Chapter-General OOP Concepts

Important MCQ questions for Class 11 Computer Science Chapter-General OOP Concepts

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MCQ Questions set-1 for chapter-General OOP Concepts class 11 Computer Science 

Computer Science - MCQ on General OOP Concepts

Class XI

Q.1. The programming approach which failed to show the desired results in terms of bug-free, easy-to-maintain, and reusable programs is

a. object oriented programming.

b. structured programming.

c. object based programming.

d. programming based on objects and classes.



Explanation: Structured programming approach was the tradition approach of procedural programming. It has many drawbacks, which were removed by object oriented programming.

Q.2. The language in which instructions are written in binary code (0 and 1) is called

a. high level language.

b. assembly language.

c. machine language.

d. digital language.



Explanation: Machine language is the only language which computer can execute directly. It is also called binary language as it is a combination of 0’s and 1’s.

Q.3. The language in which instructions are written using symbolic names (like READ, STORE, ADD , etc.) is

a. high level language.

b. assembly language.

c. machine language.

d. character language.



Explanation: In assembly language, the instructions are written using symbolic names for machine operations and operands make programming less tedious than machine language programming.

Q.3. The language which uses natural language elements, constructs for sequence, and uses variables and constants is

a. high level language.

b. assembly language.

c. machine language.

d. character language.



Explanation: It is very easy to program with such languages and they are more portable across platforms.

Q.4. The language having strong abstraction from the details of the computer is

a. high level language.

b. assembly language.

c. machine language.

d. character language.


Explanation: The greater abstraction and hiding details in a high level language is generally intended to make the language more user friendly. It then includes concepts from the problem domain instead of those of the machine used.

Q.5. The essential characteristics of an object, which distinguish it from all other kinds of objects, is

a. aggregation.

b. abstraction.

c. modularity.

d. encapsulation.



Explanation: Abstraction focuses on the details of an object leaving behind the implementation details, which are not essential.

Q.6. The methodology of designing and implementing programs using the key features and building blocks of a programming language is called

a. programming paradigm.

b. programming procedure.

c. programming function.

d. programming class.



Explanation: Paradigm refers to a way of doing things. A programming paradigm gives an idea how problems are generally analyzed and solved in a particular programming language.

Q.7. Procedural programming is

a. the best programming method.

b. a programming method that localizes the implementation details.

c. a programming method, which implements OOPS concepts.

d. a programming method, which leads to increased time and cost overheads during design changes.



Explanation: Procedural programming is susceptible to design changes, which leads to many modifications in the code. This results in increased time and cost overheads at times.

Q.7. Procedural language paradigm gives more emphasis on

a. data than the work performed on it.

b. doing things rather than on data itself.

c. objects and classes.

d. principles of data hiding, abstraction and encapsulation.



Explanation: Procedural programming aims at procedures. It is a list of instructions telling a computer, step by step, what to do, usually having a linear order of execution from the first statement to the second.

Q.8. A number of functions grouped and kept as a separate entity is called as

a. module.

b. abstraction.

c. polymorphism.

d. data.



Explanation: A group of functions together forms a larger identity called module.

Q.9. The concept in which the unessential features or background details are hidden from the world is known as

a. data abstraction.

b. encapsulation.

c. data hiding.

d. inheritance.



Explanation: Data hiding is a related concept to data abstraction. It is a characterstics of object oriented programming. All data that is not required by an object can be hidden to make the code easy.

Q.10. An identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour is known as

a. class.

b. object.

c. group.

d. module.



Explanation: Object is the root of class hierarchy. It is a discrete entity with some characteristics and behaviour.

Q.11. The process of creating an object is called

a. object creation.

b. object formation.

c. instantiation.

d. instant object.



Explanation: An object is an instance of a class. It is the root of class hierarchy and the process of creating it is called instantiation.

Q.12. The property by which the same message can be sent to objects of several classes is called

a. data abstraction.

b. polymorphism.

c. overloading.

d. inheritance.



Explanation: Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form.

Q.13. The programming technique, which focuses on the algorithm, is

a. procedural language.

b. object oriented language.

c. object based language.

d. structural language.



Explanation: Procedural languages are used in the traditional programming that is based on the algorithms.

Q.14. The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as

a. information hiding.

b. inheritance.

c. redefinition.

d. overloading.



Explanation: A type of polymorphism, where different functions with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed, is called overloading.

Q.15. Dynamic binding is also called

a. early binding.

b. dynamic binding.

c. function binding.

d. late binding.



