ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus

ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus For Academic Session 2025-2026

The ICSE Class 10 Geography syllabus is designed to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of geographical concepts, environmental issues, and the application of geography in real-world scenarios. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the ICSE Class 10 Geography syllabus:


1. Map Work

  • Interpretation of Topographical Maps:
    • Understanding contours, identifying landforms (hills, valleys, ridges, cliffs, escarpments), and drainage patterns (dendritic, radial, trellis).
    • Use of scale to calculate distance and area.
    • Interpretation of conventional signs and symbols (railways, roads, rivers, settlements).
    • Understanding and identifying different types of vegetation, land use, and types of settlements (nucleated, dispersed, linear).
  • Map of India:
    • Locating and Labelling on the Outline Map of India:
      • Mountains: Himalayas, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Aravalli Range.
      • Plains: Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau.
      • Rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Indus, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery.
      • Lakes: Chilika, Wular, Sambhar, Vembanad.
      • Cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad.
      • States and Capitals: Location of major Indian states and their capitals.
      • Neighbouring Countries: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

2. Physical Geography

  • Location, Extent, and Physical Features of India:
    • Location and Extent: Latitude, longitude, and time zones of India.
    • Major Physical Divisions: The Himalayan Region, Northern Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plains, Islands.
  • Climate:
    • Factors influencing the climate of India (latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, relief, winds, and ocean currents).
    • Seasons in India: Hot weather season, cold weather season, rainy season, and retreating monsoon.
    • Distribution of rainfall in India and its impact on agriculture and economy.
  • Soil Resources:
    • Major types of soils in India (alluvial, black, red, laterite, mountain, desert soil).
    • Characteristics, distribution, and significance of each soil type.
    • Soil erosion, its causes, and methods of soil conservation.

3. Human Geography

  • Natural Resources:
    • Types of Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources.
  • Water Resources:
    • Importance of irrigation, types of irrigation (canals, tanks, wells, tube wells).
    • Major river systems, importance of multipurpose projects (Bhakra Nangal, Damodar Valley, Hirakud, Narmada Valley).
    • Issues related to water resources (water scarcity, pollution, conservation methods).
  • Mineral Resources:
    • Classification of minerals: Metallic (iron ore, bauxite, manganese), non-metallic (coal, petroleum, natural gas).
    • Distribution of major minerals in India and their economic importance.
    • Conservation of mineral resources.
  • Agriculture:
    • Types of farming: Subsistence, commercial, and mixed farming.
    • Major crops in India:
      • Food Crops: Rice, wheat, pulses.
      • Cash Crops: Cotton, jute, sugarcane.
      • Plantation Crops: Tea, coffee, rubber.
      • Horticulture Crops: Fruits and vegetables.
    • Green Revolution: Impact, advantages, and limitations.
    • Problems of Indian agriculture (dependence on monsoon, small and fragmented landholdings, lack of infrastructure).
  • Industries:
    • Types of industries: Agro-based, mineral-based, chemical-based, and forest-based industries.
    • Iron and Steel Industry: Location factors, distribution of major iron and steel plants.
    • Textile Industry: Cotton textile, woolen textile, silk textile, jute industry.
    • Information Technology Industry: Growth, importance, and distribution.
    • Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation: Causes, effects, and control measures.
  • Transport:
    • Modes of Transport: Roadways, railways, airways, waterways, and pipelines.
    • Importance of transportation in the economic development of India.
    • Problems of transportation in India (congestion, pollution, inefficiency).
  • Waste Management:
    • Types of waste: Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
    • Methods of waste disposal: Recycling, composting, landfill, incineration.
    • Environmental impact of waste and waste management strategies.

4. Population

  • Population Distribution:
    • Factors affecting population distribution in India (physical, economic, social).
  • Density of Population:
    • Calculation of population density, factors affecting population density.
  • Population Growth:
    • Trends in population growth in India, causes, and impact of rapid population growth.
  • Population Composition:
    • Age, sex, literacy rate, occupational structure, and their significance.

5. Environmental Geography

  • Natural Disasters:
    • Types of natural disasters: Earthquakes, floods, droughts, cyclones.
    • Causes, impact, and management of natural disasters.
  • Sustainable Development:
    • Concept and importance of sustainable development.
    • Role of individuals, government, and NGOs in promoting sustainable development.
  • Global Warming and Climate Change:
    • Causes, effects, and measures to combat global warming and climate change.

Practical Work

  • Map Reading and Interpretation:
    • Understanding topographical maps, contour lines, and interpreting physical features.
  • Surveying:
    • Methods of surveying, types of surveys, conducting field surveys, and presenting data.
  • Fieldwork:
    • Conducting field visits to study geographical features, human activities, and environmental issues.
    • Report writing based on field observations.
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus
ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus