This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Political Science: World politics Chapter 9 Globalisation with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Political Science World politics Chapter 9 Globalisation are covered. Find chapter-wise MCQ Questions for CUET Political Science.
Political Science - MCQ on Globalization
Q.1 Globalization deals with flows. These flows include:-
a. Ideas moving from one part of the world to another
b. Capital is shunted between two or more places.
c. Commodities being traded across borders.
d. All of the above
Q.2 Which of the following is correct about the political impact of globalization:-
a. State capacity is minimized
b. The market becomes the prime determinant of economic and social priorities
c. Both a & b
d. None
Q.3 Economic globalization involves:-
a. Greater economic flow between two countries
b. Greater economic flow among different countries of the world
c. Greater economic flow among the states of the country
d. All of the above
Q.4 Components of world wide interconnectedness are:-
a. Ideas
b. Capital
c. Commodities
d. All of the above
Q.5 Benefits of globalization are:-
a. Faster economic growth
b. Improved wealth through economic gains
c. Increased global income and reduced investment barriers
d. All of the above
Q.6 Globalization leads to each culture becoming:-
a. More different
b. More distinctive
c. More different and distinctive
d. More transparent
Q.7 During the colonial period:-
a. India became an importer of primary goods and raw materials
b. India became an exporter of finished goods and also raw materials
c. India became an exporter of primary goods and an importer of raw materials
d. India became an exporter of primary goods and raw materials.
Q.8 In which of the following meetings there was a protest alleging unfair trading practices by the economically powerful states:-
a. WTO meeting of ministers in New York in 1992
b. WTO ministerial meeting at Seattle in 1992
c. IMF ministerial meeting at Washington in 1992.
d. WTO ministerial meeting in Paris in 1992.
Q.9 Critics of globalization argue that:-
a. Contemporary globalization represents a particular phase of global capitalism that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer
b. Weakening of the state leads to a reduction in the capacity of the state to protect the interest of its poor.
c. They will weaken the state
d. All of the above
Q.10 Due to the protectionism policy adopted by India after Independence:-
a. Some advances were made in certain areas
b. Critical sectors such as health, housing and primary education did not receive the attention they deserved.
c. India had a fairly sluggish rate of economic growth.
d. All of the above
Q.11 Which of the statements is not true?
a. All culture accepts outside influences all the time.
b. Some external influences are positive because they reduce our choices
c. Sometimes external influences simply enlarge our choices
d. Sometimes they modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional.
Q.12 Which of the following statements are true about globalization:-
a. The impact of globalization is vastly uneven.
b. Globalization affects some societies more than others and some parts of some societies more than others.
c. In place of the welfare state, it is the market that becomes the prime determinant of economic and social priorities.
d. All of the above.
Q.13 Globalization organization:-
b. US
c. Britain
d. Japan
Q.14. Which of the following is not correct about globalization?
a. Globalization leads only to cultural homogenization.
b. Globalization leads only to cultural homogenization as well as cultural heterogenization.
c. Globalization brings disparity between rich and poor.
d. Globalization generates greater economic growth
Q.15. Which of the following is available in India due to globalization?
a. Foreign TV channels
b. coca and Pepsi
c. Sansui brand of electronics
d. all of the above
Q.16. The seventh WSF meeting was held in
a. Delhi in January.2007
b. Nairobi in January 2007
c. Islamabad in January 2007
d. New York in January 2007
Q.17 . Which of the following is considered the result of globalization in India?
a. Foreign TV channels
b. Celebration of valentine’s day
c. Westernization of the dress tastes especially of girls.
d. All of the above.
Q.18. Globalization began in
a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. 1993
Q.19. Globalization is
a. An unidimensional phenomenon
b. A multidimensional phenomenon
c. A political phenomenon
d. A cultural phenomenon
Q.20. Which of the statements are true about globalization?
a. Globalization is purely an economic phenomenon
b. Globalization began in 1991
c. Globalization is as same as westernization.
d. Globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon
Q.21. Which of the statements are true about the impact of globalization?
a. Globalization has been uneven in its impact on states and societies
b. Globalization has had a uniform impact on all states and societies
c. The impact of globalization has been confined to the political sphere
d. Globalization inevitably results in cultural homogeneity.
