q. 5. The appropriate determiner is

a. one sun.

b. a sun.

c. an sun.

d. the sun.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is used before certain nouns when there is only one of the particular kinds.

Q. 6. ‘You’ is a personal pronoun. With an appropriate possessive the correct option will be

a. You must do your job.

b You must do our job.

c. You must do my job.

d. You must do its job.

Ans. a.

A possessive is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. The possessive always refers to the possessor.

Q.7. Rony is

a. a best boy in his class.

b. the best boy in his class.

c. an best boy in his class.

d. best boy in his class.

Ans. b.

‘The’ is used before the Superlative degree of an Adjective.

Q.8. The correct option is

a. Many Japanese are loyal to their country.

b. One Japanese are loyal to their country.

c. An Japanese are loyal to their country.

d. The Japanese are loyal to their country.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is used before an adjective which refers to nationality.

Q. 9. The correct option is

a. I have thousand pounds.

b. I have the thousand pounds.

c. I have a thousand pounds.

d. I have an thousand pounds.

Ans. c.

Article ‘a’ is used when it means ‘one’. (One thousand pounds)

Q. 10. The correct option is

a. He is a man of few words.

b. He is a man of a few words.

c. He is a man of some words.

d. He is a man of many words.

Ans. a.

‘Few’ is the opposite of ‘many’ which denotes quantity.

Q. 11. The correct option is

a. The woman is a man’s better-half.

b. The woman is the man’s better-half.

c. The woman is an man’s better-half.

d. The woman is man’s better-half.

Ans. d.

‘Woman’ is used for mankind as a whole and does not need any article.

Q.12. I am

a. dancer.

b. a dancer.

c. the dancer.

d. an dancer.

Ans. b.

The determiner ‘a’ is used when we talk about profession.

Q. 13. The correct option is

a. I met a woman. A woman was very nice.

b. I met a woman. An woman was very nice.

c. I met a woman. Woman was very nice.

d. I met a woman. The woman was very nice.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is used to particularise a person or a thing.

Q. 14. ‘It’s my book.’ With the help of a possessive pronoun we can replace the same sentence as

a. The book is mine.

b. The book is his.

c. The book is hers.

d. The book is theirs.

Ans. a.

A possessive pronoun is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. It is placed after the nouns they refer to.

Q.15. The correct option is

a. He is blind of his eye.

b. He is blind of a eye.

c. He is blind of each eye.

d. He is blind of one eye.

Ans. d.

‘One’ is definite numeral.

Q.16. ‘He’ is a personal pronoun. With an appropriate possessive the correct option is

a. He will bring her book.

b. He will bring my book.

c. He will bring their book.

d. He will bring his book.

Ans. d.

A possessive is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. The possessive always refers to the possessor.

Q. 17. The correct option is

a. The dogs bark.

b. A dogs bark.

c. An dogs bark.

d. Dogs bark.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is not used with Plural Countable Noun.

Q. 18. Using a specific (the) or general (a/an) determiner, the correct option will be

a. Mr. Amlan is a S.D.O. from Kolkata.

b. Mr. Amlan is an S.D.O. from Kolkata.

c. Mr. Amlan is the S.D.O. from Kolkata.

d. Mr. Amlan is S.D.O. from Kolkata.

Ans. b.

‘An’ is used before abbreviations starting with a consonant but pronounced with a vowel sound.

Q. 19. The correct option is

a. He lives in the Oxford Street.

b. He lives in an Oxford Street.

c. He lives in Oxford Street.

d. He lives in a Oxford Street.

Ans. c.

Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ ‘the’ is not used with names of streets.

Q.20. ‘This is her lipstick’. With the help of a possessive pronoun we can replace the same sentence as

a. This lipstick is hers.

b. This lipstick is theirs.

c. This lipstick is his.

d. This lipstick is mine.

Ans. a.

A possessive pronoun is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. It is placed after the nouns they refer to.

Q. 21. The correct option for the sentence is

a. The cloth is sold by a metre.

b. The cloth is sold by the metre.

c. The cloth is sold by an metre.

d. The cloth is sold by metre.

Ans. b.

‘The’ is used before the names of measurements when we describe how a thing is calculated, sold or used.

Q. 22. I want to be

a. teacher.

b. the teacher.

c. a teacher.

d. an teacher.

Ans. c.

‘A’ is used when the noun referred to begins with a consonant. These nouns are all singular countable nouns.

Q. 23. I have

a. many work to do.

b. much work to do.

c. the few work to do.

d. many a work to do.

Ans. b.

‘Much’ is used with an ‘uncountable noun’ and takes a singular verb.

Q. 24. ‘It’ is a personal pronoun. With an appropriate possessive the correct option will be

a. A department must do his duty.

b. A department must do her duty.

c. A department must do their duty.

d. A department must do its duty.

Ans. d.

A possessive is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. The possessives always refer to the possessor.

Q.25. The correct option is

a. Many students were present yesterday.

b. Much students were present yesterday.

c. Many a students were present yesterday.

d. The few students were present yesterday.

Ans. a.

‘Many’ is used with ‘plural nouns’ and therefore takes a plural verb.

Q. 26. The correct option is

a. You may buy either of these two pencils.

b. You may buy both of these two pencils.

c. You may buy several of these two pencils.

d. You may buy many of these two pencils.

Ans. a.

‘Either’ means one of the two persons or things.

Q.27. ‘This is her house’. With the help of a possessive pronoun we can replace the same sentence as

a. This house is his.

b. This house is hers.

c. This house is theirs.

d. This house is mine.

Ans. b.