Explanation: Dynamic binding refers to the case, where compiler is not able to resolve the call at compile time and the binding is done at run time only.

MCQ Questions set-2 for chapter-General OOP Concepts class 11 Computer Science 

Q.16. Grouping of components that carry out specific tasks is the principle of

a. modular programming.

b. structured programming.

c. object oriented programming.

d. object based programming.



Explanation: A module is a set of related procedures with the data they manipulate.

Q.17. A list of instructions where each statement tells the computer to do something, is called

a. data.

b. information.

c. program.

d. method.



Explanation: A program is a set of instructions, which tell the computer the task it has to perform.

Q.18. The programming methodologies which do not model the real world very well are

a. object based and object oriented programming.

b. structural and object oriented programming.

c. procedural and modular programming.

d. procedural and object oriented programming.



Explanation: The drawbacks of procedural and modular programming are removed by object oriented programming technique. So, only object oriented can model the real world well.

Q.19. While programming using OOP approach, the characteristics of an object are represented by its

a. behaviour.

b. attributes.

c. data.

d. functions.



Explanation: The characteristics of an object are represented by its data. For example- if orange is an object, then its colour and shape are data.

Q.20. While programming using OOP approach, the behaviour of an object is represented by its

a. characteristics.

b. functions.

c. data.

d. actions.



Explanation: An object represents an entity that can store data and has its interface through functions. For example-if orange is an object, then it’s behaviour is that it is juicy and it tastes sweet sour.

Q.21. The software reuse is possible in

a. procedural programming approach.

b. modular programming approach.

c. structural programming approach.

d. object oriented programming approach.



Explanation: The code can only be reused in object oriented programming approach, which uses the concept of objects and classes.

Q.22. A group of objects that share common properties and relationships is called

a. module.

b. class.

c. abstract.

d. data.



Explanation: A class is a template or blue-print representing a group of objects that share common properties.

Q.23. The wrapping up of data and associated functions into a single unit is called

a. inheritance.

b. polymorphism.

c. encapsulation.

d. abstraction.



Explanation: It is the way of combining both data and the functions that operate on that data under a single unit.

Q.24. Machine code produced by a compiler or assembler from a source code

is known as

a. object code.

b. class code.

c. structure code.

d. defined code.



Explanation: In computer science, an object code, or an object file, is the representation of the code that a compiler or an assembler generates by processing a source code file.

Q.25. The property of an object-oriented language that lets us to generate a model which is closer to the real world model is

a. polymorphism.

b. inheritance.

c. abstraction.

d. encapsulation.



Explanation: Inheritance is the capability of one class to inherit the properties of another class. For example-class ‘cars’ inherits the properties from automobiles, which itself inherits from another class vehicles.

Q.26. Reusing an existing code

a. increases readability.

b. increases time, money and efforts to use the code again.

c. increases reliability of a program.

d. increases writability.



Explanation: Reusability is using the already tested and saved previous code again. It’s advantages are faster development time, easier maintenance, and easy to extend.

Q.27. The class which inherits the properties of another class is known as the

a. derived class.

b. super class.

c. base class.

d. inheritable class.



Explanation: Derived classes (sub-classes) inherit the properties of a base class (super class).

Q.28. The class whose properties are inherited by other classes is known as the

a. base class.

b. derived class.

c. derivable class.

d. inherited class.



Explanation: Derived classes inherit properties, including the methods of old class, which are called base class, or super class.

Q.29. The program design method we learned, in order to write object- oriented programs is

a. declare-define-use.

b. public functions and private variables.

c. top down programming.

d. bottom up programming.



Explanation: Object oriented systems use bottom up approach. It uses concept of objects and classes.

Q.30. To implement the relationship in C++, we use

a. polymorphism.

b. inheritance.

c. overloading.

d. overriding.



Explanation: The property by which one class (subclass) inherits the properties of super class is known as inheritance. This is a relationship between sub class (derived class) and super class (base class).

Q.31. The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as

a. information hiding.

b. inheritance.

c. redefinition.

d. overloading.



Explanation: A type of polymorphism where different functions with the same name are invoked, based on the data types of the parameters passed is called overloading.

Q.32. The class, which provides missing functionalities for its member functions, is called

a. base class.

b. concrete class.

c. abstract class.

d. super class.



Explanation: Concrete class is the derived class that implements all the missing functionalities, which are not implemented in the base class or abstract class.

Q.33. The class, which defines an interface, but does not necessarily provide implementations for all its member functions, is called as

a. base class.

b. concrete class.

c. abstract class.

d. super class.



