Hypo Root Word

This article explores the prefix Hypo- used in biology. Read on to discover various examples and the significance of this prefix.


In biology, understanding the root words like Bio helps us easily grasp complex terms. The prefix Hypo- means below or less than normal, aiding in the comprehension of terms that describe something in a diminished or lower state.

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What is a Root Word?

A root word serves as the foundation to which prefixes and suffixes are attached, creating new words. These root words are predominantly of Greek or Latin origin.

Examples of Biology Terms Starting with Hypo-

Below is a table highlighting some common biological terms that start with the prefix Hypo-:

Term Definition
Hypothermia A medical condition where body temperature falls below 35°C, leading to potential heat loss exceeding heat production.
Hypotonic Refers to a solution with lower concentration and osmotic pressure compared to another solution.
Hypokalemia A deficiency in potassium levels in the bloodstream, causing symptoms like muscle cramps and weakness.
Hypotension Low blood pressure.
Hypochondriasis A condition where an individual is overly concerned they have a serious illness based on minor symptoms.
Hypostasis Accumulation of blood in body parts due to gravity, commonly seen in decreased circulation or post-mortem.
Hypoxia Insufficient oxygen availability at the tissue level.
Hypopnea Abnormally slow or shallow breathing, often related to sleep apnea and occurring mostly at night.
Hypopituitarism A rare disorder where the pituitary gland does not produce sufficient hormones.
Hypocalcemia Low calcium levels in the blood, leading to symptoms like muscle cramps and heart rhythm issues.

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Understanding Hypothermia: Signs and Symptoms

Hypothermia can manifest in three stages:

  1. Mild Hypothermia:

    • Symptoms include shivering, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, fast breathing, and vasoconstriction.
    • Additional effects include increased urine production, mental confusion, and liver issues.
  2. Moderate Hypothermia:

    • Characterized by memory loss, confusion, slurred speech, reduced reflexes, and diminished motor skills.
  3. Severe Hypothermia:

    • Includes a drop in body temperature and physiological instability, decreased heart and respiratory rates, and typically no shivering.
    • Other severe signs are cold, puffy skin, hallucinations, absence of reflexes, dilated pupils, low blood pressure, and pulmonary edema.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Hypo Root Word

Hypokalemia occurs when there is a low amount of potassium in a person's blood. Symptoms can include muscle weakness, cramps, and a general feeling of fatigue.

Hypocalcemia is a condition where there is a low calcium level in the blood, which may cause muscle cramps, irregular heart rhythms, and tingling sensations. Hypopnea, on the other hand, involves slow or shallow breathing, often occurring at night and commonly associated with sleep apnea.

Hypochondriasis, also known as illness anxiety disorder, is a condition where a person excessively worries about having a serious illness despite minor or no symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy is often used to treat this condition.

Hypoxia refers to a situation where there is insufficient oxygen available at the tissue level in the body.