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Q1. How far is Agra
a) from Delhi,
b) from Delhi:
c) from Delhi.
d) from Delhi?
Ans: d)
The sentence will end with an interrogation mark as it asks a question.
Q2. The consequences of his mistake
a) is far-reaching.
b) was far-reaching.
c) were far-reaching.
d) am far-reaching.
Ans: c)
We are talking about ‘consequences’. The subject is plural and therefore the verb qualifying it should also be plural.
Q3. Sachin Tednulkar is
a) first batsman to score 17,000 runs in one-day cricket.
b) a first batsman to score 17,000 runs in one-day
c) an first batsman to score 17,000 runs in one-day
d) the first batsman to score 17,000 runs in one-day
Ans: d)
We use the definite article ‘the’ with ordinals (first).
Q4. As it was Diwali,
a) everywhere she lit candles.
b) she everywhere lit candles.
c) she lit candles everywhere.
d) she lit everywhere candles.
Ans: c)
‘Everywhere’ is an adverb of place. It is usually placed after the verb or after the object if there is one.
Q5. When I returned,
a) the guests already left.
b) the guests had already left.
c) the guests already leave.
d) the guests will already leave.
Ans: b)
We have to use the ‘Past Perfect Tense’ here to show the action that happened first.
Q6. In the seminar hall, I got a chance to sit
a) beside our boss.
b) besides our boss.
c) against our boss.
d) by our boss.
Ans: a)
The preposition ‘beside’ indicates a relation in terms of place.
Q7. I met
a) brett lee in delhi
b) Brett Lee in Delhi
c) brett lee in Delhi.
d) Brett Lee in Delhi.
Ans: d)
‘Brett Lee’ and ‘Delhi’ are proper nouns. The former is the name of a person while the latter is the name of a place. Hence, they should begin with capital letters. As it as an assertive sentence, it must end with a full stop.
Q8. Of the two sums, the one on Algebra
a) is difficult.
b) is most difficult.
c) is very difficult.
d) is more difficult.
Ans: d)
In comparing two things, we use an adjective in the comparative degree (more difficult).
Q9. Neither praise nor criticism
a) affects him.
b) affecting him.
c) effect him.
d) affect him.
Ans: a)
Two or more singular subjects connected by neither… nor require a singular verb (affects).
Q10. No sooner had the match started
a) and it started raining.
b) but it started raining.
c) than it started raining.
d) when it started raining.
Ans: c)
‘No sooner’ should be followed by ‘than’.
Q11. Father asked me to
a) put off the light.
b) put of the light.
c) put on the light.
d) put out the light.
Ans: d)
‘Put out’ is an idiom which means extinguish.
Q12. Asian countries include
a) India Pakistan Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
b) India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
c) india, pakistan, sri Lanka and bangladesh.
d) India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
Ans: d)
The comma is used to separate a series of words in the same construction. A comma is generally not placed before the word preceded by ‘and’.
Q13. Last night, a
a) theft took place in our house.
b) thief took place in our house.
c) thievery took place in our house.
d) stole took place in our house.
Ans: d)
‘Theft’ is an abstract noun denoting an action.
Q14. The 1994 Miss Universe crown was won by
a) gorgeous Sushmita Sen.
b) a gorgeous Sushmita Sen.
c) the gorgeous Sushmita Sen.
d) an gorgeous Sushmita Sen.
Ans: c)
The definite article ‘the’ is used before a proper noun when it is qualified by an adjective.
Q15. My teacher likes me because
a) I am never late to school.
b) never am I late to school.
c) I never am late to school.
d) I am late to school never.
Ans: a)
If the verb is ‘am’, the adverb comes after the verb.
Q16. Either of the two roads
a) lead to the railway station.
b) leading to the railway station.
c) leads to the railway station.
d) will leading to the railway station.
Ans: c)
‘Either’ is a distributive pronoun calling attention to the individuals or constituents forming a collection, and must accordingly be followed by a verb in the singular.
Q17. I am not one of those people
a) who follow whatever they are told.
b) who follow whatever he is told.
c) who follow whatever she is told.
d) who follow whatever he/she is told.
Ans: a)
A pronoun (they) must agree with its antecedent (those).
Q18. Either he or we
a) are wrong.
b) am wrong.
c) is wrong
d) wrong
Ans: a)
When two subjects joined by ‘or’ are of different persons, the verb agrees with the one that is nearer.
Q19. The grapes of south India are bigger
a) than north India.
b) to north India.
c) than those of north India.
d) compared to north India.
Ans: c)
The comparison is between the grapes of north India and the grapes of south India.
Q20. Indians are superior
a) than South Africans in batting.
b) compared to South Africans in batting.
c) for South Africans in batting.
d) to South Africans in batting.
Ans: d)
Comparative Adjectives ending in ‘or’ are followed by the preposition ‘to’.
Q21. The house was destroyed
a) with fire.
b) by fire.
c) from fire.
d) after fire.
Ans: b)
The preposition ‘by’ expresses a relation in terms of agency or instrumentality.
Q22. He asked me
a) why I came late,
b) why I came late.
c) why I came late?
d) why I came late-
Ans: b)
As it is an indirect question, a period is used instead of a question mark.
Q23. The burglars
a) broke down the house.
b) broke off the house.
c) broke into the house.
d) broke with the house.
Ans: c)
‘Break into’ is an idiom which means ‘enter by force’.
Q24. The news of her death
a) are true.
b) is true.
c) am true.
d) were true.
Ans: b)
‘News’ is a noun which is plural in form but singular in meaning; hence, it takes a singular verb.
Q25. Many a
a) player has retired early because of injuries.
b) player have retired early because of injuries.
c) players has retired early because of injuries.
d) players retires early because of injuries.
