Chapter-Working with Operating System

Important MCQ questions for Class 11 Computer Science Chapter-Working with Operating System

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MCQ Questions set-1 for chapter-Working with Operating System class 11 Computer Science 

Computer - MCQ on Working with Operating System

Class XI

Q.1. The part of the operating system, which is responsible for interacting with hardware, is

a. shell.

b. kernel.

c. both kernel and shell.

d. graphical user interface.



Explanation: Kernel is the central component of most computer operating system. It has complete control over everything that occurs in the system.

Q.2. The part of the operating system, which is responsible for interacting with the user, is

a. shell.

b. kernel.

c. both kernel and shell.

d. graphical user interface.



Explanation: Shell is the outermost part of the operating system and a program that acts as the command interpreter, which takes the commands from the user, interprets them and take action accordingly.

Q.3. Windows XP is a

a. GUI based operating system.

b. linux based operating system.

c. unix based operating system.

d. graphical non user based operating system.



Explanation: GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating systems have shells that offers graphical elements for interaction.

Q.4. The first part of the operating system to load into memory during booting is called

a. shell.

b. both kernel and shell.

c. kernel.

d. booter.



Explanation: When a system starts, then the kernel is loaded and it remains there for the entire duration of the computer session, as its services are required continuously.

Q.5. The tasks such as memory management, process management, I/O management and file management are performed by the

a. kernel.

b. collonel.

c. virtual memory.

d. shell.



Explanation: The kernel provides the basic services for all other parts of the operating system.

Q.6. The services like memory management, process management are requested by application programs through a specified set of program interfaces referred to as

a. interface caller.

b. system calls.

c. kernel.

d. segmentation.



Explanation: System calls are the functions that a programmer can call to perform the services of an operating system.

Q.7. The running instance of a program is called as a

a. running program.

b. process.

c. program or process.

d. project.



Explanation: A process is a program in execution. It is also referred as a task.

Q.8. The part of the kernel that ensures that each process obtains its turn to run on the processor is called as

a. memory management.

b. file process management.

c. processor.

d. process management.



Explanation: It takes care that the individual processes does not interfere with each other and writes to their areas of memory.

Q.9. The content of the kernel, which handles all the requests from various hardware devices (such as disk drive and keyboard) that compete for the kernel services is called

a. interrupt handler.

b. scheduler.

c. supervisor.

d. memory manager.



Explanation: An interrupt handler is also known as ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)

Q.10. The content of the kernel, which allocates the system’s address spaces among all users of the kernel services, is called

a. interrupt handler.

b. scheduler.

c. supervisor.

d. memory manager.



Explanation: Memory manager accepts requests from the program to allocate and deallocate chunks of memory.

Q.11. The content of the kernel, which determines how the various processes share the kernel’s processing time, and in which order is

a. interrupt handler.

b. scheduler.

c. supervisor.

d. memory manager.



Explanation: Scheduling is the process of deciding how to commit resources between a variety of possible tasks.

Q.12. The content of the kernel, which grants the use of the computer to each process when it is scheduled, is called

a. interrupt handler.

b. scheduler.

c. supervisor.

d. memory manager.



Explanation: Supervisor allocates CPU to the scheduled process.

Q.13. The kernel that has been designed with the goal of being suitable for use with any operating system is

a. Windows 98.

b. Windows 2000.

c. Mach kernel.

d. both Windows 98 and 2000.



Explanation: Most kernels were developed for specific operating systems.

Examples: Windows 98 and 2000. Mach kernel was developed for use with many operating systems.

Q.14. Selection of an item is done when we

a. click the left button of the mouse.

b. double click the left button of the mouse.

c. click the right button of the mouse.

d. point and drag the mouse.



Explanation: Left- click will select the item. A selected item is highlighted in some way but it does not result in the initiation of a process.

Q.15. The menu that shows the most frequently used commands for the selected file or folder when a mouse is right clicked is called as

a. title menu

b. shortcut menu.

c. edit menu.

d. file menu.



Explanation: When we right click (press and release the right mouse button once), the shortcut menu is displayed.

MCQ Questions set-2 for chapter-Working with Operating System class 11 Computer Science 

Q.16. To move or resize the window on the display screen, we

a. click the left button of the mouse.

b. double click the left button of the mouse.

c. click the right button of the mouse.

d. point and drag the mouse.



