Soil is an important natural resource that decides the diversity of life in an area. It is the top surface layer of the Earth’s crust. Rock particles make a large part of the soil. The other constituents which make up the soil are :
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The process of soil formation is so slow that the soil is regarded as a non-renewable resource. Over long periods of time, thousands and millions of years, the rocks at or near the surface of the Earth are broken down by various physical, chemical and some biological processes. This is called weathering and results in formation of fine particles of soil.
Weathering caused by climatic factors is called physical weathering. The various climatic factors are :
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Living organisms like lichens, mosses, etc. influence the formation of soil.
The rocks also undergo chemical weathering by processes like hydrolysis, hydration, oxidation and reduction.
The soil is composed of different types of particles of varying sizes. The various particles are:
Humus and the micro organisms in the soil decide the quality of the soil. It causes the soil to become porous and allows water and air to penetrate deep underground. The mineral nutrients found in a particular soil depends on the rocks it was formed from.
The nutrient content of a soil, the amount of humus present in it and the depth of the soil are some of the factors that decide which plants will thrive on that soil.
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On the basis of particle size, soil is classified into the following types:
It consists of large proportion of sand particles and very small quantity of silt and clay. This soil cannot hold much water. It is found in deserts and is unfit for plant growth.
It contains large proportion of clay particles and small amounts of humus and silt. Being compact, it can hold water but cannot trap air. It is also not suitable for plant growth.
It contains relatively larger quantities of clay, silt, sand particles and humus. This is the best soil for plants as it is porous, holding good amount of water and air as well.
The contamination of soil with solid waste, chemicals (through industrial wastes or acid rain), fertilizers and pesticides, reducing its fertility is called soil pollution.
The main sources of soil pollution includes:
Soil is a complex mixture of non-living materials and living organisms. It provides anchorage to plants and is also a source of nutrients and water to the plants. Majority of the plants, thus, grow in the soil. The top layer of soil is very fertile and is often carried by environmental agencies.
This removal of the top layer of the soil from one place to another by certain agents such as strong winds, fast flowing water, is called soil erosion.
The various causes of soil erosion are:
The various effects of soil erosion are loss of fertility, desertification, landslides, floods, etc,
Certain measures can effectively reduce soil erosion. These include intensive cropping, sowing grasses in uncultivated land, terrace farming along the slopes of hilly areas, making embankments along the river banks, etc.
Ans. Soil is a natural resource consisting of a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that support life on Earth.
Ans. Soil contains minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms.
Ans. Soil is commonly referred to as "earth" or "dirt."
Ans. Soil is important because it supports plant growth, filters water, regulates the Earth's temperature, and provides habitat for organisms.
Ans. The four benefits of soil are nutrient cycling, water filtration, supporting plant growth, and providing habitat for organisms.
Ans. The function of soil includes supporting plant growth, regulating water, recycling nutrients, and providing a habitat for a wide range of organisms.