Chapter-Operators and Expressions in C++

Important MCQ questions for Class 11 Computer Science Chapter-Operators and Expressions in C++

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MCQ Questions set-1 for chapter-Operators and Expressions in C++ class 11 Computer Science 

Computer Science - MCQ on Operators and Expressions in C++

Class XI

Q. 1. The operator, that will be evaluated first is

a. ||.

b. !.

c. &&.

d. ?:.



Explanation: && is having highest precedence among the following operators.

Q. 2. The result of the expression 22%5 is

a. 0.

b. 1.

c. 2.

d. 4.



Explanation: The modulus operator returns the remainder, when 22 is divided by 5, which is 2.

Q. 3. The expression: ! (1 &&0 || !1) evaluates to

a. false.

b. error.

c. run time error.

d. true.



Explanation: In the above expression, first && operators executes, followed by ||. Thus, the result 1 is obtained which corresponds to true.