CUET Political Science Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power

ClassClass 12
SubjectPolitical Science
ChapterCUET Political Science Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power
Chapter NameChapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power
CategoryCUET (Common University Entrance Test) UG

MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Political Science: World politics Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power

This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Political Science: World politics Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Political Science World politics Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power are covered. Find chapter-wise MCQ Questions for CUET Political Science

Find below CUET Political Science: World politics Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power questions set-1


Class XII

Q.1.Organization for European for Economic Cooperation provided aid to-

a. East European States

b. West European States

c. East And West European States

d. none of the above



Explanation: Under the Marshall plan, Organization for European for Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was established to channel aid to the west European countries.

Q.2.Which among the following is the currency of European union-

a. Dollar

b. Pound

c. Euro

d. None Of The Above



Explanation: Euro is the common currency introduced by EU in January, 2002.

Q.3.What is the name given o the 13 members of the European Union who have adopted Euro-

a. Euro zone

b. Euro alliance

c. Euro association

d. Euro league



Q.4. Europan Union is-

a. An economic organization

b. A political organization

c. Social organization

d. All the above



Q.5.Where is the head quarters of EU situated-

a. France

b. Denmark

c. Netherlands

d. Brussels (Belgium)



Q.6.Under which treaty European Union (EU) was established-

a. The Treaty of Paris, 1951

b. The Treaty of Rome, 1957

c. The Treaty of Maastricht, 1992

d. The Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997



Explanation: The Treaty of Maastricht was signed on 7th feburary’1992 establishing the European Union.

Q.7. ASEAN stands for-

a. Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations

b. Alliance of Southern Asian Nations

c. Association of Southeast Asian Nations

d. Association of Southeast Asian Nations



Explanation: ASEAN is a geo-political and economic organization of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. This was formed on august 8.1967.

Q.8. ARF was established in the year-

a. 1990

b. 1992

c. 1993

d. 1994



Explanation: The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) is an informal multilateral dialogue in Asia Pacific region which was established in 1994.

Q.9. Which one of the following is not in the ASEAN community-

a. ASEAN Security Community

b. ASEAN Economic Community

c. ASEAN Political Community

d. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community



Q.10. ASEAN has created Free Trade Area (FTA) for-

a. Investment, labor and services

b. Investment, workforce and trade

c. Trade, labor and services

d. Trade and services



Q.11. Before 1970, the Chinese economy was based on-

a. UN Model

b. Soviet Model

c. French Model

d. None of the above



Q.12. The ‘Open Door’ Policy in China was announced by-

a. Premier Zhou Enlai

b. Deng Xiaoping

c. Premier Zhu Rongji

d. Hu Jintao



Explanation: Deng Xiaoping is a paramount leader of china.

Q.13. Major landmark in the indo-china relations is

a. Indira Gandhi visit to china

b. A.B.Vajpayee visit to china

c. Hu Jintao visit to India

d. Rajiv Gandhi visit to India



Q.1.Who of the following extended massive help for reviving Europe’s economy?

a. Japan

b. Britain

c. China

d. America



Q.2.The council of Europe was established in:

a. 1949

b. 1952

c. 1954

d. 1963



Q.3.The council of Europe was meant for:

a. Economic co-operation

b. Political co-operation

c. Military co-operation

d. None of the above



Q.4.Which of the following EU countries hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council?

a. Britain and Denmark

b. France and Greece

c. India and Britain

d. Britain and France



Q.5.The primary objective of the ASEAN was:

a. To accelerate economic growth

b. Social progress

c. Cultural development

d. All the above



Q.6.The ASEAN economy is growing much faster than:

a. US

b. EU

c. Japan

d. All of the above



Q.7.India has signed FTA with two ASEAN members named as:

a. Singapore and Thailand

b. Thailand and the USA

c. The USA and Britain

d. Indonesia and France



Q.8.Which of the following is projected to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2040?

a. India

b. Pakistan

c. China

d. Britain



Q.9.Which of the following is the only country that suffered the destruction caused by nuclear bombs?

a. China

b. India

c. France

d. Japan



Political Science - MCQ on Alternative Centers of Power

CUET Political Science: World politics Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power questions set-2

Q.1. Which of the following country does not belong to European Union?

a. United Kingdom

b. Luxembourg

c. Hungry

d. Uzbekistan



Explanation: Uzbekistan belongs to Asia and EU is exclusively for European Countries.

Q.2. ASEAN stands for-

a. Association of South East American Nations

b. Alliance of South East Asian Neighbours

c. Association of South East Asian Nations

d. Association for South East African Nations



Q.3. Which of the following Chinese leader initiated ‘open door’ policy and economic reforms in China?

a. Mao Zedong

b. Deng Xiaoping

c. Zhou Enlai

d. Jiang Jemin



Q.4. During War of 1962, China was claiming which Indian regions as its own territories:

a. Arunachal Pradesh

b. Aksai Chin region of Ladakh

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above



Q.5. Marshall Plan was an aid programme-

a. After the IInd World War, America extended massive financial help for reviving European’s economy.

b. It was USSR’s aid for newly independent Asian Countries.

c. It was UN programme for Asian and African Countries.

d. It was USA and USSR aid programme for African nations.



Q.6. Which Treaty was behind the foundation of the European Union in 1992?

a. Treaty of Versailles

b. Treaty of Paris

c. Treaty of Maastricht

d. Treaty of Severs



Explanation: On 7 January 1992, European Countries signed the Treaty of Maastricht and then European Union came into existence.

Class XII—Political Sc. Ch.4— Alternative Centres of Power ---Contemporary World Politics


Q.1.Give the full form of WTO.

.i. World Trade Organisation.

ii.World Territorial Organ

iii.War Trust Organisation

iv.World Trade Organ


i. World Trade Organisation.

Q.2.Name the British Prime Minister who kept UK out of European Union.

i.Tony Blair.

ii.Margaret Thatcher.

iii.Both of them.

iv.None of the above.


ii.Margaret Thatcher.

Q.3.Name the Declaration by which ASEAN was set up.






ii. Bangkok.

Q.4.By which year is China expected to overtake U.S. as world’s largest economy?


ii 2010

iii. 2030.

iv. 2040.


iv. 2040.

Q.1—China ended its economic and political isolation with the establishment of relations with:







Q.2.In which year did Greece join EC?




iv 2001


ii. 1981.

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