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Q1. The party is over. We should leave
a) before.
b) now.
c) yesterday.
d) lately.
Ans: b)
‘Now’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘leave’.
Q2. Roger Federer plays
a) elegance.
b) elegant.
c) elegantly.
d) with elegantness.
Ans: c)
‘Elegantly’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’. It modifies the verb ‘play’.
Q3. Mahesh has
a) definitely changed his job .
b) definite changed his job.
c) defined changed his job.
d) defining changed his job.
Ans: a)
‘Definitely’ is an ‘Adverb of Affirmation’. It modifies the verb ‘change’.
Q4. I brush
a) two a day.
b) couple a day.
c) twosome a day.
d) twice a day.
Ans: d)
‘Twice’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘brush’.
Q5. Shane Bonds bowls
a) extreme fast.
b) exceed fast.
c) extremely fast.
d) immense fast.
Ans: c)
‘Extremely’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adverb ‘fast’.
Q6. He stood
a) there the whole day.
b) fully the whole day.
c) frequently the whole day.
d) since the whole day.
Ans: a)
‘There’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the verb ‘stand’.
Q7. He was
a) before declared fit to play.
b) ago declared fit to play .
c) rather declared fit to play.
d) thus declared fit to play.
Ans: d)
‘Thus’ is an ‘Adverb of Reason’. It modifies the verb ‘declared’.
Q8. Though she was not a singer, she sang
a) reason well.
b) reasonably well.
c) reasonable well.
d) reasoning well.
Ans: b)
‘Reasonably’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows how much or to what extent. It modifies the adverb ‘well’.
Q9. The arrangements were done
a) hurry.
b) hurried.
c) hurry up.
d) hurriedly.
Ans: d)
‘Hurriedly’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb ‘do’.
Q10. He
a) seldom drives without a helmet.
b) before drives without a helmet.
c) after drives without a helmet.
d) within drives without a helmet.
Ans: a)
‘Seldom’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘drive’.
Q11. He
a) soon outshone his contemporaries.
b) late outshone his contemporaries.
c) pretty outshone his contemporaries.
d) there outshone his contemporaries.
Ans: a)
‘Soon’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘outshine’.
Q12. Yuvraj dived
a) out to take the catch.
b) forward to take the catch.
c) in to take the catch.
d) away to take the catch.
Ans: b)
‘Forward’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the verb ‘dive’.
Q13. He was
a) wonder good-looking.
b) wonderful good-looking.
c) wonderfully good-looking.
d) wondering good-looking.
Ans: c)
‘Wonderfully’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adjective ‘good-looking’.
Q14. The guru asked his devotees to look
a) within.
b) with.
c) without.
d) wherefore.
Ans: a)
‘Within’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the verb ‘look’.
Q15. I was
a) absolute exhausted.
b) absolutely exhausted.
c) real exhausted.
d) to exhausted.
Ans: b)
‘Absolutely’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adjective ‘exhausted’.
Q16. He was scolded the day he came
a) late.
b) often.
c) away.
d) now.
Ans: a)
‘Late’ here is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘come’.
Q17. I have been to Mumbai just
a) one.
b) one only.
c) only.
d) once.
Ans: d)
‘Once’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’.
Q18. It was raining. The match was
a) there called off.
b) therefore called off.
c) their called off.
d) to called off.
Ans: b)
‘Therefore’ is an ‘Adverb of Reason’. It modifies the phrasal verb ‘called off’.
Q19. I read the newspaper
a) day.
b) daily.
c) up.
d) hard.
Ans: b)
‘Daily’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘read’.
Q20. He was
a) total committed.
b) totality committed .
c) totally committed.
d) in toto committed.
Ans: c)
‘Totally’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adjective ‘committed’.
Q21. He came
a) ago after two months.
b) again after two months.
c) quite after two months.
d) too after two months.
Ans: b)
‘Again’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘come’.
Q22. The king lived
a) lavish.
b) lavishness.
c) lavishly.
d) lavish life.
Ans: c)
‘Lavishly’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb ‘live’.
Q23. The security guards were present
a) every.
b) every where.
c) their.
d) around.
Ans: a)
‘Everywhere’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the adjective ‘present’.
Q24. At the wedding, the groom arrived
a) ago the guests came.
b) after the guests came.
c) towards the guests came.
d) daily the guests came.
Ans: b)
‘After’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘arrive’.
Q25. I
a) regular go for a haircut.
b) regularly go for a haircut.
c) regularity go for a haircut.
d) irregular go for a haircut.
Ans: b)
‘Regularly’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the phrasal verb (go for).
Q26. I will
a) sure do it.
b) assured do it.
c) surely do it.
d) assurance do it.
Ans: c)
‘Surely’ is an ‘Adverb of Affirmation’. It modifies the verb ‘do’.