Explanation: Press mouse button and while pressing move to another location and then release the mouse button to move or resize the window.

Q.17. To choose an item so that some kind of action occurs we

a. click the left button of the mouse.

b. double click the left button of the mouse.

c. click the right button of the mouse.

d. point and drag the mouse.



Explanation: Selection of an item does not result in an initiation; single left click will select an item whereas double left click will choose an item.

Q.18. In windows operating system, the screen upon which icons, Windows etc are displayed is known as the

a. window.

b. desktop.

c. frame.

d. display screen.



Explanation: The desktop may contain a background, one or more active or inactive windows, a taskbar, and icons.

Q.19. The topmost horizontal bar of an application window that contains title, an application icon, active file name, minimize, maximize etc is

a. the title bar.

b. the menu bar.

c. the workspace.

d. the scroll bar.



Explanation: The title bar is a part of the window that contains title and other elements.

Q.20. The horizontal bar just below the title bar is

a. the workspace.

b. the scroll bar

c. the menu bar.

d. formatting toolbar



Explanation: The menu bar lists the menus available for that application.

Q.21. The area in a window below the title bar and menu bar is

a. the workspace.

b. the scroll bar.

c. corners and borders.

d. formatting toolbar.



Explanation: Everything that relates to the current application is displayed in the workspace.

Q.22. The graphical symbol representing a window element is

a. the workspace.

b. the scroll bars.

c. document window.

d. icon.



Explanation: Icons are the pretty pictures representing the window elements like files, folders, shortcuts etc.

Q.23. The storage locations that store files or group of files under them are known as

a. storehouse.

b. memory house.

c. directories or folders.

d. diary.



Explanation: Directories or folders lets you to group your files in convenient categories. These directories, in turn may contain other directories (sub-directories). This is multilevel or hierarchical directory system.

Q.24. The sequence of directory names, which give you the hierarchy to access a particular directory or file name, is called

a. path.

b. file.

c. wild cards.

d. folder.



Explanation: Full name of a file or directory consists of path\primaryname.extension.

Q.25. If I want to access file one.vbp in the subdirectory BACKUP, directory YEARLY, root directory SALES in D drive, then the path is







Explanation: The format of the path is Drive-letter:\root directory\directory\ sub-directory..

Q.26. The special characters, which are called wildcards in windows, are

a. ? and *.

b. ? and :.

c. ; and ^.

d. # and $.



Explanation: Wildcards are useful in searching files because they give flexibility in specifying paths and files.

Q.27. The wildcard character used in a file name or file name extension, which means that only one or no character can occupy that position is

a. *

b. ?

c. $

d. ^



Explanation: When ? is the last character in a primary or secondary name pattern, then it goes for one or no character matching otherwise it goes for exactly one character matching.

Q.28. The wildcard that is used to replace any number of characters is

a. *.

b. ?.

c. $.

d. ^.



Explanation: Example A*.exe means A followed by any number of characters, but length should not exceed 8 in number.

Q.29. The bar that is usually located at the bottom of the screen and hosts the start button, the clock and the buttons corresponding to all open windows is

a. menu bar.

b. task bar.

c. formatting toolbar.

d. standard toolbar.



Explanation: We can easily switch to a different window by clicking its taskbar button.

Q.30. The available drives appear in a new window when we double click

a. Floppy drive A.

b. C drive.

c. Network connections.

d. My Computer.



Explanation: My Computer is helpful if we want to view the contents of a single folder or drive.

Q.31. To change the settings of a computer we use the

a. Control panel.

b. Printers.

c. Network connections.

d. My computer.



Explanations: When we click on Control panel, we get various options like mouse, folders, add hardware, display, Internet options etc. and we can alter or change the settings.

Q.32. In windows explorer to show or hide folders on the left side on the window, click the

a. multiply or divide sign beside the folder.

b. $ sign beside the folder.

c. equal to sign beside the folder.

d. plus or minus sign beside the folder.



Explanation: Windows Explorer gives us a view of computer’s contents as a hierarchy, or “tree”.

Q.33. The restore window control button function is to

a. minimize a window.

b. enlarge a window to its largest possible size.

c. return a window to its previous size , i.e, the original size in which it was opened.

d. close a window.



Explanation: Minimize, maximize, restore and close are the four window control buttons.

