This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Political Science: World politics Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Political Science World politics Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity are covered. Find chapter-wise MCQ Questions for CUET Political Science.
Political Science - MCQ on The end of Bipolarity
Class XII
Q.1 Who led the Russian Revolution in 1917?
a. Joseph Stain
b. Nikita Khrushchev
c. Mikhail Gorbachev
d. Vladimir Lenin
Q.2 The Russian Revolution of 1917 was inspired by –
a. Ideas of Capitalism
b. The idea of socialism
c. Ideas of democracy
d. None
Q.3 Which of these statements is true with the soviet system –
a. The state was given primary.
b. The soviet political system centred on the communist party.
C) The economy was planned and controlled by the state.
D) all of the above
Q.4 Which of these were the characteristics of the Soviet economy?
a. Soviet economy had a complex communication network.
b. It had vast energy resources including oil, iron and steel and machinery production.
c. A transport sector that connected its remotest areas with efficiency.
d. It had a domestic consumer industry that produced everything from pins to cars.
a. a & b
b. a & d
c. a,b & d
d. a,b,c, & d
Q.5 The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in the Year-
a. 1975
b. 1977
c. 1979
d. 1981
Q.6 Which of the republics of the USSR declared that the Soviet Union was disbanded?
A) Belarus
B) Russia
C) Ukraine
D) All the three
Explanation – In December 1991, under the leader ship of Yeltsin, Russia, Ukraine and USSR, declared that the Soviet Union was disbanded.
Q.7 Which the Republic of the USSR inherited the Soviet seat in the UN Security Council-?
a. Hungry
b. Ukraine
c. Belarus
d. Russia
Explanation: - Russia was accepted as the successor state of the Soviet Union. It inherited the Soviet Seat in the UN Security Council
Q.8 According to India and Russia, a multicolour world means-
a. Co-existence of several powers in the international system
b. Collective security
c. Greater regionalism
d. All the above
Explanation – Russia and India share vision of a multipolar world order.
Q.9 This country gave aid and technical assistance to steel plants in India-
a. United States
c. Russia
d. Japan
Explanation – Soviet Union gave aid and technical assistance for sted plants like bhilai, Bokaro and Vishakhapatnam.
Q.10 Bolshevik Communist party was founded by-
a. Vladimir Lenin
b. Stalin
c. Nikita Khrushchev
d. Leonid Brezhnev
Q.11 Which Soviet Union leader suggested peaceful co-existence with the west?
a. Lenin
b. Stalin
c. Mikhail Gorbachev
d. Nikita Khrushchev
Q.12 Which three Baltic republics became UN members in September 1991?
a. Estonia
b. Latvia
c. Lithuania
d. All of the above.
Explanation – In 1991, September three Baltic republics of Estonia, lalvia and Lithuania became UN members. They Later Joined NATO in 2004.
Q.13 The Berlin wall fell in –
a. November 1989
b. December 1989
c. January 1990
d. February 1990
Explanation: - the Berlin wall which has been built at the height of the cold war and was its greatest symbol was toppled by the people in 1989.
Q.14 Which of the statements is related to Boris Yeltsin –?
a. He was the first elected president of Russia.
b. He was the leader of the protests against the Soviet regime in 1991
c. He played a key role in dissolving the Soviet Union
d. All of these
Q.15 What is common among Azerbaijan Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan-?
a. Major oil and gas producers
b. Major tea producers
c. Major textile producers
d. None
Q.16 The model of transition in Russia Central Asia and Cast Europe came to be known as –
a. Shock Therapy
b. Transition Therapy
c. Capitalists Therapy
d. None
Q.17 Shock Therapy was influenced by-
a. World Bank
b. IMF
c. World Bank & IMF
d. World Bank & NIEO
Q.18 Soviet Union Collapsed in the Year-
a. 1989
b. 1990
c. 1991
d. 1992
Explanation – In December 1991 the second world Soviet Union collapsed.
Q.19 The disintegration of the Soviet Union resulted in –
a. The end of the cold war confrontation
b. The power relation in world politics changed and the US became the role superpower
c. At the end of the Soviet Bloc emerged many new countries in the world
d. All of the above.
Q.20 The second World took place in –
a. 1931-1935
b. 1933-1938
c. 1935-1942
d. 1939-1945
Q.21 Which of the Following Countries was not a member of the eastern alliance?
b. Yugoslavia
c. Austria
d. Poland
Q.22 Which among the following is not an outcome of the disintegration of the USSR?
a. End of the ideological war between the USA & USSR
b. Birth of CIS
c. Change in the Balance of Power in the world order
d. Crisis in the Middle East
Q.23 The USSR came into being after the socialist revolution in Russia in –
a. 1915
b. 1916
c. 1971
d. 1918
Q.24 After the Second World War, the eastern European countries that the Soviet army had liberated from the fascist forces came under the control of
a. Russia
b. Ukraine
c. Turkmenistan
Q.25 The Warsaw pact was
a. An economic alliance
b. A political alliance
c. A military alliance
d. None of the above
Q.26 Which of the following areas possesses the last hydrocarbon resources?
a. The central Asian Republics
b. The middle East Countries
c. Easter Europe
d. The South East Asian Countries
Q.27 Russian Parliament declares its independence from the Soviet Union in
a. March 1990
b. April 1990
c. May 1990
d. June 1990
Q.28 Which of the following countries becomes the first of the 15 soviet republics to declare its independence-?
a. Lithuania
b. Russia
c. Ukraine
d. Georgia
Q.29 Independence movement begins in Lithuania in –
a. 1985
b. 1988
c. 1989
d. 1991
Q.30 Who among the following was involved in suppressing a popular rebellion in Czechoslovakia-?
a. Leonid Brezhnev
b. Boris Yeltsin
c. Vladimir putin
d. Mikhail Gorbachev
Q.31 The following was the immediate cause of the disintegration of the USSR-
a. Gorbachev’s proposed reforms
b. The rise of nationalism
c. The rise of nationalism and the desire for, sovereignty within various republics
d. None of the above
Q.32 Who among the following began rapid industrialization and forcible collectivization of agriculture-?
a. Vladimir Lenin
b. Boris Yeltsin
c. Mikhail Gorbachev
d. Joseph Stalin
Q.33 Gorbachev became general secretary of the communist party of the Soviet Union –
a. 1985
b. 1986
c. 1990
d. 1991