ICSE Class 11 Psychology Syllabus Latest 2025-2026
The ICSE Class 11 Psychology syllabus introduces students to the fundamentals of psychology, covering various theories, concepts, and research methods. The course aims to provide an understanding of human behavior, mental processes, and the application of psychological principles. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus:
**1. Introduction to Psychology
- Definition and Scope:
- What is Psychology? Definition, scope, and importance.
- Branches of Psychology: Clinical, cognitive, developmental, social, and industrial psychology.
- Historical Perspectives:
- Early Theories: Contributions of early psychologists (Wilhelm Wundt, William James, Sigmund Freud).
- Modern Approaches: Overview of contemporary approaches (behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, biological, and psychodynamic).
**2. Biological Basis of Behavior
- The Nervous System:
- Structure and Functions: Central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).
- Neurons: Structure, function, and types of neurons.
- Neurotransmitters: Role of neurotransmitters in behavior and mental processes.
- Brain and Behavior:
- Brain Structure: Major parts of the brain (cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem) and their functions.
- Brain Functions: Localization of functions, such as language, memory, and emotion.
- Endocrine System:
- Glands and Hormones: Major endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal) and their role in behavior and emotions.
**3. Human Development
- Lifespan Development:
- Stages of Development: Prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging.
- Theories of Development: Overview of major theories (Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development, Jean Piaget’s cognitive development, Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory).
- Cognitive Development:
- Piaget’s Stages: Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages.
- Vygotsky’s Theory: Concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and scaffolding.
- Social and Emotional Development:
- Attachment Theory: Bowlby’s theory of attachment and its impact on social relationships.
- Emotional Development: Understanding emotional development and regulation.
**4. Learning and Memory
- Learning Theories:
- Classical Conditioning: Pavlov’s theory, key concepts (unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response).
- Operant Conditioning: Skinner’s theory, reinforcement (positive and negative) and punishment.
- Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura’s theory, observational learning, and role models.
- Memory:
- Processes of Memory: Encoding, storage, and retrieval.
- Types of Memory: Short-term memory, long-term memory, working memory.
- Forgetting: Theories of forgetting, causes of memory loss, and strategies to improve memory.
**5. Perception and Sensation
- Sensation:
- Sensory Processes: Understanding sensory systems (vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell).
- Thresholds: Absolute threshold, difference threshold, and signal detection theory.
- Perception:
- Perceptual Processes: How sensory information is organized and interpreted.
- Perceptual Constancies: Size, shape, and color constancy.
- Gestalt Principles: Principles of perceptual organization (proximity, similarity, continuity, closure).
**6. Personality and Individual Differences
- Personality Theories:
- Trait Theories: Overview of trait theories (Allport, Eysenck, Big Five).
- Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud’s theory of personality structure (id, ego, superego) and defense mechanisms.
- Humanistic Theories: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Rogers’ person-centered theory.
- Individual Differences:
- Intelligence: Theories of intelligence (Spearman, Gardner, Sternberg), measurement of intelligence.
- Motivation: Theories of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy, Herzberg’s two-factor theory).
**7. Psychological Disorders and Therapies
- Psychological Disorders:
- Classification: Overview of major types of psychological disorders (anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders).
- Symptoms and Causes: Common symptoms, possible causes, and impacts on behavior.
- Therapeutic Approaches:
- Types of Therapy: Overview of therapeutic approaches (cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy).
- Techniques and Effectiveness: Techniques used in different therapies and their effectiveness.
**8. Research Methods in Psychology
- Research Designs:
- Types of Research: Experimental, correlational, and observational research.
- Sampling Methods: Techniques for selecting participants (random sampling, stratified sampling).
- Data Collection and Analysis:
- Methods: Surveys, interviews, case studies, and experiments.
- Statistical Analysis: Basics of data analysis and interpretation (mean, median, mode, standard deviation).
**9. Practical Work
- Research Projects:
- Conducting Research: Designing and conducting a simple research project on a psychological topic.
- Observational Studies:
- Observation and Analysis: Conducting observational studies and analyzing behavioral patterns.
- Textbooks and Reference Materials: Use prescribed textbooks and additional reference materials as recommended by ICSE or your school.
- Updates: Always check with your school for the latest syllabus updates or specific topics.
This syllabus is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of psychological principles, theories, and research methods, preparing them for further studies in psychology and related fields.