ICSE Class 11 Syllabus for Economics

ClassClass 11
ChapterICSE Class 11 Syllabus for Economics
Chapter NameChapter 1 Sets

ICSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus Latest 2025-2026

The ICSE Class 11 Economics syllabus covers fundamental economic concepts, theories, and applications. It provides a comprehensive introduction to both microeconomics and macroeconomics, focusing on the principles that govern economic behavior and the functioning of economies. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus:

**1. Introduction to Economics

  • Definition and Scope:
    • What is Economics? Definition and branches (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics).
    • Basic economic problems: Scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost.
  • Economic Systems:
    • Types of economic systems (Capitalist, Socialist, Mixed Economy).
    • Characteristics and examples of different economic systems.

**2. Microeconomics

  • Demand and Supply Analysis:

    • Law of Demand: Definition, determinants of demand, and demand curve.
    • Law of Supply: Definition, determinants of supply, and supply curve.
    • Market Equilibrium: Determination of equilibrium price and quantity, shifts in demand and supply curves.
  • Elasticity:

    • Price Elasticity of Demand: Definition, types (elastic, inelastic, unitary), and factors affecting elasticity.
    • Price Elasticity of Supply: Definition, types, and factors affecting elasticity.
    • Income Elasticity: Definition and significance.
    • Cross Elasticity: Definition and significance.
  • Consumer Behavior:

    • Utility: Concept of utility, marginal utility, and total utility.
    • Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility: Explanation and implications.
    • Consumer Equilibrium: Conditions for consumer equilibrium and derivation of demand curve.
  • Production and Costs:

    • Production Function: Short-run and long-run production functions, law of variable proportions.
    • Costs of Production: Fixed, variable, total, average, and marginal costs.
    • Revenue Concepts: Total revenue, average revenue, and marginal revenue.
  • Market Structures:

    • Perfect Competition: Characteristics, equilibrium in short run and long run.
    • Monopoly: Characteristics, price determination, and effects on consumer welfare.
    • Monopolistic Competition: Characteristics, short-run and long-run equilibrium.
    • Oligopoly: Characteristics and examples, and models (Kinked demand curve).

**3. Macroeconomics

  • National Income Accounting:
    • Concepts of National Income: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), and Net Domestic Product (NDP).
    • Measurement of National Income: Methods (production, income, and expenditure methods).
  • Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply:
    • Aggregate Demand (AD): Components, determinants, and equilibrium.
    • Aggregate Supply (AS): Short-run and long-run AS, and factors affecting AS.
  • Inflation:
    • Concepts: Definition, types of inflation (demand-pull, cost-push), and measurement.
    • Effects of Inflation: On different sectors of the economy and economic policies to control inflation.
  • Unemployment:
    • Types of Unemployment: Frictional, structural, cyclical, and seasonal unemployment.
    • Measurement and Consequences: Effects of unemployment on the economy.
  • Fiscal Policy:
    • Concepts: Definition, objectives, and tools (taxation and public expenditure).
    • Government Budget: Types of budgets (surplus, deficit, balanced) and implications.
  • Monetary Policy:
    • Concepts: Definition, objectives, and tools (open market operations, reserve requirements, and interest rates).
    • Central Banking: Role of the central bank in managing monetary policy.
  • Economic Development and Planning:
    • Economic Development vs. Economic Growth: Differences and indicators of development.
    • Planning: Objectives of economic planning and types of plans (Five-Year Plans in India).

**4. International Economics

  • International Trade:
    • Benefits and Costs: Comparative advantage, terms of trade, and effects of trade.
    • Trade Policies: Free trade vs. protectionism, tariffs, quotas, and trade agreements.
  • Balance of Payments:
    • Concepts: Components (current account, capital account, financial account), and equilibrium.
  • Exchange Rates:
    • Concepts: Types of exchange rates (fixed, floating), determinants, and effects on trade and capital flows.

**5. Development Economics

  • Economic Development:
    • Concepts: Definition, indicators (HDI, GDP per capita), and factors affecting development.
  • Poverty and Inequality:
    • Concepts: Measurement of poverty, causes, and policies to reduce poverty and inequality.
  • Sustainable Development:
    • Concepts: Principles of sustainable development, and challenges in achieving sustainable development.

**6. Practical Work

  • Data Interpretation:
    • Economic Data: Interpretation of economic data, graphs, and charts.
  • Project Work:
    • Research Projects: Conducting research on specific economic topics or issues.
  • Case Studies:
    • Real-World Applications: Analysis of real-world economic problems and policies.


  • Textbooks and Reference Materials: Use prescribed textbooks and additional reference materials as recommended by ICSE or your school.
  • Updates: Always check with your school for the latest syllabus updates or specific topics.

This syllabus is designed to give students a foundational understanding of economic principles, theories, and applications, preparing them for further studies in economics and related fields