CUET History Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments

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ChapterCUET History Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments
Chapter NameChapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural
CategoryCUET (Common University Entrance Test) UG

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CUET History Questions Objective Types for Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments Set-A

History - MCQ on Thinkers, Beliefs and buildings

Class XII

Q.1 The Rigveda was compiled between:

a. c.1500-1000 BCE (true)

b. c.1000-500 BCE

c. sixth century BCE

d. third century BCE


Rigveda was compiled between 1500-1000BCE that contains the religious hymns composed by the Aryans.

Q.2 The term ‘Ashtangika Marga’ means

a. path of ahimsa

b. path of dhamma

c. the eight fold paths of Buddhism (true)

d. path of Jainism


Ashtaangika marg means the eight old path given by Buddha that leads to cessation of suffering, phigher wisdom and peace of mind.

Q.3 Which Upanishad underlies the significance of bhakti?

a. Sevtasvater (true)

b. mundupa

c. bhakti

d. katha


Sevtasvater upnishad belongs to krisna Yajurveda and underlies the significance of bhakti.

Q.4 A type of yagha in which a horse was released to cover the maximum area of influence of the king was known as:

a. Rajasuya yagha

b. Ashvamedha (true)

c. Yajahn

d. Mahavamsa


Ashvamedha was one of the most elaborate yaghas performed by the kings in which a horse was released by the king to cover maximum area of influence of the king. If somebody dare to hold that horse had to fight with the king.

Q.5 The veda that consists of hymns in praise of various deities is:

a. Yajurevda

b. Atharvaveda

c. Samaveda

d. Rigveda (true)


Rigveda is the oldest religious text in the world that is a collection of hymns by a number of priestly families recited in the praise of the various deities.

Q.6 Bhagvatism lays emphasis on:

a. gyan

b. bhakti (true)

c. tantra

d. karma


Bhagvatism refers to sect that worships Vasudeva Krishna and lays emphasis on Bhakti.

Q.7 The term ‘Tirthankars’ in Vedas refer to

a. a great teacher (true)

b. a slave

c. Bodh nuns

d. Bodh monks


Tirthankars are the moral teachers and the term is common among Jains Buddhists and Hindus.

Q.8 Tathagata is another name for:

a. Shiva

b. Mahavir

c. Buddha (true)

d. Vishnu


Tathagata is another name for Buddha whose other names are Siddhartha and Sakyamuni

Q.9 The birth place of Mahavir is :

a. Pava

b. Jambhikagram

c. Kundagram ( true)

d. Kusinagur


Mahavir was born in a village Kundagrama in district Muzzaffarpur (bihar)

Q.10 Which is not a source of knowledge according to Jainism:

a. pratyaksha

b. annman

c. Vedas (true)

d. Saying of tirthankars


Jainism completely rejected the authority of Vedas and did not consider as a source of knowledge.

Q.11 Which of these compilations included Buddha’s teachings

a. Vinaya Pitaka

b. Abhidhamma Pitaka

c. Dipavamsa

d. Sutta Pitaka (true)


Sutta pitaka is one of the Tripitakathat conists of the discourses delivered by Buddha at various occasions.

Q.12 The term ‘annica’ used in bhuddist philosophy means:

a. constantly changing (true)

b. soulless

c. self indulgence

d. sorrow


In Buddhism annica means transiency i.e, life is constanly changing and all conditioned things are transient.

Q.13 Bodh nuns were known as

a. dasi

b. theris

c. bhikkhuni (true)

d. tirthankars


The men monk disciples of Buddha were known as bikkhu and the women were known as bhikkhuni.

Q.14 Guatam Buddha delivered his first sermon at :

a. Sanchi

b. Sarnath (true)

c. Kusinagra

d. Lumbini


Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath.

Q.15 Buddha attained enlightenment at:

a. Bodh Gaya (true)

b. Bharhut

c. Sarnath

d. Amaravati


Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya while meditating under a tree.

Q.16 Which is not correct?

a. Jainism and bhuddism grew in 6th century B.C.

b. Bhuddhism and Jainism followed the same concept of ahimsa (true)

c. Buddha and Mahavir were Kshatriya by birth

d. Both were against Brahmanism


Even though Buddhism and Jainism are regarded as religions based on the fundamental principle of ahimsa still there is a significant difference in the treatment and application of the principle of ahimsa in actual practice by both religions. Buddhism enjoins upon its followers not to commit himsa themselves only. But Jainism not only considers the principle of ahimsa in all its aspects, but also makes it obligatory on its followers to abstain from committing himsa in any possible way.

Q.17 Followers of Buddha who lived a family life were called

a. Upsampada

b. Gohapati

c. Anusavan

d. Upasaka (true)


Upasakas were the lay worshippers that had families and were not the part of the sanghas.

Q.18 Buddha was born in:

a. Lumbini (true)

b. Vaishali

c. Gaya

d. Rajgriha


Buddha was born in 563 B.C on the Vaishakha purnima day at Lumbini.