Q27. The racer raced
a) ahead.
b) ago.
c) before.
d) fastly.
Ans: a)
‘Ahead’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the verb ‘race’.
Q28. He
a) invariably comes first.
b) before comes first.
c) fully comes first.
d) very comes first.
Ans: a)
‘Invariably’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘come’.
Q29. He does his work
a) passion.
b) passionately.
c) in passion.
d) passionfully.
Ans: b)
‘Passionately’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb ‘do’.
Q30. The guests have
a) almost come.
b) already come.
c) at come.
d) in come.
Ans: b)
‘Already’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘come’.
Q31. As I had to travel many miles, I left
a) early.
b) twice.
c) away.
d) in.
Ans: a)
‘Early’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘leave’.
Q32. He is
a) immense talented.
b) immensely talented.
c) exceed talented.
d) extreme talented.
Ans: b)
‘Immensely’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adjective ‘talented’.
Q33. I
a) almost achieved my goal.
b) now achieved my goal.
c) in achieved my goal.
d) very achieved my goal.
Ans: a)
‘Almost’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the verb ‘achieve’.
Q34. After marriage, life changes
a) drama.
b) dramatic.
c) dramatically.
d) dramatics.
Ans: c)
‘Dramatically’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb ‘change’.
Q35. I was
a) genuine interest in the matter.
b) genuine interested in the matter.
c) genuinely interest in the matter.
d) genuinely interested in the matter.
Ans: d)
‘Genuinely’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the verb ‘interested’.
Q36. I asked for help
a) politeness.
b) polite.
c) politely.
d) politefully.
Ans: c)
‘Politely’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the phrasal verb (ask for).
Q37. He
a) hard pays attention.
b) pays hard attention.
c) pays attention hardly.
d) hardly pays attention.
Ans: d)
‘Hardly’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows how often. It modifies the verb ‘pay’.
Q38. Kambli was my favourite cricketer when I was
young. I just loved him
a) there.
b) their.
c) then.
d) often.
Ans: c)
‘Then’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘love’.
Q39. I love Delhi. I want to live
a) now.
b) often.
c) there.
d) their.
Ans: c)
‘There’ is an ‘Adverb of Place’ which shows ‘where’. It modifies the verb ‘live’.
Q40. He
a) continue played the violin.
b) continued played the violin.
c) continuous playing the violin.
d) continuously played the violin.
Ans: d)
‘Continuously’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘play’.
Q41. She writes
a) unbelievable.
b) unbelievable fast.
c) unbelievable fastly.
d) unbelievably fast.
Ans: d)
‘Unbelievably’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adverb ‘fast’.
Q42. Gambhir has
a) consistent scored centuries.
b) continuous scored centuries.
c) regular scored centuries.
d) consistently scored centuries.
Ans: d)
‘Consistently’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘score’.
Q43. He came to see me
a) immediate.
b) immediacy.
c) immediately.
d) imediateness.
Ans: c)
‘Immediately’ is an ‘Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘see’.
Q44. The match ended 5 minutes
a) before.
b) behind.
c) everywhere.
d) too.
Ans: a)
‘Before’ is an Adverb of Time’ which shows ‘when’. It modifies the verb ‘end’.
Q45. The house was
a) abnormal huge.
b) abnormally huge.
c) abnormal hugely.
d) abnormally hugely.
Ans: b)
‘Abnormally’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the adjective ‘huge’.
Q46. They danced
a) jubilance.
b) jubilant.
c) jubilantly.
d) too jubilant.
Ans: c)
‘Jubilantly’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb (dance).
Q47. Sachin is
a) undoubtedly the finest batsman in the world.
b) undoubtfully the finest batsman in the world.
c) doubt the finest batsman in the world.
d) doubted the finest batsman in the world.
Ans: a)
‘Undoubtedly’ is an ‘Adverb of Affirmation’. It modifies the adjective ‘best’.
Q48. They
a) occasion visit this place.
b) frequent visit his place
c) occasionally visit this place.
d) regular visit this place
Ans: c)
‘Occasionally’ is an ‘Adverb of Frequency’ which shows ‘how often’. It modifies the verb ‘visit’.
Q49. He
a) blindly follows his father’s orders.
b) blind follows his father’s orders.
c) blinded follows his father’s orders.
d) blindfully follows his father’s orders.
Ans: a)
‘Blindly’ is an ‘Adverb of Degree’ which shows ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’. It modifies the verb ‘follow’.
Q50. He spoke
a) frank.
b) frankness.
c) frankfully.
d) frankly.
Ans: d)
‘Frankly’ is an ‘Adverb of Manner’ which shows ‘how’ or ‘in what manner’. It modifies the verb (speak).