Q.22. These of statements are true about the causes of globalization:
a. Technology is an important cause of Globalization
b. Globalization is caused by a particular community of people
c. Globalization originated in the US
d. Economic interdependence alone causes Globalization
Q.23. The entry and the increased role of multinationals companies all over the world lead to:
a. A reduction in the capacity of governments to take decisions on their
b. An increase in the capacity of governments to take decisions on their
c. Only homogenization
d. None of the above
Q.24. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. All culture accepts outside influences all the time
b. Some external influences are positive because they reduce our choices.
c. Sometimes external influences simply enlarge our choices
d. Some times they modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional
Q.25. Globalization leads to each culture becoming
a. More different
b. More distinctive
c. More different and distinctive
d. More transparent
Q.26. The first WSF meeting was organized in
a. Mumbai in 2004
b. Delhi in 2004
c. Porto alerge in 2001
d. Paris in 2001
( c)
Political Science - MCQ on Globalization
Class XII
Q.1. Which of the following is not correct about globalization?
a. Globalization leads only to cultural homogenization.
b. Globalization leads only to cultural homogenization as well as cultural heterogenization.
c. Globalization brings disparity between rich and poor.
d. Globalization generates greater economic growth
Q.2. Which of the following is available in India due to globalization?
a. Foreign TV channels
b. coca and Pepsi
c. Sansui brand of electronics
d. all of the above
Q.3. The seventh WSF meeting was held in
a. Delhi in January.2007
b. Nairobi in January,2007
c. Islamabad in January 2007
d. New York in January 2007
Q.4. Which of the following is considered the result of globalization in India?
a. Foreign TV channels
b. Celebration of valentine’s day
c. Westernization of the dress tastes especially of girls.
d. All of the above.
Q.5. Globalization began in
a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. 1993
Q.6. Globalization is
a. An unidimensional phenomenon
b. A multidimensional phenomenon
c. A political phenomenon
d. A cultural phenomenon
Q.7. Which of the statements are true about globalization?
a. Globalization is purely an economic phenomenon
b. Globalization began in 1991
c. Globalization is as same as westernization.
d. Globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon
Q.8. Which of the statements are true about the impact of globalization?
a. Globalization has been uneven in its impact on states and societies
b. Globalization has had a uniform impact on all states and societies
c. The impact of globalization has been confined to the political sphere
d. Globalization inevitably results in cultural homogeneity.
Q.9. These of the statements are true about the causes of globalization:
a. Technology is an important cause of Globalization
b. Globalization is caused by a particular community of people
c. Globalization originated in the US
d. Economic interdependence alone causes Globalization
Q.10. The entry and the increased role of multinationals companies all over the world lead to:
a. A reduction in the capacity of governments to decide on their
b. An increase in the capacity of governments to decide on their
c. Only homogenization
d. None of the above
Q.11. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. All culture accepts outside influences all the time
b. Some external influences are positive because they reduce our choices.
c. Sometimes external influences simply enlarge our choices
d. Some times they modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional
Q.12. Globalization leads to each culture becoming
a. More different
b. More distinctive
c. More different and distinctive
d. More transparent
Q.13. The first WSF meeting was organized in
a. Mumbai in 2004
b. Delhi in 2004
c. Porto alerge in 2001
d. Paris in 2001
( c)
Political Science - MCQ on Globalization
Class XII
Q.1. What is the most important feature of the economic consequence of Globalization?
a. Whenever a major economic event takes place, its impact is felt outside their immediate local, national or regional environment at the global level.
b. A MNC entered a new country and captured the whole market.
c. People can by different countries' products easily.
d. None of the above
Q.2. The Neem plant patent was taken by multinationals of which country/countries-
a. America
b. Canada
c. Europe
d. Japan
(i) a & b
(ii) b only
(iii) a, b, c & d
(iv) a & c (True Answer)
Q.3. The social justice supporter emphasised which method to minimize the negative effects of globalization:
a. Political Sanctions
b. Cultural Organization
c. Creation of Social Safety Nets
d. None of the above