Q.34. To open a file or folder the procedure is

a. double click My Computer-double click the drive-double click the folder.

b. double click My Computer-single click the drive-single click the folder.

c. double click My Computer- -double click the folder- double click the drive.

d. single click My Computer-single click the folder-single click the drive.



Explanation: We open a file or folder to view its contents.

Q.35. We can select multiple items

a. by pressing Ctrl +A.

b. by pressing Shift + A.

c. by pressing Enter +A.

d. by pressing Alt + A.



Explanation: There are 2 other ways. We can also select multiple items by pressing and holding down the CTRL key and clicking the item we want, or by Select All on the edit menu.

Q.36. When we delete a file it is sent to the

a. dustbin.

b. cycle bin.

c. recycle bin.

d. a different folder called Deleted files folder.



Explanation: Recycle bin is a holding place for files we no longer need.

Q.37. When we delete a file, it goes into recycle bin and the files are

a. removed from hard disk also.

b. actually not removed from hard disk until we “empty” the recycle bin.

c. permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved again by any means.

d. copied in a different subfolder in another drive.



Explanation: Files in recycle bin can be retrieved by selecting and clicking restore command in the file menu.

Q.38. If I delete a file at the command prompt or from a floppy disk (A: or B: drive ) it

a. does not go into the recycle bin.

b. goes into a folder named “deleted files”.

c. goes into recycle bin.

d. goes into My Computer.



Explanation: A file is permanently deleted and cannot be recalled or recovered when we delete a file in floppy drives.

Q.39. To shut down the computer we

a. click turn off in the programs and click ok.

b. click start –shut down –ok

c. click start- turn off- ok.

d. switch off the computer.



Explanation: We should not turn off the computer until we see a message displaying that shut down is complete otherwise there is a risk of losing information.

Q.40. Loading up of operating system files into the computer’s memory is called

a. icon .

b. booting up.

c. window.

d. wild cards.



Explanation: Booting is a bootstrapping process that starts operating systems when the user turns on a computer system.

Q.41. The physical and tangible components of the computer are represented by

a. hardware.

b. software.

c. operating system.

d. application programs.



Explanation: Hardware represents the components that can be seen and touched. Example- input devices, output devices, floppy disk etc

Q.42. The set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run is called as

a. hardware.

b. software.

c. operating system.

d. humanware.



Explanation: Software can be: system software or application software.

Q.43. The software that controls internal computer operations is called

a. operating system.

b. application software.

c. system software.

d. hardware.



Explanation: System software controls internal operations like reading data from input devices and transmitting processed information to the output devices.

Q.44. Assembler, interpreter and compiler are the examples of

a. operating systems.

b. application programs.

c. hardware.

d. language processors.



Explanation: The language processors process a high-level language program into a language understandable to the computer.

Q.45. The language processor that converts a high-level language program into machine language by converting and executing it line by line is

a. compiler.

b. interpreter.

c. assembler.

d. customized software.



Explanation: If there is any error in any line, it reports it at the same time and program execution cannot resume until the error is rectified.

Q.46. Packages, utilities and customized software are the examples of

a. operating systems.

b. application software.

c. hardware

d. language software.



Explanation: Application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.

Q.47. Word processing software, spreadsheets, database management systems are examples of

a. operating systems.

b. utilities.

c. packages.

d. customized software.



Explanation: Some general softwares are designed to be used by individual users in the manner, it suits their needs and requirements are called packages.

Q.48. The software that handles page layout by combining the functions of a traditional typesetter and a layout artist is called as

a. utilities.

b. packages.

c. system software.

d. desktop publishing software.



Explanation: Apart from composing the text, its layout, line drawings, charts and graphs can be created and included in the main body of text using standard programs and achieved using DTP package.

Q.49. The application software that can create professional looking visual aids is called

a. desktop publishing software

b. presentation graphics software.

c. utilities

d. text editors.



Explanation: Presentation graphics is a type of graphics software used to create visual aids, which can be computer images, paper printouts, or photographic transparencies.

Q.50. The software, which is developed according to the user’s need but cannot be installed directly at every user’s workplace is known as

a. utility.

b. antivirus software.

c. presentation graphics software.

d. customized software.



Explanation: The requirement of the second user may differ from the first and the software may not fit in the requirements of a new user.