Explanation: An abstract class is meant to be used as a base class, from which other classes are derived.

Q.34. If a class A inherits properties of base class B, then all its subclasses inherit the properties of base class A. This property is called

a. cross property of inheritance.

b. transitive property of inheritance.

c. derived property of inheritance.

d. reusablity of inheritance.



Explanation: The transitive nature of inheritance is reflected in multilevel inheritance.


Q.35. Ada is an example of

a. object oriented language.

b. object based language.

c. procedural language.

d. structural language.



Explanation: Languages that support classes but not polymorphism are object based languages.


Q.36. In a switch board, one presses certain switches according to one’s requirement without knowing the details of switchboard. This is an example of

a. data abstraction.

b. encapsulation.

c. modularity.

d. polymorphism.



Explanation: A person presses the switch according to his need. He does not know what is happening inside, how it is happening, etc. One only knows the essential things to operate on switch board without knowing the background details of switchboard. This is data abstraction.

Q.37. A type of programming in which the programmer defines the data types of a data structure and associated operations on data structure is called

a. modular programming.

b. object oriented programming.

c. structural programming.

d. procedural programming.



Explanation: In this way, the data structure becomes an object that includes both data and functions.

Q.38. Java, C++, Smalltalk are examples of

a. modular languages.

b. procedural languages.

c. structural languages.

d. object-oriented languages.



Explanation: Object oriented programming is a type of programming in which the programmer defines the data types of a data structure and associated operations. To perform an object oriented programming, one needs an object oriented programming language (OOPL).

Q.39. When we drive a car, we know geer handling, steering handling, use of clutch and accelerator but do not know the details like wiring, motor working , etc. This is an example of

a. data abstraction.

b. encapsulation.

c. modularity.

d. polymorphism.



Explanation: This is data abstraction where we know the essential things to drive a car, without including the background details or explanations.

Q.40. The model in which the code is in files, that are separated from the data is called

a. object based model.

b. object oriented model.

c. structural model.

d. data model.



Explanation: At low level, structured programs are often composed of simple, hierarchical program flow structures.

Q.41. Structured programming is a subset of

a. modular programming.

b. procedural programming.

c. object based programming.

d. object-oriented programming.



Explanation: Structured programming is a sub-discipline of procedural programming. It is famous for removing reliance on GOTO statements.

Q.42. The features like information hiding, data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism are implemented in

a. modular programming.

b. procedural programming.

c. object based programming.

d. object-oriented programming.



Explanation: It is a programming paradigm that uses the concept of objects and classes and implements these features.

Q.43. The first programming language to be called object oriented is

a. C.

b. Ada.

c. Smalltalk.

d. C++.



Explanation: Ada is an object-based language. Smalltalk and C++ are object-oriented languages.

Q.44. Data structured programming is also called as

a. modular programming.

b. open structured programming.

c. Jackson structured programming.

d. event driven programming.



Explanation: Data structured programming or Jackson structured programming is based on aligning data structures with program structures.

Q.45. The language which is more close to the programmer is

a. low level language.

b. machine language.

c. assembly language.

d. high level language.



Explanation: HLLs are more close to the programmer, as these offer English like keywords and programming constructs (sequence, selection, iteration).

Q.46. “As complexity increases, architecture dominates the basic material”. This statement is said by

a. John Ray.

b. Alan Kay.

c. Hug W Monk.

d. Ralph Johnson.



Explanation: Alan Kay is one of the promoters of the object–oriented paradigm and the designer of Smalltalk.

Q.47. COBOL and FORTRAN are examples of

a. low level language.

b. machine language.

c. assembly language.

d. high level language.



Explanation: High level languages use constructs for sequence, selection(decision) and iteration(looping).

Q.48. Conventional programming using high level languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN and C is known as

a. modular programming.

b. procedural programming.

c. object based programming.

d. object-oriented programming.



Explanation: In procedural programming, the problem is viewed as a sequence of things to be done such as reading, calculating and printing.

Q.50. The process in which an operator exhibits different behaviours in different instances is known as

a. operator overloading.

b. relational operators.

c. virtual overloading.

d. polymorphism.



Explanation: In operator overloading, a single function name can be used to handle different number and types of arguments.

Q.51. Real-time systems, AI and expert systems, simulation and modeling are the application areas of

a. modular programming.

b. procedural programming.

c. object based programming.

d. object-oriented programming.



Explanation: OOP is useful in real business systems and other applications because it can simplify a complex problem.