Ans: a)
‘Many a’ must be followed by a singular verb (has).
Q26. Harsh lost his purse
a) by carelessness.
b) through carelessness.
c) from carelessness.
d) of carelessness.
Ans: b)
The preposition ‘through’ expresses a relation in terms of cause, reason or purpose.
Q27. At the construction site,
a) each of the workers were given a blanket.
b) each of the workers was given a blanket.
c) each of the worker were given a blanket.
d) each of the worker was given a blanket.
Ans: b)
‘Each’ is a distributive pronoun calling attention to the individuals forming a collection (workers), and must accordingly be followed by a verb in the singular (was).
Q28. It is one of the fastest
a) cars that has been launched of late.
b) car that have been launched of late.
c) cars that have been launched of late.
d) cars which has been launched of late.
Ans: c)
The relative pronoun ‘that’ is used in case of things. As the antecedent of ‘that’ is cars, the verb which follows is in the plural (have).
Q29. Homer wrote
a) Iliad.
b) an Iliad.
c) a Iliad.
d) the Iliad.
Ans: d)
The definite article ‘the’ comes before the names of books.
Q30. You must
a) cut off your expenditure.
b) cut out your expenditure.
c) cut down your expenditure.
d) cut up your expenditure.
Ans: a)
The idiom ‘cut down’ means ‘to reduce’.
Q31. Five hundred rupees
a) are not a small amount.
b) is not a small amount.
c) not a small amount.
d) am not a small amount.
Ans: b)
When a plural noun (five hundred rupees) denotes some specific quantity or amount considered as a whole, the verb is generally singular (is).
Q32. Children become happy when they hear
a) few words of encouragement.
b) a few words of encouragement.
c) fewer words of encouragement.
d) the few words of encouragement.
Ans: b)
‘A few’ is positive and equivalent to some.
Q33. Ice tea is
a) preferable than tea in summers.
b) more preferable than tea in summers.
c) preferable compared to tea in summers.
d) preferable to tea in summers.
Ans: d)
‘Preferable’ has the force of a comparative and is followed by to.
Q34. I had
a) a heavy lunch.
b) heavy lunch.
c) the heavy lunch.
d) an heavy lunch.
Ans: a)
We use an article when there is an adjective before breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.
Q35. Honesty, as well as hard work,
a) lead to success.
b) leads to success.
c) will leads to success.
d) shall leads to success.
Ans: b)
Words joined to a singular subject by ‘as well as’ are parenthetical. The verb should therefore be put in the singular (leads).
Q36. The washing machine
a) takes after too much space.
b) takes in too much space.
c) takes up too much space.
d) takes to too much space.
Ans: c)
‘Take up’ is an idiom which means occupy.
Q37. I am looking forward to my
a) father and mother’s Delhi trip.
b) father’s and mother’s Delhi trip.
c) father and mother Delhi trip.
d) father’s and mother Delhi trip.
Ans: a)
In this case, joint possession is indicated. Therefore, only one possessive noun will have the possessive sign.
Q38. One should not go
a) through external appearances.
b) by external appearances.
c) upon external appearances.
d) over external appearnces.
Ans: d)
‘Go by’ is an idiom which means judge from.
Q39. Indian Summers
a) are written by John Wright.
b) were written by John Wright.
c) am written by John Wright.
d) is written by John Wright.
Ans: d)
When the plural noun (Indian Summers) is a proper name for some single object, it must be followed by a singular verb ‘is’.
Q40. Nikhil was writing very fast
a) as few minutes were left.
b) as fewer minutes were left.
c) as the few minutes were left.
d) as a few minutes were left.
Ans: a)
‘Few’ is negative, and equivalent to not many, hardly any.
Q41. Our trainer asked us to be
a) little careful.
b) a little careful.
c) the little careful.
d) an little careful.
Ans: b)
‘A little’ means some, though not much.
Q42. I will see you at
a) a lunch?
b) an lunch?
c) the lunch?
d) lunch?
Ans: d)
The definite article ‘the’ is omitted before names of meals used in a general sense.
Q43. My mother
a) used to take me often to an amusement park.
b) used to often take me to an amusement park.
c) used to take me to an amusement park often.
d) often used to take me to an amusement park.
Ans: d)
In case of the auxiliary ‘used to’, the adverb comes before.
Q44. Nagpur is famous
a) to oranges.
b) for oranges.
c) in oranges.
d) with oranges.
Ans: b)
Certain adjectives are followed by particular prepositions; famous is followed by ‘for’.
Q45. Everyone of the students in this college
a) get a chance to go abroad.
b) gets a chance to go abroad.
c) will gets a chance to go abroad.
d) getting a chance to go abroad.
Ans: b)
‘Everyone’ must be followed by a singular verb.
Q46. Patna is located
a) at the Ganges.
b) to the Ganges.
c) on the Ganges.
d) by the Ganges.
Ans: c)
The preposition ‘on’ expresses a relation in terms of place.
Q47. The 2007 Cricket World Cup took place in
a) West Indies.
b) an West Indies.
c) a West Indies.
d) the West Indies.
Ans: d)
We use the definite article ‘the’ before the name of a group of islands.
Q48. He sang
a) last night well at the party.
b) well at the party last night.
c) at the party well last night.
d) at the party last night well.
Ans: b)
The normal order is: adverb of manner, adverb of place, adverb of time.
Q49. She took the responsibility to
a) bring up the child.
b) bring about the child.
c) bring forth the child.
d) bring out the child.
Ans: a)
‘Bring up’ is an idiom which means ‘to rear’.
Q50. In the recently concluded test series,
a) Sachin scored a century only.
b) Sachin only scored a century.
c) Sachin scored a only century.
d) only Sachin scored a century.
Ans: d)
‘Only’ should be placed immediately before the word it is intended to modify.