Examples of Root Words Starting with Poly

The NEET syllabus includes many key terms and processes, especially those beginning with 'poly', such as polypeptide, polyploidy, and polydactyly. Understanding these terms is crucial for correctly answering multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and grasping various concepts like translation, transcription, and disorders.

This article focuses on terms starting with 'poly', providing a quick revision of your syllabus. These terms are organized into categories like genetics, disorders, immunity, sexual reproduction, fish farming, and abnormal fertilization for better understanding.

Also Check: Nutrition in Plants


  • Polypeptide: A sequence of amino acids forming a specific protein, influenced by the codon sequence of the controlling gene, such as the stress-related hormone and neurotransmitter, corticoliberin.
  • Polyploidy: Having more than one pair of homologous chromosomes, which can be artificially induced using colchicine. Types of polyploidy include:
    1. Autopolyploidy: Duplication of one genome (e.g., AAA).
    2. Allopolyploidy: Combination of chromosomes from different species (e.g., AABB).
    3. Autoallopolyploidy: A mix of different genomes with one occurring more than twice (e.g., AAAABB).
  • Polymorphism: The occurrence of different forms within a population, like various blood types (A, B, AB, O) in humans.
  • Polytypic species: Species with multiple subspecies, such as the African elephant, which includes forest and savanna subspecies.
  • Polygenic inheritance: Traits controlled by multiple gene pairs, like skin color, influenced by genes Aa, Bb, and Cc.
  • Polyhybrid cross: Involves more than two genes, like crossing different traits in plants.
  • Polymerase: Enzymes that assemble nucleic acids; DNA polymerase forms DNA, and RNA polymerase assembles RNA.
  • Polycentric chromosomes: Chromosomes with multiple centromeres, seen in certain organisms like Ascaris.
  • Polytene chromosomes: Large chromosomes with aligned chromatids, found in insect salivary glands.
  • Polynucleotide: A chain of many nucleotides forming DNA.
  • Polyribosomes: Clusters of ribosomes reading a single mRNA to boost protein production.

Also Check: Human Reproductive System

Disorders and Symptoms

  • Polydactyly: A condition where individuals have more than five digits per hand or foot.
  • Polyuria: Excessive urination, often seen in conditions like diabetes insipidus.
  • Polycythemia: Overproduction of red blood cells leading to thickened blood and potential clots.
  • Polyphagia: Excessive hunger not relieved by eating, associated with conditions like hypoglycemia.
  • Polydipsia: Extreme thirst, often a symptom of diabetes.

Fish Farming

  • Polyculture: Raising multiple fish species together, such as various types of carp.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants (Microsporogenesis)

  • Polyspory: More than four spores in a pollen tetrad, found in some plant species.
  • Polyembryony: The development of multiple embryos from one seed, observed in species like pine.

Abnormal Fertilization

  • Polyspermy: Multiple sperm fusing with an egg, leading to fertilization issues.
  • Polygyny and Polyandry: Situations where multiple males or females are involved in mating, leading to complex genetic patterns.

Also Check: Asexual Reproduction


  • Polyclonal antibodies: Antibodies that target multiple parts of an antigen.
  • Polymorphonuclear cells (PMC): White blood cells with a multilobed nucleus that help fight infections by engulfing microbes.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Examples of Root Words Starting with Poly

The DNA polymerase enzyme adds the nucleotide complementary to the DNA template in a 5’ – 3’ direction in the presence of ATP.

Transcription refers to the copying of DNA to mRNA.

There are three types of RNA polymerase (I, II and III). RNA polymerase I form rRNA, RNA polymerase II synthesises hnRNA and RNA polymerase III synthesises tRNA.

Translation refers to the formation of protein from RNA.

Microsporogenesis refers to the formation of microspores or pollen.