Biological Nitrogen Fixation

The discovery of biological nitrogen fixation is credited to Beijernick in 1901, marking a significant advancement in our understanding of biogeochemical processes. This process involves a specific group of prokaryotic organisms that use nitrogenase enzymes to transform atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3), a form of nitrogen that plants can readily use.

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Process of Biological Nitrogen Fixation

The conversion of nitrogen is represented by the following chemical reaction: N2+8H++8e--> 2NH3+H2

This reaction is a reduction process where nitrogen gas from the atmosphere is converted into ammonia. This conversion is crucial because atmospheric nitrogen, in its molecular form, cannot be absorbed and utilized directly by plants. Instead, plants can assimilate the ammonia produced through this biological process, which is vital for their growth and development.

Types of Nitrogen-Fixing Organisms

Biological nitrogen fixers can be categorized based on their lifestyle. Some are free-living, such as Azotobacter and Rhizobium, while others, like Rhodospirillum, are symbiotic, forming close associations with plant hosts.

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Mechanism of Nitrogen Fixation

The enzymes responsible for nitrogen fixation, notably nitrogenase, are extremely sensitive to oxygen, which can deactivate these enzymes. To overcome this, plants with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, like those in the legume family, develop root nodules that contain a pigment called leghemoglobin. This pigment acts as an oxygen scavenger, creating a low-oxygen environment that facilitates effective nitrogen fixation.

Nodule Formation and Function

The formation of nodules is a complex interaction between the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium, and the roots of the host plant. This interaction leads to a series of steps that are crucial for successful nitrogen fixation:

  1. Recognition and Attachment: The bacterium recognizes and attaches to the root hairs of the host plant.
  2. Invasion: The bacteria invade the root hair, which curls and forms an infection thread.
  3. Nodule Development: As the infection progresses, cells in the root cortex divide, leading to nodule formation.
  4. Bacterial Differentiation: Inside the nodule, bacteria differentiate into a form that can fix nitrogen.
  5. Nitrogen Fixation: The differentiated bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which the plant can use for growth.

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Nitrogen-Fixing Organisms

Type Examples
Free-living Azotobacter, Clostridium
Symbiotic Rhizobium (legumes), Frankia (non-legumes)


Biological nitrogen fixation is an essential ecological process that sustains the nitrogen cycle and supports plant growth. Understanding this process not only enhances our comprehension of plant biology and ecology but also has implications for agriculture, especially in developing sustainable farming practices that optimize natural nitrogen sources.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Biological nitrogen fixation is the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia by certain prokaryotes using the enzyme nitrogenase.

Plants cannot directly use atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation provides them with ammonia, which they can assimilate to synthesize vital biomolecules.

Examples include free-living bacteria like Azotobacter and symbiotic bacteria like Rhizobium, which associate with legume plants.

Plants with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria develop root nodules that contain leghemoglobin, an oxygen-scavenging pigment that protects nitrogenase from oxygen damage.