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Write the correct option which you find the most appropriate.
Q1. The plural of memento is
a) mementos.
b) mementoes.
c) mementoes.
d) mementos.
Ans. a
Explanation: Most nouns ending in ‘o’ proceeded by a vowel is formed into a plural by adding ‘- s.’
Q2. The singular form of measles is
a) measle.
b) measless.
c) measlie.
d) measles.
Ans. d
Explanation: Names of some common disease like measles, mumps and rickets are singular.
Q3. He has a bike with him. The plural of ‘bike’ will be
a) bikee.
b) bikes.
c) bikees.
d) bikey.
Ans. b
Explanation: The plural of nouns is formed by adding‘s’ to the singular form.
Q4. The correct sentence is
a) these cattle are grazing.
b) this cattles are grazing.
c) this cattles are grazing.
d) this cattlese are grazing.
Ans. a
Explanation: Certain collective nouns though singular in form, are always used as plurals.
Q5. The correct sentence is
a) The ox are working in the field.
b) The oxes are working in the field.
c) The oxies are working in the field.
d) The oxen are working in the field.
Ans. d
Explanation: Some nouns are formed by adding ‘en’ to their singular form.
Q6. The plural of corn is
a) cornes.
b) corns.
c) corn.
d) cornse.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns are generally singular. For example: cotton, gold, copper, sugar etc.
Q7. You must eat
a) wheates.
b) wheats.
c) wheat.
d) wheatse.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns are always singular.
Q8. Susan has four
a) books written by famous writers.
b) book written by famous writers.
c) bookes written by famous writers.
d) bookse written by famous writers.
Ans. a
Explanation: The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding ‘- s’ to a singular noun.
Q9. ‘The carpets have been cleaned’. The singular of this sentence is
a) The carpets have been cleaned.
b) The carpetse have been cleaned.
c) The carpett has been cleaned.
d) The carpet has been cleaned.
Ans. d
Explanation: The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding ‘- s’ to a singular noun.
Q10. The plural form of ‘bench’ is
a) benches.
b) benchs.
c) benchse.
d) benchss.
Ans. a
Explanation: Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding ‘- es’.
Q11. The plural of life is
a) life.
b) lives.
c) lifes.
d) lifs.
Ans. b
Explanation: Some nouns ending in ‘f or fe’ are made plural by changing ‘f or fe’ to ‘- ves.’
Q12. The rabbit eats the carrot. The plural of this sentence is
a) The rabbits eat the carrots.
b) The rabbit eats the carrots.
c) The rabbit are eating the carrots.
d) The rabbit was eating the carrots.
Ans. a
Explanation: The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding ‘- s’ to a singular noun. In Simple present Tense, in plural form we use the first form of verb without -s or -es.
Q13. The
a) Commanders-in-chief were awarded.
b) Commander-in-chiefs were awarded.
c) Commanders-in-chiefs were awarded.
d) Commander-ins-chief were awarded.
Ans. a
Explanation: A compound noun generally forms its plural by adding ‘-s’ to the principal word.
Q14. The singular form of ‘mice’ is
a) mices.
b) micess.
c) mouse.
d) mouses.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns are formed into plurals formed by changing the inside vowel of the singular.
Q15. The correct sentence is
a) Physices is my favourite subject.
b) Physicse is my favourite subject.
c) Physic are my favourite subject.
d) Physics is my favourite subject.
Ans. d
Explanation: Name of subjects look plural but are in fact singular.
Q16. The plural of theory is
a) Theorise.
b) Theoris.
c) Theoryes.
d) Theories.
Ans. d
Explanation: Nouns ending in ‘- y’ preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing ‘- y’ to ‘- ies.’
Q17. The correct sentence is
a) I bought two dozen apples.
b) I bought two dozens apples.
c) I bought two dozenes apples.
d) I bought two dozies apples.
Ans. a
Explanation: Some nouns have the singular and plural alike.
Q18. The corrects sentence is
a) the house has two stories.
b) the house has two storeys.
c) the house has two story.
d) the house has two storys.
Ans. c
Explanation: The correct word is storeys. The plural of ‘storey’ is ‘storeys’.
Q19. I forgot to bring the
a) boxes of matches.
b) box of matches.
c) box of match.
d) boxes of match.
Ans. b
Explanation: Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding ‘- es’. Here it means a box with many matches in it.
Q20. The singular form of tongs is
a) tong.
b) tonges.
c) tongs.
d) tongse.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns are used as plurals like the names of certain articles that have two parts forming a kind of pair.
Q21. The plural of ‘echo’ is
a) echoes.
b) echos.
c) echose.
d) echoss.
Ans. a
Explanation: Most nouns ending in ‘o’ proceeded by a consonant is formed into a plural by adding ‘es’.
Q22. The correct sentence is
a) thieves have stolen a motorbike.
b) thiefs has stolen a motorbike.
c) thievs have stolen a motorbike.
d)thiefes have stolen a motorbike.
Ans. a
Explanation: Some nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ are made plural by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ to ‘- ves.’
Q23. The singer agreed to teach the
a) children.
b) childs.
c) childly.
d) childish.
Ans. a
Explanation: Some nouns are formed into plural by adding ‘en’ to the singular form.
Q24. The
a) spacecrafts was ready to launch.
b) spacecraftes was ready to launch.
c) spacecraft was ready to launch.
d) spacecraftse was ready to launch.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns have the singular and plural alike.
Q25. The plural of ‘family’ is
a) families.
b) familyes.
c) familis.
d) familise.
Ans. a
Explanation: ‘Nouns ending in ‘- y’ preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing ‘- y’ to ‘- ies.’