A possessive pronoun is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. It is placed after the nouns they refer to.

Q.28. The correct option is

a. She is working for a hour.

b. She is working for hour.

c. She is working for an hour.

d. She is working for the hour.

Ans. c.

‘An’ is used before a word beginning with silent ‘h’.

Q. 29. Using a specific (the) or general (a/an) determiner, the correct option is

a. Kunal is sincere boy.

b. Kunal is an sincere boy.

c. Kunal is the sincere boy.

d. Kunal is a sincere boy.

Ans. d.

‘A’ is used when the noun referred to begins with a consonant. These nouns are all singular countable noun.

Q. 30. ‘I’ is a personal pronoun. With an appropriate possessive the correct option will be

a. I must go to your home.

b. I must go to his home.

c. I must go to my home.

d. I must go to mine home.

Ans. c.

A possessive is a word that shows that a certain thing or person belongs to somebody. The possessives always refer to the possessor.

Q. 31. The correct option is

a. What day?

b. What an day?

c. What a day?

d. What the day?

Ans. c.

‘A’ is used to give emphasis to what you are saying.

Q.32. The correct option is

a. Look at the blackboard.

b. Look at a blackboard.

c. Look at an blackboard.

d. Look at blackboard.

Ans. a.

‘The’ is used before a noun (thing) which is unique or which is the only one of its kind in a given situation.

Q. 33. Using a specific (the) or general (a/an) determiner, the correct option will be

a. Mr. John is a European.

b. Mr. John is an European.

c. Mr. John is the European.

d. Mr. John is European.

Ans. a.

‘A’ is used before words which starts with vowel ‘u’ but the beginning sound is like ‘you’ or simple ‘u’.

Q. 34. The correct form is

a. Bring me a book that is lying on a table.

b. Bring me an book that is lying on the table.

c. Bring me the book that is lying on a table.

d. Bring me the book that is lying on the table.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is a weakened form of ‘that’. ‘The’ is used to particularise a person or a thing.

Q. 35. The correct option is

a. Ramayana.

b. the Ramayana.

c. a Ramayana.

d. an Ramayana.

Ans. b.

‘The’ is used before holy books and epics.

Q. 36. Using a specific (the) or general (a/an) determiner, the correct option will be

a. A man sat under a umbrella.

b. A man sat under the umbrella.

c. A man sat under an umbrella.

d. The man sat under the umbrella.

Ans. c.

‘A’ is used when the noun referred to begins with a consonant. ‘An’ is used when the noun referred to begins with a vowel. These nouns are all singular countable noun.

Q.37. She is

a. best player of tennis.

b. the best player of tennis.

c. a best player of tennis.

d. an best player of tennis.

Ans. b.

‘The’ is used before superlative degrees.

Q. 38. The room has a door at

a. all end.

b. much end.

c. either end.

d. few end.

Ans. c.

Either can mean one or the other (of two) or each of two.

Q.39. She bought

a. an uniform for her son.

b. the uniform for her son.

c. uniform for her son.

d. a uniform for her son.

Ans. d.

‘A’ is used before words which starts with vowel ‘u’ but the beginning sound is like ‘you’ or simple ‘u’.

Q. 40. English is

a. an interesting subject.

b. a interesting subject.

c. the interesting subject.

d. interesting subject.

Ans. a.

‘An’ is used when the noun referred to begins with a vowel.

Q. 41. Using a specific (the) or general (a/an) determiner, the correct option will be

a. Did you lock the car?

b. Did you lock car?

c. Did you lock a car?

d. Did you lock an car?

Ans. a.

‘The’ is used when the listener knows or can work out what particular person/thing is being talked about.

Q. 42. According to the usage of articles, the correct option is

a. The tennis is expensive.

b. Tennis is expensive.

c. A tennis is expensive.

d. Some tennis is expensive.

Ans. b.

We do not use an article when we talk about sports.

Q. 43. According to the usage of articles, the correct option will be

a. A information is important to any organisation.

b. An information is important to any organisation.

c. The information is important to any organisation.

d. Information is important to any organisation.

Ans. d.

We do not use an article before uncountable nouns when talking about them generally.

Q. 44. There isn’t

a. few sugar in the pot.

b. some sugar in the pot.

c. many sugar in the pot.

d. any sugar in the pot.

Ans. d.

‘Any’ is used in negative and interrogative sentences.

Q. 45. The correct option is

a. Both Anshika and Anshu are excellent in singing.

b. Both milk was sold in no time.

c. Both a man has died of cholera .

d. Both a few students came for the lectures.

Ans. b.

‘Both’ shows the total of two units together.

Q. 46. The appropriate determiner is

a. the Sikhs.

b. all Sikhs.

c. a Sikhs.

d. an Sikhs.

Ans. a.

‘The’ is used before communities.

Q. 47. Everyone ought to do

a. her duty.

b. their duty.

c. one’s duty.

d. his duty.

Ans. d.

Indefinite pronouns stand for no particular person or thing.

Q. 48. The correct option is

a. Every 300 men were present.

b. Many 300 men were present.

c. A 300 men were present.

d. Some 300 men were present.

Ans. d.

‘Some’ is a quantitative determiner and is used in affirmative sentences.

Q. 49. The correct option is

a. humming of bees.

b. a humming of bees.

c. the humming of bees.

d. an humming of bees.

Ans. b.

‘A’ is used before ‘-ing’ form of verbs when they are used as nouns.

Q. 50. The correct option is

a. on the earth.

b. on a earth.

c. on an earth.

d. on earth.

Ans. d.

‘The’ is not used before prepositional phrases.

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