ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus

ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus For Academic Session 2025-2026

The ICSE Class 10 Economics syllabus aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of economic concepts, principles, and their applications in real-world scenarios. The syllabus covers various aspects of economics, including basic economic theories, the Indian economy, and economic challenges. Here's a detailed breakdown of the ICSE Class 10 Economics syllabus:

ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus

1. Introduction to Economics

  • Definition and Importance of Economics:
    • Understanding the basic definition of economics.
    • Importance and scope of economics in daily life and national development.
  • Basic Concepts:
    • Goods and Services: Definition, types (consumer and capital goods), examples.
    • Wealth: Definition, characteristics, and types.
    • Welfare: Understanding economic welfare.
    • Utility: Concept of utility, types (total and marginal utility), and law of diminishing marginal utility.

2. Basic Economic Entities in an Economy

  • Household Sector:
    • Role of households in an economy as consumers and resource suppliers.
    • Concept of savings, consumption, and investment by households.
  • Producer Sector:
    • Role of producers in an economy, production activities, and resource allocation.
    • Concepts of production, costs, and revenues.
  • Government Sector:
    • Role of the government in an economy: Providing public goods and services, regulation, and redistribution of income.
    • Understanding of taxes, subsidies, and government expenditure.
  • External Sector:
    • Role of the external sector in an economy: Imports, exports, and balance of trade.

3. Types of Economies

  • Capitalist Economy:
    • Characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of a capitalist economy.
  • Socialist Economy:
    • Characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of a socialist economy.
  • Mixed Economy:
    • Characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of a mixed economy.
  • Comparison of the Three Types of Economies:
    • Understanding the differences and similarities between capitalist, socialist, and mixed economies.

4. Main Sectors of the Indian Economy

  • Agricultural Sector:
    • Importance of agriculture in the Indian economy, contribution to GDP, employment.
    • Issues in the agricultural sector: Low productivity, dependence on monsoons, fragmentation of land, lack of infrastructure.
    • Government measures to improve agriculture: Green Revolution, agricultural policies, minimum support prices.
  • Industrial Sector:
    • Importance of the industrial sector, contribution to GDP, employment generation.
    • Classification of industries: Small-scale and large-scale industries, agro-based and mineral-based industries.
    • Problems faced by the industrial sector: Inadequate infrastructure, lack of skilled labor, pollution.
    • Government initiatives for industrial development: Make in India, industrial policies, special economic zones.
  • Tertiary Sector:
    • Importance of the services sector, contribution to GDP, and employment.
    • Types of services: Banking, insurance, trade, transport, communication, information technology.
    • Growth of the service sector in India and its role in economic development.

5. Factors of Production

  • Land:
    • Meaning, characteristics, and importance of land as a factor of production.
    • Factors affecting the productivity of land, land utilization, and land reforms.
  • Labour:
    • Meaning, characteristics, and importance of labor as a factor of production.
    • Types of labor: Skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled.
    • Factors affecting labor productivity: Education, training, working conditions.
  • Capital:
    • Meaning, types (fixed capital, working capital), and importance of capital as a factor of production.
    • Capital formation and its importance in economic development.
  • Entrepreneurship:
    • Meaning and importance of entrepreneurship in an economy.
    • Role of entrepreneurs in innovation, risk-taking, and business development.

6. Economic Problems in India

  • Poverty:
    • Definition and measurement of poverty.
    • Causes of poverty in India: Unemployment, population growth, economic disparity.
    • Government measures to reduce poverty: Poverty alleviation programs, employment generation schemes.
  • Unemployment:
    • Definition, types (seasonal, cyclical, structural, frictional), and causes of unemployment in India.
    • Impact of unemployment on the economy and society.
    • Government initiatives to reduce unemployment: Skill development programs, employment schemes.
  • Population:
    • Growth rate of population in India, causes, and consequences of overpopulation.
    • Impact of population growth on economic development, resources, and employment.
    • Measures to control population growth: Family planning, awareness campaigns.
  • Inflation:
    • Definition and types of inflation (demand-pull, cost-push).
    • Causes and effects of inflation on the economy and individuals.
    • Measures to control inflation: Monetary policy, fiscal policy.

7. Developmental Issues in the Indian Economy

  • Human Resource Development:
    • Importance of education and health in economic development.
    • Government initiatives in education and healthcare: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, National Health Mission.
  • Environmental Degradation:
    • Causes of environmental degradation: Deforestation, pollution, over-exploitation of resources.
    • Impact of environmental degradation on the economy and society.
    • Measures to protect the environment: Sustainable development, environmental laws, conservation efforts.
  • Globalization:
    • Meaning and impact of globalization on the Indian economy.
    • Advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
    • Role of international organizations (WTO, IMF, World Bank) in globalization.
  • Sustainable Development:
    • Definition and importance of sustainable development.
    • Role of government, individuals, and organizations in promoting sustainable development.
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Economics Syllabus