This page consists of extra questions with answers for Chapter 8 Decimals prepared by experts. Each worksheet for Chapter 8 Decimals of class 6 Maths consists of Extra questions in the form of MCQ and subjective questions based on Chapter 8 Decimals with detailed explanations and solutions. All the Important questions for Chapter 8 Decimals required for practice are covered. Do solve NCERT questions with the help of NCERT Solutions for class 6 Maths and more worksheets check out worksheets for class 6 Maths.
Question-1. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Every decimal cannot be written as a fraction.
(b) All decimals cannot be represented on the number line.
(c) Every fraction with denominator 10 can be written in decimal notation and vice versa.
(d) All of the above statements are true
Answer- (c) Using the decimal system, every number can be written in the form of a fraction if it has either the numerator or denominator as 10 or any of its multiple.
Question-2. Ritu’s school is at a distance of 6 km 530 m from her home. She travelled 1 km 70 m by foot and rest by bus. How much distance did she cover by her bus?
(a) 8.460 km (b) 7.500 km (c) 5.460 km (d) 6.490 km
Answer- (c) 6.530 – 1.070 = 5.460 km
Question-3. Ruby ate 2 kg 750 g of watermelon and gave 2 kg 450 gm to her neighbour. What was the total weight of the watermelon?
(a) 5.200 kg (b) 5 kg 400 gm (c) 4 kg (d) 7 kg 4 gm
Answer-(a) 2.750 + 2.450 = 5.200kg
Question-4. Is 0.6 more than 0 or is it less than 0?
(a) More (b) Less
(c) Equal (d) Cannot determine
Answer-(a) 0 + 0.6 = 0.6. Hence, 0.6 > 0.