Q.19 The first sermon of Buddha is known as:

a. Dharma charka Pravartan (true)

b. Mohabhiniskrama

c. Dhamma Ghas

d. Mahaparinivana


Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath before the five ascetics who had earlier been his colleagues and that sermon is known as Dharma Chakra Pravartana.

Q.20 The stupa originated as simple semicircular mound of earth later

known as:

a. harmika

b. yashti

c. anda (true)

d. chhatri


the stupa originated as simple semicircular mound of the earth known as anda that later evolved into much complex structures.

Q.21 The term ‘Harmika’ in a stupa refers to:

a. a simple semi circular mound of earth

b. a balcony like structure that represented the abode of god (true)

c. the mast arising from the balcony

d. the umbrella surmounting the mast


In a stupa harmika is present above the anda and is a balcony like structure that represented the abode of the god.

Q.22 Which of the following is not among the four noble truths given by


a. the world is full of miseries

b. the main cause of sorrow and misery is desire

c. the entire world is animated, even rocks, stones and water (true)

d. misery and sorrow can be averted by controlling trishana


Apart from a,b and d the fourth noble truth given by Buddha was ‘the desire can be suppressed or killed by following the eight fold path’. (c) was a belief of Jainism.

Q.23 According to Gautam Buddha the way to prevent sorrow is:

a. To earn money

b. To do penances

c. To live luxurious life

d. To follow madhyam pratipada (true)


According to Buddha sorrow can be avoided by following madhyam pratipada which means a ‘middle view’.

Q.24 Which of the following is not related to the buddhistic sect Hinayana?

a. They did not over stress belief and devotion

b. Their entire literature is in pali

c. Everybody should care for his own nirvana

d. They treated lord Buddha as diety (true)


This was a feature of Mahayanas. Hinayanas treated Buddha as a symbol of idealism and purity.

Q.25 Ashvaghosha wrote the biography of Buddha which is known as :

a. Buddhacharita (true)

b. Dirgha Nikaya

c. Mahavamsa

d. Dipavamsa


Ashvaghosha was apoet, dramatist, musician scholar nd debator who went on foot from place to place singing songs in praise of Buddha. He also wrote the biography of Buddha known as Buddhacharita.

CUET History Questions Objective Types for Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments Set-B

Q.26 The Vibhashas are three large commentaries of:

a. Abhidhamma Pitaka

b. Vinaya pitaka

c. Sutta pitaka

d. All the three pitakas (true)


The Vibhasha are the large commentaries of the threee pitakas that form the sacred Buddhist scriptures.

Q.27 Which of the following statements describe the difference between a

stupa and a chaitya correctly?

a. Chaitya is a religious term while stupa is an architectural term for a mound containing a relic of Buddha (true)

b. Chaitya is a place of worship while stupa is a funeral movement

c. Chaityas were constructed by the monastries while Stupas were constructed by the kings

d. Chaityas represent mahayanism and Stupas represent hinayanism


Chaityas refer to sacred sites with shrine attached to them while Stupas refer to the structures built at sacred sites with relics of Buddha. So chaitya is the religious term and stupa is the architectural term for a mound containing relic of Buddha.

Q.28 At which of the following places has the earliest evidences of Buddhist

stupa architecture been found?

a. Sanchi

b. Sankasya

c. Sarnath (true)

d. Lumbini


The earliest evidence of stupa has been found at Sarnath built by Asoka where Buddha delivered his first sermon.

Q.29 The Buddhist law of karma means:

a. A man reaps what he sows

b. Every individual is the maker of his own destiny

c. Prayers to god alone can not change the destiny of a man

d. All the above (true)


Buddha believed in the theory of karma and said that a man’s past deeds stimulate his present. He cannot escape the consequences of his bad deeds.

Q.30 Which of the following is considered as the most important vehicle of

Buddhist ethical teachings?

a. Jataka stories (true)

b. Vinaya pitaka

c. Mahavagga

d. Sutta vibhanga


Buddha used jataka stories to explain concepts like karma and rebirth and to emphasize the importance of certain moral values.

Q.31 According to Buddha the means of all sorrow is trishna which means:

a. Desire for material enjoyment and worldly things (true)

b. Desire for worldly things

c. Hyperactivity of the mind

d. Worldly attachments


Trishna is Sanskrit word that literally means thirst or desire. According to Buddha trishna is the desire for worldly enjoyment and is responsible for all sorrows.

Q.32 Which of the following was the real name of Buddha?

a. Tathagata

b. Gautama

c. Siddhartha (true)

d. Boudhayan


The real name of Buddha when he was born was Siddhartha.

Q.33 The council that made Sanskrit the vehicle of Buddhist scriptures was:

a. first

b. second

c. third

d. fourth (true)


The fourth sermon held in Kashmir made Sanskrit the vehicle os Buddhist scriptures.

Q.34 Which of the following symbols does not stand for the great events of

buddha’s life?

a. horse

b. lotus and bull

c. the stupa

d. his foot prints (true)


The footprints of Buddha do not signify any great event of Buddha’s life while the other symbols are signifying the various great events of his life and have been found at the Buddhist structures.

