The syllabus for MP Board Class 12 Geography for the academic year 2025-2026 typically includes the following units:
Part A: Fundamentals of Human Geography
Human Geography: Nature and Scope
- Definition, Scope, and Importance of Human Geography
- Population: Distribution, Density, and Growth
- Migration: Types, Causes, and Consequences
- Human Development: Indicators and International Comparisons
Human Activities
- Primary Activities: Agriculture, Mining, Fishing, Forestry
- Secondary Activities: Manufacturing Industries
- Tertiary and Quaternary Activities: Services, Information Technology, Trade
Transport, Communication, and Trade
- Land, Water, and Air Transport
- Communication: Means and Modes
- International Trade: Types and Trends
Human Settlements
- Rural and Urban Settlements
- Patterns and Trends in Urbanization
- Types and Problems of Urban Settlements
Part B: India: People and Economy
- Population Distribution, Density, and Growth in India
- Population Composition: Age, Sex, Literacy, and Occupational Structure
- Migration: Types, Causes, and Consequences
Human Settlements
- Types of Settlements: Rural and Urban
- Urbanization: Trends and Problems in India
Resources and Development
- Land Resources and Agriculture: Land Use, Cropping Pattern, Agricultural Development
- Water Resources: Availability and Management
- Mineral and Energy Resources: Types, Distribution, and Conservation
- Industries: Types, Location, and Development
Transport, Communication, and International Trade
- Road, Rail, Air, and Water Transport in India
- Communication: Types and Development
- International Trade: Export and Import
Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
- Case Studies on Development in India
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues
Part C: Practical Work
Map Work
- Interpretation of Topographical Maps
- Identification of Features from Maps
- Thematic Maps
Practical Record Book and Viva
- Field Studies and Report Writing
- Practical Record Book Maintenance
- Viva Voce Based on Project Work
Project Work
- Case Study/Field Survey
- In-depth study on a chosen geographical issue
- Collection and analysis of data
- Presentation and report writing
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