This page consists of NCERT Solutions for class 11 Maths Chapter 9 Sequences and Series prepared by HT experts. All the questions asked in Chapter 9 Sequences and Series are solved with detailed explanations. MCQ questions of Chapter 9 Sequences and Series are covered in this solution.
When collections of objects are arranged in an order where objects can be classified as first, second, third and so on is known as sequence and Sequence, following specific patterns are called progressions. Series is the summation of all the terms of a sequence.
In the previous class, we studied arithmetic progression (A.P). In this Chapter, we will be discussing the means and other progressions.
The topics to be covered are:
1. Arithmetic Progression and its properties.
2. Arithmetic mean.
3. Geometric Progression, its properties and geometric mean
4. Relationship between A.M. and G.M.
5. Sigma and its properties.
6. Special series in forms of the sum to n in terms of consecutive natural numbers, sum to n in terms of squares of natural numbers and sum to n in terms of cubes of natural numbers will also be studied.