Q.35 The most important Buddhist mission sent by Asoka outside India was


a. Sri Lanka (true)

b. Combodia

c. Land of yavanas

d. Burma


Asoka sent the most important mission to Sri Lanka by sending missionaries for the propagation of Buddhism apart from the rest of the parts of the world.

Q.36 The so called universities of Nalanda, vikramshila were actually:

a. apex bodies of Buddhist monastries

b. Buddhist monastries (true)

c. Learning centres of Buddhist monks

d. Secular centres of education and learning


The universities of Nalanda, vikramshila were actually Buddhist monastries.

Q.37 The purpose of Chaityas during the early phase of Buddhism was:

a. they served the purpose of temples

b. they were meditation halls

c. they were used for religious assemblies and prayers (true)

d. they were used for holding social functions


A chaitya is a shrine that was built as a assembly hall for the purpose of religious assemblies and prayers.

Q.38 Which was not a similarity between Buddhism and Jainism:

a. Both were agnostic and rejected the vedic thought

b. Both had equal faith in ahimsa (true)

c. Both accepted flowers with out any cast distinction

d. Both believed in law of doctrine of karma


Even though Buddhism and Jainism are regarded as religions based on the fundamental principle of ahimsa still there is a significant difference in the treatment and application of the principle of ahimsa in actual practice by both religions. Buddhism enjoins upon its followers not to commit himsa themselves only. That is why a Buddhist can eat fish caught by others. But Jainism not only considers the principle of ahimsa in all its aspects, but also makes it obligatory on its followers to abstain from committing himsa in any possible way. In other words, it is expected of a devout Jaina that he should not commit himsa through manas (i.e., mind), vachana (i.e., speech) and kaya (i.e., body) and each through the manner of krta (i.e., personally committed), karita (i.e., commissioned through others) and anumodita (i.e., giving consent for commitment by others).

Q.39 What is the meaning of the word Jaina?

a. a person free from worldly fetters

b. conqueror(true)

c. a person free from all passions and desires

d. one who has renounced worldly pleasures


Word jaina means someone who has conquered his senses, hence a conqueror.

Q.40 The eleven Gandharas in Jainism are:

a. Close disciples of Mahavira (true)

b. Heads of the school of Jainism

c. Great angels of Jainism

d. Future pontiffs of Jainism


mahavira had eleven ardent disciples called Gandharas, ten of whom died within the lifetime of Mahavira and only one survived that went on to become the first pontiff after Mahavira’s death.

Q.42 The ‘Linga’ symbolizes:

a. Brahma

b. Shiva (true)

c. Vishnu

d. Indra


the linga meaning mark or sign is a symbol for the worship of hindu god Shiva. The use of this symbol for worship is an ancient tradition in India extending back to the early Indus civilization.

Q.43 The small room in early temples was referred to as:

a. harmika

b. yashti

c. garbhagriha (true)

d. chaityas


In early temples, garbhagriha was a small room that was the most sacred place with in the temples where the images of deities resided.

Q.44 The earliest temples date back to:

a. eighth century CE

b. sixth century CE

c. third century CE (true)

d. first century AD


The earliest temples were built in third century CE i.e. the around the same time when the Stupas at sites such as Sanchi were acquiring their present form.

Q.45 How many avatars of Vishnu were identified by the Vaishnavas?

a. 8

b. 9

c. 10 (true)

d. 11


An important feature of Vaishnavism was the theory of incarnations of Vishnu that

were known as the avatars of Vishnu. According to Vaishnavism there are 10 avatars of Vishnu.

Q.46 The veda which is partly a prose work is:

a. Atharvaveda

b. Yajurevda (true)

c. Samaveda

d. Rigveda


Yajurvaveda is partly a prose work and prescribes the various rituals for performing different sacrifices.

Q.47 The term ‘bhagvatism’ stands for the sect:

a. related to the worship of Vasudev Krishna

b. related to the worship of non vedic cowherds

c. which believed in the Upnishadic philosophy of Advaita

d. all the above (true)


The term bhagvatism refers to a sect that is the worshipper of Vasudev Krishna a human being who was apotheosized for certain ideal traits in his characteristics and his achievements.

Q.48 Which of the following is not one of the Jain cave dwellings?

a. Tiger cave at Udyagiri

b. Indra Sabha at Ellora

c. Ghantai and Adinath temples at Khajuraho (true)

d. SittannavasalaCave at Padukottai


Ghantai and Adinath temples are among the 22 villages remaining in khajuraho village and are made of stones that were first carved and then assembled.

Q.49 The images of which of the following Buddhist deities were not worshipped in Mahayana Buddhism?

a. The previous human Buddha

b. Bodhisattvas as their spiritual sons

c. Goddesses Taras as consorts of Bodhisattvas

d. Goddess Sri Laxmi (true)


in Mahayana Buddhism various images of Buddhist deities were worshipped that included all (a), (b), (c) but not goddess Sri Laxmi

Q.50 Which was the original name of the sect led by Mahavira which later was known as Jains:

a. Jina

b. Kevalin

c. Nirgranthas (true)

d. Tirthankaras


the original sect led by Mahavira was Nirgranthas that meant ‘free from all bonds’ nad was later known as Jains.

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