Q26. The singular of ‘sheaves’ is
a) sheave.
b) sheav.
c) sheaf.
d) sheaev.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ are made plural by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ to ‘- ves’. Therefore, the singular of sheaves is sheaf.
Q27. The house is painted pink. The plural of this sentence is
a) The houses are painted pinks.
b) The houses are painted pinks.
c) The house is painted pink.
d) The houses are painted pink.
Ans. d
Explanation: The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding - s to a singular noun.
Q28. There were
a) many wolfse in the jungle.
b) many wolfes in the jungle.
c) many wolfs in the jungle.
d) many wolves in the jungle.
Ans. d
Explanation: Some nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ are made plural by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ to ‘- ves’.
Q29. The plural of sheep is
a) sheeps.
b) sheep.
c) sheepse.
d) sheepss.
Ans. b
Explanation: Some nouns are irregular plurals. They have no singular.
Q30. The singular form of trousers is
a) trouser
b) trouserss
c) Trousers.
d) Trouser.
Ans. c
Explanation: Names of certain articles of dress as trousers, shorts and jeans are used only in plural.
Q31. The correct sentence is
a) The childs’ sweater.
b) The childs sweater.
c) The children sweater.
d) The children’s sweater.
Ans. a
Explanation: To show ownership or possession of a plural noun, add an apostrophe and the letter s.
Q32. The plural of father-in –law is
a) father-in –laws.
b) fatheres -in –laws.
c) fathers -in –law.
d) father -ins –law.
Ans. c
Explanation: A compound noun generally forms its plural by adding ‘-s’ to the principal word.
Q33. He
a) bought a new pair of jean.
b) bought a new pairs of jeans.
c) bought a new pair of jeans.
d) bought a new pair of jeans.
Ans. b
Explanation: Some nouns do not have singular form.
Q34. The plural of half is
a) halfs.
b) halvs.
c) halves.
d) halfes.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ are made plural by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ to ‘- ves’. Some form their plurals by adding ‘- s’.
Q35. I wonder
a) how the three stepsons could behave in this way.
b) how the three stepson could behave in this way.
c) how the three stepssons could behave in this way.
d) how the three stepssonses could behave in this way.
Ans. a
Explanation: A compound noun generally forms its plural by adding ‘s’ to the principal word.
Q36. The singular form of potatoes is
a) potatoe.
b) potatoo.
c) potato.
d) potatos.
Ans. c
Explanation: Most nouns ending in ‘o’ preceeded by a consonant is formed into a plural by adding ‘es’. Therefore, the singular of potatoes will end with vowel o.
Q37. The plural of billiards is
a) billiards.
b) billiard.
c) billiardse.
d) billiardes.
Ans. a
Explanation: Some nouns are used only in the plurals.
Q38. I love to eat a candy. The plural is
a) I love to eat candies.
b) I love to eat candys.
c) I love to eat candyes.
d) I love to eat candees.
Ans. a
Explanation: ‘Nouns ending in ‘- y’ preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing ‘- y’ to ‘- ies.’
Q39. The plural of economics is
a) economices.
b) economicss.
c) economic.
d) economics.
Ans. d
Explanation: The noun ‘Economics’ looks plural but is in fact singular. It is a name of a subject.
Q40. Our
a) watchs don’t show the same time.
b) watchse don’t show the same time.
c) watches don’t show the same time.
d) watch don’t show the same time.
Ans. c
Explanation: Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding - es.
Q41. The correct option is
a) All her photoes are pretty.
b) All her photos are pretty.
c) All her photo are pretty.
d) All her photose are pretty.
Ans. b
Explanation: Most nouns ending in ‘o’ preceeded by a consonant is formed into a plural by adding ‘s’.
Q42. The plural of goose is
a) geeses.
b) geesse.
c) geese.
d) goose.
Ans. c
Explanation: Few nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel of the singular form.
Q43. The correct sentence is
a) Ayan has many dress.
b) Ayan has much dress.
c) Ayan has many dressies.
d) Ayan has many dresses.
Ans. d
Explanation: Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding - es.
Q44. The plural form of ‘bison’ is
a) bisonse.
b) bull.
c) bisons.
d) bison.
Ans. d
Explanation: Some nouns have the same singular and plural form.
Q45. The correct sentence is
a) My uncle’s son is a doctor.
b) My uncle son is a doctor.
c) My uncles’ son is a doctor.
d) My uncles son is a doctor.
Ans. a
Explanation: To show ownership or possession of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and the letter s ('s)
Q46. The plural of mumps is
a) mump.
b) mumps.
c) mumpss.
d) mumpse.
Ans. b
Explanation: Names of some diseases are used only in plurals.
Q47. The plural of ‘giraffe’ is
a) giraffs.
b) giraffe.
c) giraffes.
d) giraffss.
Ans. c
Explanation: Some nouns ending in f or fe or ff are made plural by changing f or fe or ff to ‘–s’
Q48. The
a) birds feather is beautiful.
b) bird’s feather is beautiful.
c) bird feather is beautiful.
d) birdes feather is beautiful.
Ans. b
Explanation: To show ownership or possession of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and the letter s ('s)
Q49. Ajay
a) wishes to purchase a carss.
b) wishes to purchase a cares.
c) wishes to purchase a car.
d) wishes to purchase a cars.
Ans. c
Explanation: The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding - s to a singular noun.
Q50. There are many
a) cherry in the refrigerator.
b) cherrys in the refrigerator.
c) cherryes in the refrigerator.
d) cherries in the refrigerator.
Ans. d
Explanation: Nouns ending in - y preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing - y to ‘- ies.’