Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions

ClassClass 11
ChapterChapter 3 Trigonometric Functions
Chapter NameChapter 3 Trigonometric Functions
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for class 11 Maths Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions

This page consists of NCERT Solutions for class 11 Maths Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions prepared by HT experts. All the questions asked in Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions are solved with detailed explanations. MCQ questions of Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions are covered in this solution. 

What will you learn in Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions?

In earlier classes, we studied the trigonometric ratios of acute angles as the ratio of the sides of a right-angled triangle and the trigonometric identities and application of trigonometric ratios in solving the problems related to heights and distances. 

In this Chapter, we will generalise the concept of trigonometric ratios to trigonometric functions and study their properties.

We will understand the concepts like:

1. Angles and measurement (Degree and Radian).

2. Relation between radian and real numbers.

3. If in a circle of radius r, an arc of length l subtends an angle of θ radians, then l = r θ.

4. Relation between degree and radian.

5. Sign of Trigonometric Functions in different Quadrants.

6. Trigonometric functions and their graphs.

7. Trigonometric Functions of sum and difference of two angles.

8. Trigonometric Functions of Multiple and Sub-Multiple of angles.

9. Finding the solutions of Trigonometric Equations(Principal Solutions (0 ≤ x < 2π) and General Solutions).

10.Solutions of some standard trigonometric equations like sin x = sin y , cos x = cos y , tan x = tan y , etc.

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